After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 324 It’s so insidious and terrifying!

Chapter 324 It’s so insidious and terrifying!

Shen Feng informed Yang Lu of the news.

When Yang Lu and others got the news, they immediately took action and went to the tenth floor of Building 1 to find the so-called "hidden monitoring room".

About five minutes later, Shen Feng and others returned to the park.

During this period of time, Old A, Irene and others had cleaned up the entire criminal group's campus inside and out.

All remaining enemies were essentially wiped out.

Shen Feng asked Yang Lu and others about their situation through the radio.

"Xueba, what's the situation over there now? Have you found the target?"

Hearing Shen Feng's questioning voice, Yang Lu immediately replied: "Squad leader, you'd better come up and take a look at this!"

There was something wrong with her tone. After Shen Feng and several other team members heard it, they couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts. At the same time, everyone's mood sank slightly.

Without saying a word, Shen Feng took everyone in the elevator directly to the tenth floor.

Based on the location provided by Yang Lu, they quickly found the locations of several other team members.

After arriving, Shen Feng saw that this place was actually located in an attic near the top of the building.

The area is not large, less than one hundred square meters.

It was filled with densely packed various surveillance equipment.

But what really attracted Shen Feng and others' attention was not this, but the similarly dense criss-crossing infrared rays in front of their eyes at this moment.

In the middle of the network of infrared rays, there is an upright barrel.

Through the transparent glass, one can clearly see that the inside of the barrel is densely packed with steel balls about the size of a thumb.

And around the steel ball is some kind of instrument.

At this time, it was making a "beep...beep...beep" sound.

In addition to the instruments, Shen Feng and others soon noticed that there was something else hanging on the outside of the barrel.

It looks like a mobile USB flash drive or something.

But I can’t see clearly because of the lighting problem.

"what is this?"

Shen Feng narrowed his eyes.

His intuition told him that the situation was not very optimistic.

"We checked, monitor."

"This should be the hidden monitoring room that Suo Tu mentioned."

"But it's clear that this was deliberately designed to be like this."

"Those red lights all have their own sensing effects."

"If something touches it, they activate the self-destruct device in the center area."

"The key Suo Tu mentioned should be hanging there, but the real trouble is not this... Squad leader, look."

Yang Lu said as she handed over the PAD in her hand.

Everyone gathered and took a look, and what they saw was a three-dimensional architectural structure diagram.

This three-dimensional architectural structure diagram shows the building they are in at this moment.

There are basically no red light spots in the building parts on the ground.

Except for this room here on the tenth floor.

Under the ground, there are dense red light spots everywhere.

Shen Feng and others have confirmed that these light spots do not represent the location of the enemy, but the location of the explosives.

Just by looking at these thousands of light spots scattered under the ground of almost the entire Edsa Group campus, you can know what their function is.

"His grandma's..."

"This bitch, Shuo Tu, actually plans to blow us all up?"

Liang Chaoshu reacted and couldn't help but cursed. "Squad leader, we are really lucky. Fortunately, we used the interrogation potion to make him tell the truth, otherwise we would have really taken him away."

"When the time comes that he remotely controls the bomb here to cause an explosion, then we are afraid..."

Yuan Weihong also had lingering fears on her face at this moment.

Everyone has realized that all this is a trap deliberately set by Suo Tu.

The purpose is to serve them all at once.

"It's unlikely that he did this after we attacked here. Instead, he laid all these traps in advance."

"That is to say, that guy Suo Tu, or the guy behind the scenes who directed this trap, they have long expected that we might attack the underground vault."

"Perhaps we have already thought about it. If the Edsa Group is breached, we will have to pay a huge price or even have no return."

"These criminals...are really too cunning and terrifying!"

Zhang Nianjia also frowned at this time and said with lingering fear.

Even Shen Feng himself felt that they were very lucky.

"God will not stop us!"

After coming back to his senses, Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

"But squad leader, I just tried to turn off these infrared induction rays, but it didn't work."

"Their control systems are not here."

"As soon as we try to get close to this explosive barrel, it will detonate immediately."

"Not only will this place be blown up, because it is connected to the underground explosives. Once the entire Edsa Group campus is exploded, everything in the surrounding area will be wiped out..."

Yang Lu reminded.

Hearing what she said, Shen Feng also felt very troubled.

He looked at Yuan Weihong: "Explosion, what do you think?"

Of course, he was also thinking about solutions to the problem at this time.

Yuan Weihong carefully inspected the scene and shook his head helplessly.

"The top student is right, monitor."

"The controllers of these infrared induction rays are not here, and their radio frequency sources are made of special titanium alloy. It is impossible for us to destroy them directly."

At this time, Wang Shiqiang said quietly: "In other words, we only need to find the position of the controller to turn off these rays?"

"Then can the bomb disposal operation be carried out?"

He looked at Shen Feng and then at the other team members.

But Shen Feng shook his head: "No, there won't be enough time."

"We have no idea right now where the source of the controller is."

"And even if you knew it, it would be too late to carry out demining operations over and over again."

Yang Lu immediately nodded: "Squad leader, actually I have a guess."

"We don't even know what's in that underground vault. In short, we just listen to what those criminals said."

"Maybe there's not money or gold in the vault, but mountains of explosives waiting for us..."

When Yang Lu said this, everyone's hearts sank.

If you had heard this before, you might not believe it.

But now, seeing that the enemy actually laid such a trap in advance, waiting for them to take the bait, and then thinking about Yang Lu's words carefully, it really makes some sense.

"It's possible that the vault is really just a trap, a way for the enemy to trick us."

"Inform Old A and the others to evacuate here with all the victims immediately!"

Shen Feng made a prompt decision.

(End of this chapter)

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