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Chapter 681 Fuxi’s uneasiness, Demon Zunlou fighting with Ying Zheng

Chapter 681 Fuxi’s uneasiness, Demon Zunlou fighting with Ying Zheng
"You want to have a fight with me?"

At this moment, listening to the words from Demon Zunzhenglou, Ying Zheng had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Seeing the surprise in Ying Zheng's eyes, Chonglou nodded seriously.

"Yes, I want to fight you!"

"I want to see how big the strength gap between you and me is!"

In this regard, Chonglou spoke with serious words in his eyes.

Looking at the seriousness in Zhonglou's eyes, Ying Zheng could naturally know that Zhonglou was probably not telling the truth at this moment.

In other words, Chonglou really wanted to fight with him.

Regarding the situation where Zhonglou really wanted to fight him, Ying Zheng looked at Mo Zhonglou with a smile.

"I have to say, your idea is very bold."

"I haven't met a guy as bold as you for a long, long time."

"Since you're so bold, you even said so."

"Then it's my fault if I don't satisfy you."

"Then come, let me see what the strength of your Demon Realm Supreme Lord Zhenglou is like!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng's eyes looked at the Demon Lord Tower with serious eyes.

Facing the seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes, Mo Zunzunlou took a deep breath at this moment.

For Chonglou, the idea of ​​fighting against the existence of the Golden Immortal realm had never occurred to him before.

Because he knew that even if his strength had reached the peak of the true immortal realm, after all, the gap between him and the golden immortal realm was completely between heaven and earth.

But at the very least, the relationship between his strength and the Golden Immortal realm is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. He is definitely not able to easily directly defeat the Emperor of Qin opposite him.

Even Chonglou was ready to receive a beating later.

After all, Chonglou naturally knows something about the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm.

It is precisely because Chonglou has some understanding that Chonglou is already prepared for the current situation.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, at this moment, all he needs to do now is to challenge what the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm is like.

"bring it on!"

The next moment, the overwhelming demonic energy began to spread directly from the center of Chonglou to the surroundings.

As the monstrous demonic energy began to spread crazily from the center of the Chonglou to the surroundings, Ying Zheng, who was opposite it, was not willing to be outdone and fully exploded his own aura.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, when an aura far greater than Chonglou began to burst out from Ying Zheng's body, the entire six realms turned their eyes to the human world at this moment.

Especially Fuxi, the Emperor of the God Realm at this moment.

At this moment, Fuxi, the Emperor of the God Realm, felt the terrifying power emanating from the human world, especially when he looked at Ying Zheng, who was confronting Demon Zhengzhenglou.

Fuxi's eyes showed an unprecedented solemnity.

"Where did this Great Qin Empire come from?!"

"How can there be a guy in the Golden Immortal Realm?!"

In this regard, Wuxi really doesn't understand at this moment, why does the other party actually have the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm?
The existence of the Golden Immortal Realm is not a big deal. Among the six realms today, the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm can only be achieved by him, the Emperor of Heaven.

It is precisely because he, the Heavenly Emperor, has reached the Golden Immortal realm that he can become the Lord of the Six Realms, and he can become the Heavenly Emperor of the Six Realms!

If he didn't have great strength, how could he become the Emperor of the Six Realms?
So when faced with a guy who suddenly appeared in the human world, the most important thing is that the opponent's strength is the same as his own, and he is in the Golden Immortal Realm. This directly made Fuxi, the Emperor of the God Realm, feel an unprecedented pressure. "no!"

"We must destroy him!"

At this moment, Fuxi's eyes held an unprecedented killing intent.

Regarding the Great Qin Empire in the human world, in Fuxi's view, it was just a relatively large force. However, the Emperor Ying Zheng of the Great Qin Empire had the power of the Golden Immortal realm, but Fu Xi had to attach great importance to it.

Because the other party has enough power to make him step down from the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

How could he honestly step down from the throne of the Emperor of Heaven?
It is absolutely impossible for him to retreat from the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, so there is only one idea left in Fuxi's mind!
That is to say, the other party must be completely eliminated!
"The army of the gods obeys the order!"

"Gather as quickly as possible!"

Fuxi directly issued orders to those he possessed in the God Realm.

Facing the order from Fuxi, all the heavenly soldiers and generals in the entire God Realm showed doubtful expressions.

Obviously, they want to know why they are gathering like this all of a sudden?
But doubts remain doubts. Faced with the order from Wuxi, no heavenly soldier or general dared to have a different opinion.


For a time, the entire God Realm army began to mobilize continuously.

As the armies of the gods began to mobilize and gather together, Ying Zheng, who aroused Fu Xi's murderous intention, was looking at the Chonglou opposite him at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Ying Zheng said with serious words in his eyes. .

"Come on, then let me see how powerful you, the Supreme Lord of the Demon Realm, are!"

In response, Ying Zheng said with a serious face.

"Emperor's Palm!"

In an instant, Ying Zheng directly began to gather the power of Great Qin's national destiny in his body into his hands, and then slapped the opponent's heavy head hard.


When strands of extremely terrifying power began to burst out crazily from the palms gathered by Ying Zheng, Chonglou instantly felt a fatal sense of crisis under this power.



When Mo Zunzunlou's sensing told him that the move he was facing was very dangerous, Mozunzunlou had no intention of escaping.

On the contrary, Danzhonglou looked at the huge palm condensed with the power of the Great Qin's national destiny in the sky, and Mo Zhonglou directly began to draw out the scimitar.

"bring it on!"


The next moment, Chonglou's figure disappeared from the spot.

When Chonglou's figure disappeared instantly, his figure had appeared directly under the imperial palm gathered by Ying Zheng.


As streams of extremely powerful power began to erupt from Ying Zheng's imperial palm, Demon Zunzun Tower also directly collided with the imperial palm at this moment.


The next moment, a shocking explosion resounded throughout the entire human world.


(End of this chapter)

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