Chapter 682 Chonglou: So I am an ant? !

In an instant, when the power erupted from Demon Zhonglou collided with Ying Zheng, vibrations that resounded throughout the world began to spread with Ying Zheng and Zhonglou as the center.

When the voices that resounded throughout the world began to spread with Ying Zheng as the center.

Fuxi, who was in the God Realm at this moment, looked at Chonglou who was fighting Ying Zheng with a solemn look.

"I didn't expect his strength to be so strong!"

"This is completely on the same level as me!"

At this moment, the current Fuxi looked at Ying Zheng with an incredible expression.

For Fuxi at this moment, he initially wanted to use Chonglou to see what level of strength Ying Zheng possessed.

Although Ying Zheng's strength was at the same level as him, Fuxi still wanted to know what level this guy in the Golden Immortal Realm who jumped out of nowhere belonged to.

You must know that although they all belong to the Golden Immortal Realm, Fuxi thinks that he has been in the Golden Immortal Realm for a long time, and his strength is very powerful.

Although the opponent's strength also belongs to the serious Golden Immortal realm, Fuxi thinks that his strength should be able to compete with the opponent, and even if his strength is not blown away, he should be able to crush the opponent.

But after all, the other party also belongs to the realm of the Golden Immortal, so when the Demon Zunzhenglou happened to appear in the human world, Fuxi wanted to use this incident to get a good understanding of what level Ying Zheng's strength was.

Because Chonglou's strength is there, Zhonglou is an existence that belongs to the peak realm of true immortals.

However, to Fuxi's disappointment, Mo Zunzunlou did not test Ying Zheng's true strength at all.

The real strength possessed by Demon Zun Loulian Ying Zheng was that he was directly defeated by Ying Zheng without testing anything.

That's right, although they have just collided now, Fuxi has already seen the scene where Mo Zunzunlou was directly PKed by Ying Zheng.

You must know that Fuxi's strength also belongs to the Golden Immortal Realm of the Eight Serious Classics. It is precisely because Fuxi's strength is the Golden Immortal Realm of the Eight Serious Classics, so Fuxi can clearly understand what the strength possessed by the Golden Immortal Realm belongs to. Looks like.

Especially when faced with the powerful force that Ying Zheng unleashed, even Fuxi felt a deep sense of crisis.

This means that Ying Zheng's power is not inferior to him in any way, and this alone is enough to make Fuxi feel cautious.

So facing the current situation, Fuxi really didn't know how to face Ying Zheng at this moment.

Because Ying Zheng's strength may be comparable to him, and at the same time, the strength of the Qin Empire owned by Ying Zheng is also many times stronger than his God Realm.

"Where did this Great Qin Empire come from?!"

At this moment, Fuxi's eyes showed a heavy look.

For Fuxi, he really didn't understand where the Great Qin Empire came from. How could the emperor of the Great Qin Empire possess the power of the Golden Immortal Realm?

You know, the power of the Golden Immortal Realm is only possessed by him among the entire Six Realms, and it is with the power of the Golden Immortal Realm that he can firmly sit in the position of the Lord of the Six Realms.

But it's different now. In addition to his existence in the Golden Immortal Realm, another existence in the Golden Immortal Realm has popped up in the Six Realms.

And the most important thing is that the ambition of this being in the Golden Immortal Realm is not small!

If the other party just wants to stay in the human world, then Fuxi is probably really willing to live in harmony with the other party, because he really doesn't want to provoke a strong man who is at the same level as him.

It is precisely because Fuxi is in this realm that he can clearly understand how powerful this realm is.

He doesn't want to collide with Ying Zheng. Can't he just be the Lord of the Six Realms? Why do we have to fight Ying Zheng?
If he really fought with Ying Zheng, he could imagine that the final result would be completely unpredictable.

So if possible, he really doesn't recommend living in harmony with Ying Zheng.

He continues to be the master of his six realms, and Ying Zheng can completely become the supreme being in the human world that others have in the world.

But it is a pity that Ying Zheng, the emperor of Qin in the world, seems to have no idea of ​​harmoniously coexisting with him.

Ying Zheng, the leader of the Great Qin in the human world, now actually harbors the idea of ​​launching a war against his divine realm.

That's right, looking at the Great Qin army in the human world, Fuxi could tell at a glance that the opponent did not stop their attack just because they defeated the entire human world. I am afraid that the opponent is planning to launch an attack on the entire Six Realms. !

The other party wants to let the war ignite the entire six realms.

Fuxi really felt helpless towards such a careerist.

But his strength is at the same level as his opponent's. Once he fights with his opponent, no one is sure what the final result will be.

“This is really forcing me!”


"I must take action!"

At this moment, Fuxi's eyes showed an unprecedented heaviness.

For Fuxi at this moment, facing the pressure from the Qin Empire, Fuxi felt that he had to take action now.

At the very least, he can no longer pretend it didn't happen.

He must personally take action to completely deal with the Emperor of Qin.

At this moment, Fuxi's eyes showed unprecedented determination, and Mo Zunzunlou, who was fighting Ying Zheng, looked at Ying Zheng opposite him with a heavy expression.

"Is this the difference between the Golden Immortal Realm and the Golden Immortal Realm?"

Regarding the terrifying power he had just possessed, Mo Zunzunlou felt an unprecedented silence at this moment.

He knew that there was a huge gap between his True Immortal Realm and the opponent's strength. He would definitely not be able to defeat the opponent in a short period of time. This could be said to be obvious.

But he really didn't know what the gap between them was.

Well now, with the outcome of the battle between him and Ying Zheng, the gap between his peak Golden Immortal realm and the Golden Immortal realm owned by Ying Zheng has become obvious at this moment.

It is true that he is very powerful at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, but facing the Golden Immortal Realm owned by Ying Zheng, his Peak True Immortal Realm seems a bit inadequate.

If we put it another way, Chonglou would rather think that he was an ant in front of the Emperor of Qin across from him.

Yes, they are ants.

This is Chonglou’s understanding of himself.


(End of this chapter)

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