After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 257 Witness the crushing battle!

Chapter 257 Witness the crushing battle!
Shen Feng and his team members have all gone through brutal training, and now their skills are as good as those of ordinary people.

The moment Shen Feng issued the reminder, several team members looked up at the same time and saw the incoming drone.

And they clearly saw that the drone had high explosives strapped to it.

The team members didn't say anything. Everyone quickly dispersed in the surroundings at the same time and looked for cover to hide.

They trust Shen Feng, and Shen Feng trusts them.

Shen Feng raised the laser weapon in his hand and fired several shots at the incoming drone in the air.

When he confirmed the hit, he rolled forward on the spot and jumped four to five meters away.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Feng jumped up like a nimble leopard and quickly rolled towards the back of a nearby tree again.

And just as Shen Feng was hiding.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound from behind.

The drone he shot down crashed near this big tree that only three people could hug, and the high explosives carried on the fuselage exploded.

The deafening sound of the explosion made Shen Feng's ears buzz and he briefly lost his hearing.

At the same time, he felt everything around him being blown away in an instant.

Those low bushes and the small vegetation in the jungle were all blown away in just a moment.

Strong winds roared past, and bomb fragments continued to hit the trunks of the big trees.

The whole process lasted for more than ten seconds before it finally calmed down.

"Are you all okay?"

Shen Feng was frightened for a while and asked with lingering fear.

If they hadn't discovered it quickly just now, they might have been killed by the enemy now.

"I'm fine!"

"I'm fine too!"

"Squad leader, I'm fine!"

Several team members responded from different directions.

Shen Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that everyone was safe and sound.

"The enemy must have installed a surveillance robot nearby, so they know our location so well!"

"Everyone, be careful and get out of here!"

Shen Feng quickly gave instructions.

And quickly rejoined the team members.

At this time, a "rustling" current noise also came from their radio.

After a while, Old A's voice sounded.

"Shen Feng, Shen Feng, we just heard the second explosion. What's the situation over there?"

Old A sounded very concerned.

Shen Feng felt warm in his heart and immediately responded: "Don't worry, we are fine."

"The enemy discovered us just now and released suicide drones to attack us."

"Everyone, be careful. The enemy has become aware of our presence. The next battle will be difficult and fierce!"

Old A reminded.

"Well, we are moving forward according to the planned plan. The minefield has been destroyed by our side and we are ready to launch an attack."

"Okay! Let's all act together and meet outside the stronghold later!"

After saying this, Old A ended the communication.

Once here, to continue forward, they had to maintain radio silence.

Otherwise, the enemy may monitor their conversations through technical means.

Everyone took off their radio headsets.

The communication system was also shut down.

At this time, everyone is moving forward cautiously.The ten special operations teams dispatched by the ninth district military to support are also in progress simultaneously.

Moreover, the small suicide drones they brought with them have also taken off.

"Squad leader, although we do not have suicide drones, our drones have relatively advanced performance. They can not only establish air communication system support, but also serve as full-band radio scanners..."

Yang Lu reminded at this time.

"Xueba, what do you mean?"

Liang Chaoshu asked quickly in confusion.

"This means that our drones can monitor their conversations, as long as they use radio communication and our drones happen to be over their strongholds."

Zhang Nianjia explained.

After saying that, she turned to look at Yang Lu: "Is that what you mean? A top student?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Yang Lu nodded immediately.

Hearing them say this, Liang Chaoshu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Shen Feng signaled that Yang Lu could operate.

Yang Lu immediately controlled the drone that had established communication support with Chen Feng's first and second combat teams and flew directly over the enemy's stronghold.

As soon as they arrived over the stronghold, they captured wonderful battle scenes.

Ten special operations teams of the military, while continuously advancing, used suicide drones to discover targets guarding the perimeter of the stronghold.

These enemies were the same wave that had just released suicide drones to attack Shen Feng and his team members.

At this moment, they are preparing to launch more suicide drones to chase Shen Feng and his team members.

However, they had no chance.

The enemies from the Sejong Great God Mercenary Legion and the Yunhe Mercenary Legion were unable to react when faced with multiple suicide drones attacking at the same time.

As the suicide drone swooped down, it was as if fireworks were lit on the ground and in the jungle.

Balls of dazzling fire and violent explosions came and went.

Not only the two mercenary regiments were attacked in this way, but also the criminal elements of the Edsa Group located in the stronghold.

The clear and hidden outposts they established were completely invisible under the reconnaissance drones equipped with night imaging cameras and infrared thermal imaging.

This time the military brought a large number of suicide drones.

Their cost is generally only one or two thousand.

But it can carry high explosives weighing up to three kilograms.

Therefore, no matter whether they find one enemy or a group, the ten special operations teams of the military will decisively launch suicide drones to carry out death bombing against them.

Compared with the lives of our own soldiers, a suicide drone costing only a few thousand yuan is really not too cheap.

Shen Feng and the team members witnessed this extremely exciting and completely one-sided battle scene, and everyone was filled with excitement.

At the same time, they were not idle.

Their advanced reconnaissance drones returned very valuable radio information at this moment.

"Those soldiers from District [-] are here! Everyone immediately enter the stronghold to defend! Don't confront them head-on!!"

"Everyone retreat! Retreat!"

"Cao Nima, we spent so much money to hire these mercenaries to help, but they were useless, they were all killed!"

"Send a request for help to headquarters immediately and tell them our situation!"

"No, the signal is blocked by the jungle, and the phone can't be made... We've trapped ourselves here!!"


There were irritable conversations coming from the radio monitoring equipment.

As for Shen Feng and the team members, they couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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