Ask the Heart Sect.

Yuan Xian is discussing with Brother Squidward.

After he was promoted to the Divine Transformation stage, Xiao Liluo, who had been practicing swordsmanship with him, could no longer keep up with his swordsmanship. He had to find a monk of the same level to make progress together.

Xiao Liluo was quite happy about this.

Until Wen Zheming sent him a training guideline to advance to the divine stage as soon as possible.

At this time, Xiao Liluo was exhausted from sword practice and lay on the back hill without wanting to move.

I really miss the days when I used to do things with my junior sister.

Xiao Liluo was thinking about whether to ask his master to send him to the Demon Realm to play with his junior sister, when a dark Sheng Xi suddenly appeared in front of him.

This Shengxi is so dark, as if it was made out of a ball of shadow.

Xiao Liluo didn't recognize it for a moment, and his brain shut down for a moment.

Until Hei Shengxi raised his sword and stabbed him.

Xiao Liluo was startled. He rolled over with his sword in his arms, and the sword in Hei Shengxi's hand pierced the place where he had just been lying.

"What?" Xiao Liluo shouted, jumping up and quickly distanced himself from Hei Shengxi.

Hei Shengxi's face blurred and turned into an erratic figure, constantly attacking Xiao Liluo.

Xiao Liluo quickly took a spirit-replenishing pill to fill the dry spiritual energy in his body, and quickly drew his sword to meet him.

The sharp sword force quickly dispersed the blurry figure, turning into black smoke and disappearing.

"How come there are still monsters that can break into Wenxin Sect?"

Xiao Liluo was confused and rushed towards Yizhu Peak, and unexpectedly found Yuanjun Jingchen standing in the air, overlooking the entire Wenxin Sect.

Xiao Liluo flew over quickly: "Master, a black shadow-like monster just attacked me. The monster returned and turned into a little junior sister."

While talking, the others rushed over one after another.

The same thing happened to them all.

Especially Yuan Xian and Brother Squidward.

The battle between the two was fierce and their fighting spirit was very strong. The moment the black shadow appeared, they had a murderous intention for a moment.

Fortunately, we stabilized it in time, so no serious accident happened.

But the terrifying thing about this is that it is almost impossible for two mature monks to be murderous during a sparring session.

"Master, something is trying to shake my Taoist heart." Yuan Xian frowned.

"It's the evil thoughts of Heaven." Yuanjun Jingchen's expression was rare and solemn, and everyone's hearts were lifted.

Brother Squidward, who was also aroused for a moment to kill, still has lingering fears: "Why can the evil thoughts of heaven affect us?"

The disciples and monsters in the sect were only affected by the way of heaven to this extent, but they quickly adjusted themselves, which made Yuanjun Jingchen feel very pleased:

"The way of heaven is the collection of the will of all living beings. On the other hand, all living beings are the way of heaven."

"Good and evil exist in everyone's heart. Using this layer of cause and effect, the way of heaven can guide the good and evil in the hearts of all living beings."

It is an evil thought to attack relatives and friends, and the law of heaven forcibly inspired their evil thoughts.

Yan Che had just finished blowing up a black shadow that looked exactly like him. After hearing Yuanjun Jingchen's explanation, he was even more frightened: "Is the way of heaven going to attack us?"

Jingchen Yuanjun corrected: "I'm attacking everyone."

Yuan Xian felt uneasy: "How about the little junior sister?"

"The evil thought that just attacked me looks like my junior sister. Could it be that my junior sister is the way of heaven?" Xiao Liluo's thoughts were wild and unconstrained.

Jingchen Yuanjun frowned: "The mark I left on Xiao Xi has disappeared, and she has probably entered the body of Tiandao again. That's why Tiandao can show her appearance in front of you."

"Evil thoughts are rampant under the mountain, you go and deal with it."

"Don't trust outsiders easily. No one knows to what extent the evil thoughts in these people are inspired."

"Even people who were familiar with you in the past should be on guard."

These children were not very experienced in the world and had simple minds, so they became a little cautious when they went out to play with Sheng Xi.

But if you really want to put it outside, it won’t be enough to see. Jingchen Yuanjun gave a few extra instructions before he dared to go out.

He looked towards the sky solemnly, and his figure was covered by light and disappeared.

Yuan Xian watched his master leave. The moment Jingchen Yuanjun disappeared, he vaguely saw long sharp horns growing out of his head.

That is the true form of the demon clan, Jun Li, the high priest of the demon clan.

Xiao Liluo put his hand on his forehead like a looker, watched Jingchen Yuanjun leave, and looked at Yuan Xian curiously: "Elder brother, why do I think Master's horns are longer than yours?"

Yuan Xian lowered his head and looked at the long horns on his shadow.

The sunlight stretches the shadows and makes them appear distorted, making it impossible to tell who has the longer horns.

Yan Che said thoughtfully: "It should be because Master is older and his horns will grow longer as he lives longer. How old is he?"

"Stop saying a few words!" Elder Gui quickly covered his mouth and looked at the sky nervously.

Every time Sheng Xi praised Yuanjun Jingchen for his good looks, he was so happy.

If Leng Buding heard Yan Che calling him old, Elder Gui didn't have to think twice to know that Jingchen Yuanjun would be angry.

He was afraid that Jingchen Yuanjun would turn around and turn Yan Che into a panda again.

At this moment, the lord of Xianyang City came over in a hurry: "Yuanjun - no! High Priest, help! Something happened in Xianyang City!"

Even the Wenxin Sect has been affected internally, and the situation at the foot of the mountain will only get worse.

Xianyang City, which was usually peaceful and peaceful, was now full of fighting monks.

There are monks fighting against the shadows formed by evil thoughts.

Some monks were unable to resist the growing evil thoughts in their hearts, and were controlled by them, attacking the people around them crazily.

There are also monks who died at the hands of monks who had evil thoughts or were controlled by evil thoughts.

A series of deadly battles brought a large number of attacks, and the city's protective formations and various buildings collapsed on a large scale.

Many Nascent Soul Stage monks were affected and took crazy action.

When monks of this level engage in a head-on battle, the spiritual aftermath alone can wipe out the corpses of many low-level monks.

Fighting with weapons was not allowed in the city, but now that everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall has been tricked and no one is upholding the law, this rule is in vain.

The city lord himself also struggled with evil thoughts before escaping and ran to Wenxin Sect for help.

Xianyang City, which he had devoted all his efforts to, was now like a hell on earth, and the city owner was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"There were too many people involved in the battle. In addition to the Yuanying monks, there were two other monks in the transformation stage who were trapped by me with my secret treasure."

"Otherwise, the entire Xianyang City and the monks in the city will die in the battle between these two."

"But my secret treasure won't last long, so I'm asking a few friends to help me to solve my urgent need!"

Yuan Xian looked in the direction of his finger and could vaguely sense two auras of the God Transformation Stage that were fighting from the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

There were small explosions from time to time, which were the aftermath of the fight between the two monks in the transformation stage.

This power alone has turned the area around the City Lord's Mansion into ruins, and the area of ​​the ruins is still expanding.

As the city lord said, the secret treasure used to trap these two people is gradually becoming ineffective.

Yuan Xian released his spiritual consciousness, quickly understood the situation in the city, and quickly made a decision: "Brother Squidward and I are going to subdue the two monks in the transformation stage who are fighting."

"You work in groups of three, go and eliminate the evil thoughts, and tie up the rest of them, and keep them under centralized supervision and protection."

"Second Junior Brother, is there any elixir that can make people fall asleep?"

Wen Zheming nodded, took out a storage bag, packed the elixirs inside into other storage bags, and distributed them to Xiao Liluo and others.

"Crush the elixir and inhale the powder and you will fall into drowsiness. It is effective for monks below the stage of transformation."

"The green bottle is the antidote. Hold it in your mouth to avoid falling into drowsiness."

Yuan Xian felt relieved about his family, but he was a little worried about the outside world: "Second Junior Brother, please contact the other six sects and ask them about the situation there."

"If there are still conscious people, tell them clearly the current situation and how we will handle it."

All living beings and the way of heaven are one and the same. The little junior sister is fighting within the body of the way of heaven. He must also do his best to stabilize the external environment for her and contribute to this bet. (End of chapter)

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