very dark.

This was the biggest impression Sheng Xi had on his surroundings after being wrapped in the black dust of the Destiny Stone.

The moment he was completely enveloped by these things, Sheng Xi could no longer sense the outside world and felt that he had entered a very strange space.

This is not like a real world, it should be somewhere between reality and fiction.

Sheng Xi could no longer see anything except darkness.

But she knew that this darkness was not pure darkness.

There were countless things hidden inside that she couldn't see.

These things kept impacting Sheng Xi's mind, making her in a trance.

Sheng Xi instinctively wanted to activate the Phoenix Fire, but failed.

At this moment, she seemed to be an ordinary person who had never practiced cultivation.Being in the vast ocean, there is no way to save oneself.

An invisible force drove panic to creep into Sheng Xi's heart for a long time. There was a crack in her mind, and things hidden in the darkness around her rushed in.

At this moment, Sheng Xi heard the painful roars of countless people.

"Why did this happen to me!"

"I have been aboveboard in my life, why did you frame me?"

"No, my parents won't die! They won't die!"

"Why should I suffer? Go to hell!"

"I don't want to get sick! Doctor, help me! I'll go earn medical fees when I get better!"

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I can be a cow or a horse for you!"

"I deserve this! I don't owe anyone else! I want your life to be worse than death!"

"Don't eat me! I don't taste good! No--"

"Help me! Help me!"

"God, please help me!"

"help me……"

"Can anyone help me..."

"I want to live..."

All kinds of shouts, roars, and curses finally turned into calls for help.

These emotions followed a crack in Sheng Xi's defense and penetrated into her heart.

The overload of negative emotions squeezed her body and mind, making Sheng Xi's already dazed mind even more confused.

She became the experiencer of these negative emotions, as if she had experienced a complete life that was unbearable for these people.

The world is like a huge cage, imprisoning countless creatures.

The cage of the world moved forward mightily, and countless creatures in the cage turned into ashes in pain.

Their voices were not heard, but they were amplified countless times here and converged into a vast ocean.

Among the noisy emotions, Sheng Xi vaguely heard a voice asking: "Is it painful?"


These people are full of suffering from birth to death, and even have no peace of mind after death. How can they not be in pain?
The voice said again: "Then go to hell."

In her previous life on Earth, Sheng Xi, an orphan, had a very difficult time.

At that time, whether she was being looked down upon by her teachers or classmates, or whether her boss or colleagues were wearing small shoes, Sheng Xi had a lot of hard work.

She wants to live and live a better life.

But after traveling to the southeastern spiritual world, life was obviously very good, but Sheng Xi never really wanted to live.

She has a will to live, but not much.

She is not as cautious as in her previous life. She will never do something if she knows it cannot be done.

Sheng Xi always thought it was because his efforts in his previous life ended in vain, and after dying once, he let himself go in this life.It wasn't until she later experienced the trial of the Heart Refining Plate in Luofeng's Secret Realm that her thoughts were magnified infinitely, that she realized that she didn't really want to live.

She wanted to just agree to this voice, but vaguely, Sheng Xi heard countless voices ringing in her heart.

"I want to live."

"help me."

There were all kinds of sounds from men, women, old and young, even mixed with the roars of monsters and the rustling of the leaves of spiritual plants.

All creatures are shouting.

"Want to live."

"help me."

Sheng Xi's desire to die was pulled by these desires for survival, and a faint silvery white light emitted from his body, dispelling the darkness around him.

She finally saw clearly what was going on in the darkness.

There were countless faces, including humans, demons, demons, and some with faces from both races, looking like mixed-race people.

These unfamiliar faces were crowded together, and each face was so painfully distorted that it was impossible to recognize its original appearance.

The sounds Sheng Xi heard just now came from them.

The light around Sheng Xi echoed these cries for help. The darkness around her tried to swallow her up, but was blocked by the weak light.

In such a weak response, Sheng Xi faintly noticed something hidden in the depths of the darkness, which resonated with the light on his body.

The darkness was as thick as a solid. After the initial cry for help, there were countless curses and unabashed malice.

Hatred of others, greed for power and wealth, fear of death, bullying of the weak...

It's like a human trash can where all the negative emotions in human nature are piled up.

Layer upon layer, it not only makes it difficult for people to move, but also constantly arouses the deepest evil thoughts in people's hearts.

Sheng Xi collected his thoughts and tried not to let himself be affected by these things.

She consciously sensed the resonance in the darkness, and followed this resonance to let her consciousness pass through these negative emotions.

The road is long and seems to have no end.

Sheng Xi was like a small insect, using his body to break open the solid rock in front of him bit by bit, and struggled to move forward inside.

The negative emotions around her continued to corrode her will, trying to swallow up her conscience.

Sheng Xi seems to be in an environment where everyone is evil. Everyone has ill intentions towards her and everyone wants to kill her. If she doesn't want to be slaughtered by others, she must be more ruthless and bad than these people.

Sheng Xi had the thought of giving up on progress many times, and wanted to go with the flow and join in the misfortune many times, but he stabilized his mentality in time.

She is not a purely good person, but she will never be a slave to negative emotions.

The light around Sheng Xi gradually dimmed, and when the darkness was about to disappear, Sheng Xi finally found something that resonated with him.

——It was a small spot of light only the size of gravel.

In the endless darkness, this spot of light was so faint that it was almost undetectable.

If it weren't for the resonance between it and himself, Sheng Xi wouldn't be able to discover it.

This light spot emits a warm, soft light, which is particularly precious in such a darkness full of negative emotions.

Sheng Xi didn't know what it was, but he vaguely felt that it came from the same source as the light spots on his body.

She bravely stretched out her hand and gently touched the light spot.

The light spot trembled slightly, as if it had been greatly frightened, but when it sensed the light on Sheng Xi's body, it stopped trembling and stood still.

It seemed as if something unbelievable had happened, and it froze in place in shock.

After a moment, the light point approached Sheng Xi, sank into her fingertips, and disappeared.

At the same time, a large number of unfamiliar pictures flooded into Sheng Xi's mind.

She saw all things in the world, saw the various forms of life, saw the grass growing and the orioles flying, and saw the winter snow withering...

She also saw a young man who looked similar to Xiao Liluo and Li Duojin. (End of chapter)

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