I, the cannon fodder female supporting role, what happened to me?

Chapter 566: My mother didn’t beat you to death, so you must seek death.

The darkness behind Sheng Xi was frightened and retracted, and he attacked Yuan Xian angrily.

It wasn't until he passed through this ever-twisting darkness that Sheng Xi vaguely saw the scene behind the darkness.

The blood-red mist released by Squidward enveloped the entire cave, and the space was limited. He did not transform into his original form, but fought Li Youkui in a human form.

During the fight, Li Youkuang's aura became increasingly unfamiliar. Brother Squidward, who had the advantage, was gradually at a disadvantage, and an unspeakable fear surged in his heart.

This fear does not come from uneasiness about defeat, but more like facing some extremely terrifying enemy.

That was an opponent he could not defeat despite all his efforts.

But the Li Youkuang in front of him was obviously an ordinary cultivator who had just reached the stage of becoming a god.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, the tentacles stretched out from Brother Squidward's waist rolled up Li Youkui and tried to crush all the bones in his body.

Li Youkui struggled to no avail, and his eyes turned completely black. He just glanced at Brother Squidward, as if a sharp attack penetrated Brother Squidward's brain, causing all nine of his brains to suffer severe pain.

Blue blood flowed out of the amber horizontal pupils. Brother Squidward immediately lowered his head, not daring to look at Li Youkui anymore.

He had no choice but to let go of the other person and subconsciously stayed away from this human race that frightened him.

"Xiao Xi, let's go!" Brother Squidward sent a message to Sheng Xi and flew towards her. However, he saw that instead of leaving, Sheng Xi flew towards him and stuffed him directly into the spirit beast bag.

As Squidward exited and the blood dance dissipated, Sheng Xi saw the scene in front of him.

The mine previously used for sacrifice seemed wider than before, and there was a black light flashing on the earth-yellow mountain wall.

Among the black light, there was a faint hint of light, like a faint twinkling star.

That seems to be...the universe?
Sheng Xi was startled by this guess, and in a daze he felt that he resonated with these twinkling black lights.

An uneasy premonition surged from the bottom of her heart. Sheng Xi forcibly cut off the resonance and pulled back the consciousness that was about to be separated.

In the cave, after absorbing the power of the Destiny Stone, this altar made from the Destiny Stone is constantly emitting light.

These lights flashed regularly, like the breathing of a giant monster.

The sacrificial formation was rotating faster and faster. Sheng Xi stood on it, and strange images kept popping into her mind through the constantly rotating formation.

The monks who were mining elsewhere in the mine happened to pass by a "darkness" and suddenly disappeared.

From the place where he disappeared, the spiritual power and vitality carrying his aura slowly flowed into the sacrificial formation, followed the formation's spells and disappeared into the altar.

Not just in the mines.

In the North City of Sun Moon City, monks suddenly disappeared into the night one after another.

Even these eternal nights have a tendency to expand outwards, but as soon as they make any changes, they will be suppressed by the accompanying eternal days.

But the power of eternal day cannot invade into eternal night. The spiritual power and vitality of these disappeared people are all gathered in the sacrificial formation and absorbed by the altar.

As more and more life force is absorbed, the angular altar looks like metal that melts rapidly under high temperatures, turning into a puddle of viscous liquid metal.

This pool of liquid metal was twisting and stretching in place, as if some monster was trying to get out of it.

Eventually, in various forms, it stood up and emerged as a barely humanoid creature.

Its body was swaying, as if it would turn into a puddle of mud and fall to the ground at any time due to lack of strength.

Its body shape was similar to Sheng Xi's, its face was vague, and it had no clear facial features, but Sheng Xi could feel that the eyes it looked at him were full of malice.

What a familiar malice.

Sheng Xi was trapped by the power of the sacrifice formation and could not move, but he said unforgivingly: "Oh, you ugly thing is still alive."

"Sheng Xi——"

The indistinguishable voices of men and women sounded simultaneously from the humanoid monster transformed from the altar and Li Youkui's mouth, like two stereo speakers, echoing magnificently in the cave.

"My mother didn't beat you to death, so you still insist on seeking death?" Sheng Xi kept provoking, secretly driving the power in his body, and using his sword intent to cut off the restraints of the sacrificial formation at his feet. "You sent me here to seek death, but don't blame me!"

Although the humanoid monster and Li Youkui were two people, they obviously shared the same mind and attacked Sheng Xi at the same time.

At the critical moment, Sheng Xi cut off the restraints of the formation below him and jumped up from the formation to avoid the attacks of the two men.
She flew forward and charged up a sword to attack where the altar was originally.

As the sword fell, the sound of broken glass was heard, followed by the sound of countless rocks exploding.

The illusion covering the altar was shattered, revealing the real scene.

——The altar has not melted, it is still the same as before, and it is still absorbing the lives of the monks from the darkness.

It wasn't until Sheng Xi's sword fell, splitting the altar in half, that the absorption speed slowed down.

The humanoid monster originally chasing her disappeared, leaving only Li Youkui with dark eyes.

He couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"How do you know..." Halfway through his words, Yue Mo felt embarrassed, so he stopped talking and attacked Sheng Xi crazily.

Sheng Xi's body was covered with accelerating charms, and she moved around in the cave to avoid attacks. She also didn't forget to taunt the opponent: "Because you are such a bad guy, you can't have two incarnations at once."

Before actually swinging the sword, Sheng Xi was just guessing.

She had been fighting against the power of Heaven for so long that even the alienated Li Youkui in front of her would make her feel disgusted.

But when facing this humanoid monster, she was unusually calm.

At that time, Sheng Xi thought, could this be an illusion?
Fortunately she was right.

The spirit-boosting pill that he drank took effect quickly. Sheng Xi did not hesitate and swung his sword to attack the altar again.

When the two swords went down, all the destiny stones remaining on the altar turned into powder.

Just when Sheng Xi wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Li Youkui snorted coldly.

His pupils returned to normal, and he stood there at a loss for a moment.

The consciousness that broke away from him rushed towards the black dust around the altar.

The dust that was originally scattered seemed to have come to life, and it all enveloped and rushed towards Sheng Xi.

At this moment, even the darkness that was constantly trying to expand its scope quieted down, and all its power was concentrated on these dusts.

These dusts gathered together and turned into a solid darkness, surrounding Sheng Xi, quickly covering her body and drowning Sheng Xi.

Sheng Xi swung her sword to fight back, and the dust covering her sword scattered a little, then quickly condensed again and pounced on her.

The destiny stones in her Sumeru ring continued to drill out of the Sumeru ring in response to the black dust.

Not only her, but also the destiny stones in Yuan Xian and Li Duojin's Sumeru Rings were all pulled out by an invisible force.

These destiny stones automatically turned into dust in the air, flying towards the people around them, covering their whole bodies.

Squidward tried to rush out several times in the spirit beast bag, but was suppressed by this force and could not move.

The figures wrapped in black dust are getting smaller and smaller, as if being swallowed by the dust.

Until finally it disappeared.

In the empty cave, Sheng Xi and the rest of the people were gone.

There was only one person left, Li Youkui, who showed strong joy after feeling dazed.

Done! (End of chapter)

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