After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 256: Synchronous action, the military is also serious!

Chapter 256: Synchronous action, the military is also serious!
Different from Liang Chaoshu's curiosity, at this moment, the other team members all showed fearful expressions.

What is before them now is a 100-meter-wide minefield.

No matter what it was that Yang Lu took out.

If this thing can really solve the trouble in the minefield, then it is definitely a very dangerous item.

At this time, everyone subconsciously stepped back.

Shen Feng also looked at Liang Chaoshu and said with a smile: "Come and experience the charm and power of science and technology!"

After speaking, he patted Liang Chaoshu on the shoulder and signaled him to retreat quickly.

Yang Lu took out a remote control and controlled the black thing in his hand to move forward.

Liang Chaoshu took a closer look and found that the thing seemed to be a mouse.

Before he could ask, the "mouse" in Yang Lu's hand had quickly passed through a bush and disappeared from sight.

"This thing is called an 'Intelligent Mine Clearance Soldier'. It can not only automatically detect the location of mines buried under the ground, but also detonate them."

"The principle is actually very simple. You can think of it as a robot dog carrying high explosives."

When Shen Feng said this, Liang Chaoshu understood instantly.

At the same time, he also realized the possibility of how they would clear the mines later.

At this time Yang Lu was also retreating.

When they retreated to about 100 meters away from the minefield, Yang Lu reminded everyone through the radio: "The rapid demining operation has begun!"

"When the demining rat self-destructs, it can not only instantly destroy the 100-meter-wide minefield ahead, but also open up a safe passage for us."

"At the same time, the huge movement will make the enemy alert instantly."

"So we have to attack in sync."

After hearing what Yang Lu said, Shen Feng immediately contacted Old A via radio and explained the situation here to them.

After hearing Shen Feng's notice, Old A also responded excitedly.

"Brother Shen Feng, our side and other combat teams are also conducting demining operations."

"I didn't expect that you also have this kind of rapid demining equipment in your hands... I really underestimated you!"

Shen Feng didn't take Lao A's praise seriously.

Hearing that other combat teams were also arranging rapid demining operations, he was moved.

"Brother, we have to launch an attack simultaneously soon. We can't let the enemy react."

"I propose that we attack from the air."

What Shen Feng was thinking about was that Chen Feng and his combat team controlled drones to drop bombs and directly bombed the eleven enemies, sending them to the west in an instant.

In this situation, of course, the most important thing is to use the fastest speed and the shortest time to cause the most serious damage to the enemy.

Old A instantly understood Shen Feng's thoughts.

He laughed and said: "That's exactly what we mean!"

"This time, we have brought enough equipment and supplies. We will not fall into the passive situation of not being in a hurry and not being enough like last time!"

"Enough with suicide drones!"

What Old A said made Shen Feng feel happy again.

The last time they were betrayed by traitors, they suffered heavy losses and were captured alive by the enemy.

This shame had a profound impact on Lao A and his team members.

At the same time, it also made the military in District [-] completely furious.

So this time they sent a special operations team to participate in the operation again, without being as restrained and timid as last time.

Not only did the high-level officials give them orders to fight freely, but they also brought a large amount of high-tech equipment.

In other words, this time the criminals of the Edsa Group and the mercenaries are really in trouble.

"Good boy, listen to what Old A means, the military is serious about it now!"

Liang Chaoshu looked at Shen Feng and then at the other team members.

"To the extent that modern warfare has developed to this day, the fighting level and fighting will of individual human beings have actually been trained to the limit."

"What really determines the outcome is most likely the gap in the equipment held by both sides."

"With backward weapons and equipment, when faced with equipment with extremely high technological content, they will naturally be beaten passively." "Especially in the field of unmanned combat, it is a blank for many people."

"Let's take a good look at the military's performance!"

Yuan Weihong said.

"Ready for action!"

"Listen to my command!"

Shen Feng glanced at Yang Lu at this time.

The latter is already ready and can activate the controller in his hand at any time.

By then, the minefield ahead will be wiped out.

Several other combat teams encountered the same situation.

Everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the moment of synchronized operation to arrive.


Shen Feng issued an order to Yang Lu.

Yang Lu decisively pressed the self-destruct button that activated the demining rat.

In an instant, everyone only saw a flash of lightning in front of them.

Immediately after the gap of less than [-] seconds, a huge "rumbling" sound came, like the earth was shattering.

As the demining rat self-destructed, intense light and scorching air waves quickly bloomed in all directions.

At the same time, the anti-infantry mines buried underground were detonated simultaneously in an instant, causing a more terrifying and violent explosion.

Less than two seconds later, there were bursts of loud noises.

Suddenly a violent shock wave rolled over, like a Category [-] typhoon blowing through.

In an instant, vegetation fell down and branches broke...

Although Shen Feng and his team members were crawling a hundred meters away at this time, there were a large number of vegetation and trees to help them withstand the violent shock wave.

But when the shock wave came, everyone still felt as if they were about to be blown away.

It's like a floating duckweed swaying in the wind and rain.

Fortunately, this shock wave passed quickly.

When all the movement calmed down, Shen Feng was the first to get up.

"Is everyone okay??"

Shen Feng quickly asked subconsciously.

"Squad leader, I'm fine! Bah, bah, bah..."

Liang Chaoshu responded while spitting out the mud in his mouth.

"I'm fine too!"

"Everyone is fine..."

The six team members got up one after another.

Except for being slightly embarrassed by the dust that was kicked up, no one was injured.

"What the hell……"

"Isn't the power of this explosion too exaggerated?"

Liang Chaoshu looked ahead and saw that a large amount of vegetation in front had been blown away and uprooted.

Even trees as thick as a bowl have been broken off.

The messy scene really looked like a typhoon had just raged.

However, the other team members didn't have time to marvel.

At this time, Shen Feng loudly reminded everyone: "Be careful!!"

At the same time, he suddenly raised the weapon in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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