Douluo: Rebirth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King

Chapter 319 has grown rapidly, and several new level 1 gods have been added to the Beast God Realm!

Therefore, even for these gods, they must find suitable people. As for these gods, Ye Wen will also let them exist in the beast god world in advance.

And now, among the three of Na'er, Zhu Zhuqing, and Shui Bing'er, there is only one who fits the two divine positions of Poseidon and Thunder God, and that is Shui Bing'er.

Ice and water are elemental attributes, and the Poseidon who controls the power of the sea is a god with the water elemental attribute.

And Shui Bing'er is a soul master with extremely strong ice and water attributes.

Therefore, Ye Wen planned to let Shui Bing'er carry the throne of Poseidon. It just so happened that when he killed Poseidon, the artifact, Poseidon Trident, was now in his hand.

"Bing'er, now you try to fuse with the first-level god, Poseidon." Ye Wen said,
"First-class god, Poseidon." Shui Bing'er silently stared at the center of the God Realm. He naturally knew the strength of Poseidon, and she also understood the power it controlled.

Even among all the first-level gods, Poseidon's combat power is tied for the top, so the power of this god is very powerful.

Shui Bing'er was satisfied that she could obtain the power of this god.

"it is good!"

Shui Bing'er no longer hesitated and began to merge with the Poseidon that Ye Wen had set up.

Once Shui Bing'er takes control of the Poseidon, the Poseidon Island in the Douluo World, the power of the seven sacred pillars, and the Poseidon test can be restarted.

In other words, by that time, there will be three inheritance places for their divine status on Douluo Continent.

In the process of Shui Bing'er merging with the Poseidon.

Ye Wen said to Zhu Zhuqing and Na'er: "Zhuqing, Na'er, let's start too. You go and feel the power of these two first-level gods. What kind of power they can ultimately give to the gods depends on your own creation. Sigh."

"Well, we got it."

Zhu Zhuqing and Na'er nodded, looking forward to it, and began to fuse the gods one after another.

Ye Wen did not give them the title of Thunder God. As mentioned before, the ability and power must be suitable, but Zhu Zhuqing and Na'er were not suitable.

Although the God of Death is very powerful, it is only a second-level god after all. It is not as good as them themselves to realize a first-level god.

Zhu Zhuqing, Na'er, and Shui Bing'er started merging with their gods one after another. The five beasts behind them, which were close to a million-year cultivation and were rescued from the God Realm by Ye Wen and the others, are now waiting in line. .

I can't even wait anymore.

Time passed quickly, and after a long time.

Shui Bing'er, Na'er, and Zhu Zhuqing also became gods one after another, merging with the first-level god status.

Shui Bing'er, first-level god, Poseidon!
Zhu Zhuqing, a first-level god, the god of spiritual speed, the fastest god, even faster than Ye Wen.

Both in terms of speed and strength, they are far superior to the current second-level god in the human god world, the God of Speed.

Na'er, a first-level god, the Dragon Spear God, a first-level god with extremely strong combat power. His combat power is likely to be the strongest among the current first-level gods, not inferior to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

If the Dark Evil God Tiger can't reverse the space, maybe the first-level god's devil tiger can't defeat the current Na'er at all. You must know that Na'er still has three layers of Silver Dragon King's power in her body. With the blessing of the three-layer Silver Dragon King's power, Na'er Both the son and the God King are barely capable of fighting!
Along with Na'er, Bing'er, Zhuqing, Chengshen, and the Beast God Realm, three more first-level gods have been added!

Among them, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Bing'er are the first, second, and first batch of human gods in the world of beast gods.

In the Beast God Realm, the number of first-level gods is limited to 35, and the current number has reached sixteen!

The number of first-level gods in the beast god world and the human god world is already equal!

Ye Wen nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the group of beasts behind him, who were brought to the God Realm by him, and said to the five beasts in the front that were close to a million years old: "Next, you five come up forward."

"Yes! The great beast god!!" The five suddenly became excited and extremely respectful, and then they all knelt in front of Ye Wen.

"We are determined to surrender, be loyal, and follow you forever. Please ask the Beast God to give us the power of the gods!"

These five beasts rescued from the God Realm have extremely high bloodlines and bloodlines. In fact, they are even higher than several of the seven ferocious beasts.

They are now infinitely close to the limit of one million years, and can also carry the status of gods.

And with their strong bloodline, it is not bad to carry the first-level god status. Therefore, Ye Wen plans to give them the first-level god status. Of course, there are also factors in this that Ye Wen wants to quickly strengthen the beast god world and fight against the human god world. I just gave it to you.

But mainly because they are qualified for this.

These five are dragons, tigers, foxes, leopards, and oxen, these five animal species.

The tiger among them had a strong thunder element attribute, so Ye Wen planned to give this tiger the status of thunder god.

"Thunder Tiger, the throne of the God of Thunder belongs to you." Ye Wen pointed directly at the big tiger whose body flashed with thunder and lightning.

"Thank you, Lord Beast God! Thank you Lord Beast God!!"

Thunder Tiger was extremely excited and happy, because they also knew how powerful the God of Thunder was, and these five powers had been practicing for nearly a million years.

In fact, they were all those who survived during that period of the Dragon God and were not dead yet.

Therefore, they understand the power of the God of Thunder, and they also know that the element of thunder and lightning is actually a very domineering one among all elemental attributes.

The other four looked envious when they heard that Ye Wen was going to give Thunder Tiger the title of God of Thunder.

"As for the four of you, you are also a first-level god. It depends on you what kind of power you can give to the gods."

"Thank you, great beast god!!"

The four of them looked respectful. They felt a lot more comfortable after hearing that they were also first-level gods. They might not be as powerful as the God of Thunder, but they were still first-level gods.

In this way, these five beasts began to merge and carry the gods.

After a while, they all became first-level gods.

Thunder Tiger, first-level god, God of Thunder.

Dragon, first-level god, flying dragon war god.

Fox, the nine fox gods of the first level,

Leopard, first-level god, shadow leopard god.

Ox, a first-level god, a powerful bull god.

If Ye Wen thinks about it, among the five of them, the god of Thunder Tiger and Thunder God is the strongest, and the other four are much inferior.

With these five gods carrying the throne, the world of beast gods has added five more first-level gods!
Ye Wen's power has increased to twelve first-level gods in this short period of time! !
Now in the Beast God Realm, the number of first-level gods has reached 21, and there are still fourteen first-level gods left.

The number of first-level gods in the Beast God Realm now far exceeds that in the Human God Realm!
So far, all the beings in the Beast God Realm who are qualified to become gods have become gods. The rest still need to practice and wait to become qualified to become gods.

(End of this chapter)

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