Create a great era of e-sports.

Chapter 627 Fishing Platform

"Still simple."

Faced with the top prices offered by the three clubs, LGD decisively gave up the buyback, which made Mo Yu couldn't help but lament the simplicity of the major clubs now.

Put it in the previous life LPL.

Almost all youth training players who can be sold at a high price will choose to buy back as long as they have a parent club.

The reason for the buyback is not to keep the players, but to trade them separately.

Youth training has price restrictions, but there are no price restrictions in the transfer market.

If you put a youth training top pick like Han Xu on the transfer market, there will be countless clubs who get the news and come to inquire about the price.

Mo Yu is fully aware of this, so in order to ensure the healthy operation of the youth training system, he simply arranges the annual draft at the end of the transfer period, and also blocks transactions outside the transfer period.

This restriction also curbs private transactions between clubs to a certain extent.

But the bigger reason is that today's major clubs may not be aware or pay enough attention to the possibility of private transactions.

After all, none of the major club owners were engaged in this industry at the beginning. They were all rich second generations. The operations of many sports industry clubs were not clear at all.

If you really realize it, the time limit will be of no use.

Anyway, there are two transfer periods every year. It doesn't hurt to buy back the players, spend some money to keep them, contact them again, and then wait until the transfer period to carry out the operation.

Even in the later stage, if the control is not strict, then private transactions cannot be banned at all.

"Now that we have chosen a commercial league, there is no way to avoid private transactions. Whether we don't react or react, we can't control them."

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, let's see which team the top pick will choose."

Mo Yu shook his head and continued to focus on Han Xu.

At this time, Han Xu was already standing on the stage.

While on stage, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Among the three clubs, QQG, TXG, and DFG are all big companies, very rich, and the first two also spent a lot of money to buy GPL seats. It is impossible to be in a situation where they will stop playing after two years. Every time Although the homes are all new, they are stable enough.

Among the three, DFG is an old club. If he joins again, facing other old people, it may not be easy to deal with interpersonal relationships. Moreover, DFG has an ADC. Although his performance is poor, Han Xu thinks that his current state may be better than The opponent's strength is also limited, and the opponent has been cooperating with the support for a long time. He will definitely have to compete with the opponent for the starting spot when he enters, so DFG is the first to give up by him.

Between the remaining two teams, TXG and QQG, there is no doubt that QQG has the advantage.

The bottom lane is the only duo in GAG. Whether the ADC plays well or not, support is very important.

In contrast, Youwen Mengmeng, who was born in the same period and has a tacit understanding of teammates, is in the QQG team that is more suitable for him than TXG.

After thinking everything through, Han Xu didn't hesitate at all when faced with Tian Weiwei's inquiry and the looks of everyone present.

"I choose to sign with QQG Club!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the QQG Club representative beamed with joy.

With Han Xu, the top pick in the youth training, the last piece of the puzzle for the new season has been completed.

'The Galaxy Battleship has been formed and can finally compete in the arena. I want to prove my ability! '

The manager of QQG Club is extremely confident.

On the commentary desk.

The three commentators also started discussing.

"Han Xu still chose QQG."

"Joining QQG is a good choice for him. He mainly has acquaintances there, and the team is new. Everyone is new to the league, which is good." "Besides, QQG has money, and the Penguins are behind it, so the treatment given to the players is It shouldn’t be too bad.”

"Han Xu's choice is still very wise!"

"Then now QQG means that the bottom duo are all black card players from this youth training."

"This way, we will have a good show next year. The top pick in the youth training, and his playing style is so radical. I don't know if he can withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of GPL!"

"Newcomers are required to undergo military training, as long as they get used to it."

"So, the 2009 God and God GPL Youth Training Draft is over. The top pick of this round is shooter No. 163, Han Xu!"

On the computer, the video reached the end, and Tian Weiwei's voice sounded on the speaker.

Many netizens commented below, very curious about the youth training draft.

Mo Yu took a few glances, some saying he was trying to impress people and some saying he was very interested in youth training, both good and bad.

"This youth training has created a bit of enthusiasm, and the online response has been good, which is very beneficial to promoting the popularity of the league."

"Han Xu's No. 1 pick attracted the attention of many netizens. Coupled with Penguin's push, QQG has become the most popular club among these new clubs!"

"S3 will be even more popular next year."

Youth training videos have begun to circulate on the Internet, and the public response online has been good. Many viewers have noticed for the first time that GAG actually has a youth training draft, which has aroused a lot of curiosity, and the broadcast data has also been rising. Both Han Xu and QQG began to gain fans.

The number of Weibo followers of the two has gradually increased.

The popularity it brings is very beneficial to the GAG ​​competition system.

GAG events need more news hot spots.

However, this year there should be basically no hot spots to promote except for the major clubs announcing their lineups.

The end of the draft marks the complete end of the S2 season. All major clubs have announced a holiday, waiting for next year's spring game.

The GAG ​​matter can come to an end for now.

Mo Yu's eyes turned to another icon on the computer desktop in front of him.

All development work on "DOAT" or Ruin Guard Station has been declared completed. The game has gone through multiple rounds of testing and is now installed on his computer.

"Open it and see if it's any different from what I remember."

Mo Yu is extremely interested in this version of DOTA.

As the first MOBA game in his previous life, he also wanted to see how the remake would go and whether Zhang Yiming had thoroughly implemented the game design plan he gave.

Double-click the mouse.

The login screen appears.

Mo Yu directly entered his Moyu platform account number.

The Moyu platform is a new platform software launched by the company this year. It contains all the company's games as well as Moyu live broadcast, Mojing sports and other programs. All account passwords are unblocked between each software.

Mo Yu has high hopes for the Moyu platform and plans to turn it into the company's own STEAM, TGA, and, and even in the future mobile game era, it will continue to be reproduced on mobile terminals.

Although the current Moyu platform only includes a few other games in addition to the company's games because there is an official game platform in China, and the number is not large, he still needs such a platform.

Not just to be able to pool resources, but also for money and influence.

As long as the Moyu platform can become a dominant player, the profit sharing alone will be more profitable than making games. At the same time, it can recruit a large number of followers, making Moyu the leader in the domestic game industry. (End of chapter)

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