Chapter 323 I didn’t expect this!

Suo Tu endured the severe pain in his body and was still waiting for Shen Feng's response.

At this time, when he saw Shen Feng lowering his head and looking down at him, he couldn't help but feel a little shuddered in his heart.

Because he was not sure whether Shen Feng would agree to his request or whether he would torture himself again.

Shen Feng suddenly grabbed the rappelling rope and pulled it up, and Suo Tu was dragged back to the plane bit by bit.

Afterwards, Shen Feng put a pair of noise-canceling headphones on the other party.

"what are you up to?"

Seeing that Shen Feng remained silent, Suo Tu gradually realized that something was wrong.

He looked at Shen Feng warily, but saw the sneer at the corner of Shen Feng's mouth and the meaningful look in his eyes.

This time, Suo Tu was even more worried.

"Shen Feng, you should also know very well that it is useless for you to torture me like this."

"It's just a lose-lose situation for everyone in the end..."

Suo Tu wanted to use his sharp tongue to appease Shen Feng's emotions.

At least he had to trick the other party into sending him to the factory.

When the time comes, the men there will come out to deal with them.

The most important thing now is to protect yourself.

Shen Feng had no reaction at all to Suo Tu's words. He directly took out a syringe, pointed the interrogation potion at Suo Tu and injected it.

Suo Tu tensed up on the spot and was dumbfounded.

He looked up at Shen Feng in astonishment: "You, what are you doing?"

"what did you do to me??"

Shen Feng still remained silent.

At this time, Yuan Weihong also gathered around, and the two of them stared at Suo Tu with burning eyes.

They were all waiting for the interrogation potion to take effect, and wanted to see whether this legendary agent-specific potion would be as effective as the legend says.

After about ten seconds, Suo Tu's consciousness began to become a little blurry.

He was swaying as if he was high.

Seeing his appearance, Shen Feng frowned and asked, "What's your name?"

Hearing this, the other party first raised his head and glanced at Shen Feng with a look of disdain and displeasure, but soon Suo Tu's head dropped again.

He shook his head like a rattle and looked at Shen Feng again in a daze: "Aibato Suotu, my name is... Aibato... Suotu..."

It seems to be working!

Shen Feng and Yuan Weihong looked at each other.

Then he asked Suo Tu: "What is your identity?"

"Edsha... the group... the talker."

Suo Tu answered immediately.

You can clearly see the expression of resistance on his face.

He was in pain and his face looked a little distorted.

It was obviously countering the effects of the drug that was taking effect at this moment.

That reaction was not fake.

Seeing that the interrogation potion had indeed worked, Yuan Weihong couldn't help but ask Suo Tu directly: "What is the password to the vault?"

Hearing this question, Suo Tu's cloudy eyes were obviously wary.

He slowly raised his head and glanced at Yuan Weihong.

But he said nothing.

"What's the password to the vault?"

Shen Feng slowed down and asked again.

This time, Suo Tu responded.

He looked at Shen Feng, hesitated for two seconds, and said slowly: "The vault...the"

Shen Feng, Yuan Weihong, as well as Liang Chaoshu, Zhang Nianjia and others in the cab, all looked at Suo Tu with listening expressions.

"The vault...the password is..."

Suo Tu's brows furrowed tightly, showing a painful expression once again.

It was obvious that he was resisting the effects of the medicine and did not want to tell the answer.

But the power of this interrogation potion is too powerful.

After only holding on for a few seconds, Suotu finally told the truth honestly.

"The password to the"

"The hidden on the tenth floor..."

Suo Tu replied with difficulty.

"Which tenth floor?" Shen Feng's heart moved and he asked immediately.

"Tenth floor..."

"Park...tenth floor...building 1..."

"The tenth floor of Building 1 in the park!"

"Isn't that the place we just left??"

Yuan Weihong looked at Shen Feng in shock.

At this time, Shen Feng also frowned tightly and looked at Suo Tu again.

But he was in no hurry.

At this time, Suo Tu was on the verge of a very fragile mental collapse under the influence of the interrogation potion.

His brain can't take in too much information at once.

His interrogation needs to take its time.

"Where is the password on the tenth floor?"

Shen Feng continued to slow down his speech and asked.

"Tenth floor...hidden surveillance...monitoring room..."

Suo Tu's voice has become lower and lower.

It sounds like the interrogation potion is about to reach its endurance limit.

"Hidden surveillance room, where is it?"

Shen Feng asked again quickly.



As he spoke, Suo Tu's head gradually drooped.

Soon there was no movement from him at all.

Yuan Weihong quickly stepped forward to check, only to find that this guy had no breath.

"Monitor, he's dead!"

Yuan Weihong quickly tried to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Suo Tu.

Shen Feng also removed the handcuffs on his body so that he could lie down.

At the same time, he took out a booster shot from his backpack.

This thing is included in the weapons, equipment and materials supplies rewarded by the system, and does not need to be redeemed from the system mall.

Shen Feng stabbed Suo Tu directly with a needle.

However, the miracle did not happen.

Suo Tu was completely silent.

After some rescue work, Yuan Weihong looked at Shen Feng helplessly and shook his head.

Liang Chaoshu and Zhang Nianjia in the cab also saw this scene.

At this time, Zhang Nianjia said: "It should be the ingredients in the interrogation potion. The potion is too powerful."

"This potion is specially designed for adults with sound cardiopulmonary function and good health."

"But this guy Suo Tu was seriously injured just now, and his body is very weak..."

As a medical soldier in the team, Zhang Nianjia's analysis still makes some sense.

Hearing this, Shen Feng could only accept this reality helplessly.

I originally wanted to ask more questions to see what other secrets this guy knew.

"Squad leader, this guy is actually playing tricks on us!"

"Thankfully I got the information from his mouth, otherwise we might have been in huge danger!"

Liang Chaoshu took a sip at Suo Tu, who had completely cooled down.

Shen Feng said nothing.

There was a worry in his mind.

There is still no way to determine whether what Suo Tu just said is true or false.

"Turn around and go back first!"

Shen Feng said to Liang Chaoshu.


Liang Chaoshu and several other team members saw that Shen Feng was worried, and they had already guessed something.

At this time, everyone remained silent.

Liang Chaoshu and Zhang Nianjia respectively operated the instruments on the helicopter and controlled the helicopter to turn around and fly back towards the Edsa Group's campus.

At the same time, Shen Feng also called Yang Lu, Wang Shiqiang, Sun Bin and others over there, asking them to search first.

(End of this chapter)

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