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Chapter 684: The doubts of the five elders of Shushan, and the emergence of the Great Qin Empire

Chapter 684: The doubts of the five elders of Shushan, and the emergence of the Great Qin Empire
"I didn't expect that Demon Zunzun Tower would be defeated like this."

"This Emperor of Qin's body is so terrifying!"

I saw only the five elders of Shushan in the past, now ordinary civilians in the Qin Empire. The five of them looked at the scene that happened in the sky, with deep emotion in their eyes.

They knew that the Great Qin Emperor was very powerful, but they really didn't have a clear understanding of how powerful the Great Qin Emperor was.

After all, they only knew that the army of the Great Qin Empire was so powerful that it took over the entire human world without even using a day's effort.

And according to what they knew, the weakest being in the Qin Empire's army also possessed the Mahayana realm.

What a terrifying strength this is!

You must know that the existence of the Mahayana realm can be regarded as a truly strong level of existence in the entire human world.

As a result, the existence of this kind of strong man is just the most common soldier in the Great Qin army, and the number of this kind of strong man in the entire army of the Great Qin Empire is as high as hundreds of millions. !
When they learned the news, they really couldn't understand how the Qin Empire could have such a large number of soldiers. Why were all these soldiers so powerful?
And this Great Qin Empire really just popped up.

When the Great Qin Empire possessed such a powerful strength, the entire human world naturally could not hold out for a few rounds against the Great Qin Empire, and the entire human world was completely occupied by the Great Qin Empire.

Faced with the situation that the entire human world was completely occupied by the Great Qin Empire, they really didn't have a special understanding of what the Great Qin Empire considered to be its true strength. For example, what was the strength of the truly powerful people in the Great Qin Empire? What does it look like?
They only know that the army of the Great Qin Empire is very powerful, but they are not very clear about the strength of the truly powerful people in the Great Qin Empire.

it's good now.

They all know that the Demon Realm's Supreme Zunzhenglou has the strength of a top-level existence, and they have heard that the strength of Demonic Zunzhenglou has reached the level of a true immortal.

Even Demon Zunzunlou's strength is among the most serious among the true immortals.

It’s not like Mo Zunzunlou has never been to the human world before. Mozunzunlou just came to their human world not long ago, and then Mozunzunlou didn’t need to use any effort on them. It can be said that it was done directly without any effort. Completely defeated them.

From this aspect, we can understand the horror of the strength of Demon Zunzunlou, because they have just touched Demon Zunzunlou, and they know how powerful Demon Zunzhenglou is.

But they were regarded as ignorant of the power of Demon Zunzhenglou. When facing the Emperor of Qin, Demon Zunzhenglou was defeated directly. It even seemed that the Emperor of Daqin did not use such powerful power at all. As a result, Demon Zunzhenglou Zheng Lou was suddenly knocked down and his strength was completely gone.

"The entire six realms will suffer in the next period."

Qingwei shook her head helplessly.

Facing these words from Qingwei, the other four elders beside him nodded silently.

Obviously, whoever told them before that the Six Realms would face an attack from the same force would definitely give them a few big mouths. Isn't this just a joke?

But it's different now.

Now, the Great Qin Empire that came out of nowhere is really powerful enough to turn the entire Six Realms upside down. The Great Qin Empire has even begun to attack the human world where they live. The entire human world already belongs to the Great Qin Empire. The most important thing is that the army of the Great Qin Empire is still constantly organizing and preparing to launch attacks on the other five places at any time.

Once the entire Six Realms were plunged into war because of the Qin Empire, they could not imagine what the outcome would be.

"By the way, what is the origin of this Great Qin Empire?"

"Why does the Great Qin Empire have such powerful power?"

"The Great Qin Empire has such a powerful power. I have never heard any news about this Great Qin Empire before."

"It's really strange." At this moment, an elder beside Qingwei said with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

For the current elder, he is now very, very curious about the origin of the Great Qin Empire.

You know, with the size of the Great Qin Empire here, how could the Great Qin Empire be unknown?

If anyone told them that the Great Qin Empire was unknown, they would definitely give him a big mouth.

The Great Qin Empire possesses such a powerful power, relying on the Great Qin Empire possesses such a terrifying strength.

The Qin Empire is unknown?
No matter how you look at it, these four words should not be put together.

However, the problem is that they have never heard of the Great Qin Empire before. At least they have never heard of the Great Qin Empire.

But things are different now.

The Great Qin Empire came out of nowhere and completely occupied the entire human land as quickly as possible. Even the supreme tower in the demon world was defeated by the emperor.

Regarding the news at this moment, all of which represent the completion of the Great Qin Empire can be described as terrifying.

So they really want to know the origin of this Great Qin Empire.

Listening to the words spoken next to him, Qingwei, the former elder in hand, shook his head slightly with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"As for the Great Qin Empire, I really don't know what the situation is like in the Great Qin Empire."

"But one thing is for sure."

"This Great Qin Empire may be plotting against the Six Realms!"

"The Great Qin Empire will probably start a war with the God Realm next."

"I just don't know who won the war between the Great Qin Empire and the God Realm."

Qingwei shook her head helplessly.

With the Great Qin Emperor being able to defeat Demon Zhenglou, Qingwei has realized that the Great Qin Empire will definitely launch an attack on the God Realm next.

In the battle between the God Realm and the Qin Empire, who can win?

Qingwei was really confused about this.


In an instant, deep sighs sounded directly from the mouths of the elders of Shushan in the past.


(End of this chapter)

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