Douluo: Rebirth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King

Chapter 320 The ambition of the God of Destruction to annex the Beast God Realm

"Now, those who have met the requirements have become gods. There are still fourteen first-level gods left. How to arrange them?" Ye Wen thought.

Now in the Beast God Realm, there are still fourteen first-level god positions.

One of them must be reserved for the God of Angels, Qian Renxue. Although the God of Angels moved over from the Human God Realm, it still occupies a quota.

Counting Qian Renxue, that means minus 1, leaving thirteen, first-level god positions.

Among them, those who have not yet reached level 99 and are still required to become gods, the three contracted beasts, Red King, Demon Spirit, and Ant Da will also be given to level one gods. Three are subtracted here, which means there are ten positions left.

Other soul beasts and beasts are still far away from cultivating to become gods. They have at least started for a thousand years. Ye Wen naturally cannot afford to wait.

The remaining ten positions cannot all be beasts. After all, Ye Wen said that the beast god world is a god world where beast gods and human gods can coexist.

Among the current first-level gods, if Qian Renxue is included, there are only three in total, human gods.

The ratio of human gods to beast gods is seriously disproportionate. In the world of beast gods, of course, there are more beast gods, but there cannot be too few human gods!

Therefore, Ye Wen plans to give more of the last ten first-level god positions to the human race.

But now in the world of Douluo, Qian Daoliu is a good choice. A level 99 peerless Douluo, he can become a god immediately.

"If we include Qian Daoliu, then there are only nine first-level god positions left..."

"Haha, the rest depends on fate. Now it's time to officially launch the plan to create gods in the mortal world." Ye Wen smiled.

the other side.

At this moment, in the human and divine world, Ye Wen's power is still completely unknown, and the number of beast gods is increasing crazily.

While the number of gods in the Beast God Realm is increasing rapidly, at this moment, the Human God Realm has just felt that another God Realm has appeared in this star field.

Within the realm of human gods.

Currently, a large number of human gods are still in the recovery, treatment, and healing stages, and most of the gods' injuries have not yet healed.

They haven't adjusted yet, let alone started discussing how to deal with Ye Wen and the others.

Now they suddenly sensed the appearance of another god realm, which directly dealt them a heavy blow. The five god kings were shocked and frightened.

"What, what's going on!!"

"God King Shura, you feel it?"

"Well, there seems to be a God Realm to the south of Douluo Star!! Just like our Douluo God Realm, it is connected to the one hundred and eight planes we control. Even that God Realm has a wider coverage. ." At this moment, even the usually calm God King Shura was no longer calm.

There was a look of horror on his face.

Even God King Shura showed a horrified expression, and several other God Kings were even more frightened.

"God Realm, within the coverage of our God Realm, how could there be a second God Realm!!" "What on earth is going on!"

The God of Shura, the God of Destruction, the God of Evil, the Goddess of Life, and the God of Kindness all became more and more frightened.

If everything that happened before was enough to surprise, amaze, and find it incredible for them, then now, the emergence of the Beast God Realm.

It simply subverted the three views, cognition, and imagination of the five god kings. In their view, this was simply impossible.

God Kings, of course, also know that in the vast universe, there is not only the Douluo God Realm, but also countless mortal realms. These mortal realms are connected to countless other divine realms, and there are countless divine realms.

They know that the world is far larger than they imagined, and it is too vast to explore.

However, within the scope of the Douluo God Realm, another God Realm appeared. This kind of thing is difficult to imagine and makes no sense at all, but it does exist.

"No matter what happened to that God Realm, the facts are already before our eyes. Why and how that God Realm appeared is irrelevant. What matters is whether that God Realm was created by those beast gods. ." God Shura said with a serious face.

The God of Evil's face darkened: "Besides them, are there any other possibilities? It must be those beast gods!"

"Now, another one has appeared in the God Realm. For them, they will be able to quickly cultivate more gods. Their power will definitely grow rapidly in a short period of time. We must take action as soon as possible."

The goddess of life and the god of kindness looked at each other, each with their own thoughts in mind, but the current situation was completely out of control.

The goddess of life and the god of kindness, Ye, didn't know what the future would look like, whether it would be an irreversible disaster.

In other words, whether the future is good or bad, the God of Life and Kindness has also begun to acquiesce. The God of Shura, the God of Destruction, and the God of Evil want to completely eradicate these beast-like gods. idea.

The four great god kings all looked solemn and worried, but only the God of Destruction started to get excited.

"Haha, these beasts are really capable! They can even create the God Realm. Although I don't know what method they used, it is exactly what I want!!"

"After we eradicate all these beast gods, we will devour the center of the God Realm to strengthen our Douluo God Realm. This will make our Douluo God Realm's life level even better at the upper level. ah!"

"If we devour the Douluo God Realm and the energy of the Beast God Realm, our God Realm can expand the number and scale of gods and carry more gods, and our power will be stronger!" The God of Destruction looked excited, and his ambition was completely exposed.

Expand the scope of the God Realm, strengthen the power of the God Realm, expand the territory, invade other God Realms, strengthen your own God Realm, and expand the God Realm. This is what the God of Destruction has always wanted to do in his heart.

The emergence of the Beast God Realm now is in line with the God of Destruction's wishes.

The God of Kindness and the Goddess of Life frowned upon hearing this: "Destruction, if we want to clear out those beast gods, then we will naturally annex the divine world they created. After all, in a star field , there shouldn’t be two divine realms.”

"But our starting point is that we do this because we cannot have two divine realms, not to expand the divine realm."

The Goddess of Kindness and Life wanted to remind the God of Destruction, because they all knew that the God of Destruction wanted to expand the God Realm, invade other God Realms, launch wars, and then annex other God Realms to strengthen their Douluo Spirit world.

The other four God-Kings had understood this idea in the God of Destruction's heart a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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