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Chapter 683 Chonglou surrenders to the Qin Dynasty and destroys the God Realm first!

Chapter 683 Chonglou surrenders to the Qin Dynasty and destroys the God Realm first!

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would become an ant."

At this moment, there was a deep mockery in Chonglou's eyes.

As a serious supreme being in the demon world, Chonglou has not felt this way for a long, long time.

Perhaps during the period when he was just born, he was just an ordinary existence in the entire demon world. At that time, he was indeed an ant.

And when he first went to attack the God Realm with the Demon Realm army, he did act like an ant at that time.

But as he gradually grew up, and as his strength became stronger and stronger, he finally broke away from the word "one" completely.

In the end, he became the Supreme Lord of the Demon Realm, and his identity was on the same level as Fuxi, the Emperor of the God Realm.

Of course, it's just a matter of status. Fuxi belongs to the Supreme of the God Realm, and he belongs to the Supreme of the Demon Realm.

Both of them belong to the same realm of supreme beings.

Although there may be a slight gap in strength, at least the status between them is already at the same level.

Since then, Chonglou has not felt the feeling of being an ant for a long, long time.

However, when the battle between him and Ying Zheng came to an end, Zhonglou discovered that he actually felt like an ant again for the first time.

Facing this ant feeling, a deep silence flashed in Chonglou's eyes.

Regarding Chonglou's silence at this moment, Ying Zheng, who was opposite him, was a little surprised by the power that Chonglou currently possessed.

"This power is not bad!"

In response, Ying Zheng looked at the Chonglou opposite him with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

Now it is obvious that Chonglou has become a part of his Great Qin Empire, although he has not said it yet.

But based on what they just said, he believed that Chonglou would definitely say the right thing next, that is, to directly join his Great Qin Empire and become a part of his Great Qin Empire.

He believed that Chonglou was the kind of person who meant what he said.

Ying Zheng naturally felt satisfied when he thought that Chonglou would join his Great Qin Empire next.

Just as the battle between him and Zhonglou ended, he clearly sensed what kind of existence Zhonglou possessed.

Zhonglou is indeed worthy of belonging to the supreme being of the demon world. Just relying on the power that Zhonglou has just exploded is enough to make Ying Zheng feel satisfied.

"When the strength of the other five marshals reaches this level, I'm afraid they may not be able to defeat Chonglou."

At this moment, Ying Zheng was talking to himself in his heart with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

As for the five marshals in his Great Qin Empire, they must be very powerful beings. After all, they can stand out among the 500 million troops of the Great Qin Empire, and can even suppress them steadily. This is enough to represent the strength of these five marshals. It's obviously a very powerful existence.

The five marshals of the Great Qin Empire were very powerful, but equally, it was undeniable that Demon Zunzhenglou was also very powerful.

Although the plot does not show what the devil world in the Demon King Tower looks like, just the word "magic world" in front of it is enough to represent everything.

What do the creatures in the demon world look like?

Either they are the same monsters as those in major movies and even movies, or they are serious demon cultivators.

In short, the two words "Devil World" already represent everything.

Chonglou can become the supreme master of the demon world, which means that Zhonglou definitely belongs to the existence that has been killed all the way. Although the five marshals in the Great Qin Empire, and even all the people in the Great Qin Empire, were also killed, after all, the location where Demon Zunzonglou stood represented everything.

His Great Qin Empire is better at large-scale battles. For example, Demon Zunzunlou has become the supreme leader of the demon world by his own strength.

But as for the five marshals in his Great Qin Empire, after they have grown to the level of Demon Lord, will they be able to defeat Chonglou?
Ying Zheng is not sure, but Ying Zheng can only say that he may not be able to defeat it.

If a fight really breaks out, it might really give him a surprise.

Facing this idea that Ying Zheng had at this moment, Chonglou, who was opposite him, took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty, from now on, I will be a member of the Great Qin Empire."

At this moment, Mo Zhonglou took a deep breath, and then spoke with a tone of silence in his eyes.

Regarding the words they just said, Chonglou will not deny this promise.

So there is only one thing he has to do now, and that is to become a member of the Qin Empire directly and honestly.

One means one, and two means two. Therefore, facing this situation, Chonglou naturally chose to become a part of the Qin Empire.

Listening to the words from Chonglou, Ying Zheng's eyes instantly showed a trace of satisfaction and nodded: "Very good."

"Chonglou, you made the right choice."

"Years from now, you will definitely be glad you made your current choice."

"From now on, you are a part of the Qin Empire!"

Ying Zheng spoke directly to Mo Zunzunlou.

Listening to the words from Ying Zheng, Mo Zunzunlou nodded silently at this moment.

As for the future, will he be grateful for the choices he has made now?
He doesn't know either, but one thing is certain, that is, from now on, he no longer belongs to the Demon Realm's Supreme Respect Tower.

From now on, his identity will be that of a member of the Great Qin Empire, and the Emperor of Great Qin will be the one he needs to pay allegiance to in the future.

Regarding this situation at this moment, Mo Zunzunlou showed deep confusion in his eyes.

Just when Mo Zhonglou showed deep confusion in his eyes, Ying Zheng, who was opposite him, patted Zhonglou directly on the shoulder.

"Do not worry."

"In the end, you will definitely be glad for the choice you made."

"Now, then we have to deal with the God Realm first!"

Ying Zheng looked directly at the divine world outside the human world, with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, Chonglou also looked towards the divine world beyond the human world.

"It seems that Fuxi's position as Emperor of Heaven is likely to be completely lost."

Chonglou said to himself with a twinkling look in his eyes.

He was not sure whether he would be happy with his choice to join the Qin Empire in the future.

But one thing is certain, that is, the God Realm will definitely be completely destroyed by the Qin Empire!

(End of this chapter)

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