As Yuan Xian expected, these scenes that happened in Xianyang City were also performed in various places in the southeastern spiritual world.

Streams of malicious black energy floated out from the void and entangled the people around them, constantly trying to invade their minds and inspire the most unbearable evil thoughts deep in their hearts.

The unsuspecting monks were transformed into villains.

Among the seven sects, the Wushuang sect suffered the smallest loss.

First, because the disciples in the sect are strong, when they are attacked by black shadows formed by evil thoughts or deteriorated companions, the Wushuang Sect disciples react quickly and dodge the attack.

Secondly, because the Wushuang Sect was poor, although the attacks among the disciples damaged a lot of things, they were all worthless things and it would not cost many spiritual stones to repair them.

The one whose losses were second only to them was Queyuemen.

Teng Yue was released from the Heart Refining Plate with great difficulty. He had been trained by the Heart Refining Plate to have no desires or desires. There was not even a dark shadow formed by evil thoughts around him.

After discovering that something happened to his sect, Tengyue realized that there was something wrong with the Taoist hearts of the disciples who attacked his fellow sect, and immediately went to find the heart refining plate.

Although the weapon spirit of the Heart Refining Plate had a personal enmity with Tengyue, as the treasure of the Queyue Sect, the weapon spirit kicked Tengyue and then pulled everyone in the Queyue Sect into the Heart Refining Plate.

The weapon spirit can ensure that these people do not die in the illusion, and these people are trapped in the illusion, and no matter what they do, they cannot harm the real world.

It was at this time that Tengyue received the summons from Wen Zheming.

After understanding the general situation, he and Qi Ling locked up all the people with magic weapons without saying a word.

The exercises of the Hehuan Sect are conducive to stabilizing the Taoist mind. What mainly appears in the sect is the dark shadow transformed by evil thoughts.

As soon as these things appeared, the Hehuan Sect disciples felt uncomfortable and wary.

So their losses are okay.

Among the seven sects, the Danxia Sect, Luofeng Sect, and Beast Control Sect suffered the greater casualties.

The Danxia Sect focuses on alchemy cultivation and has hired a group of swordsmanship disciples from the Wushuang Sect as bodyguards.

When these sword cultivator disciples turned black, they injured some Danxia Sect disciples.

There were also some Danxia Sect disciples who, after their evil thoughts were forcibly aroused, poisoned their fellow disciples, causing many casualties.

After Meng Kexin learned about the situation from Wen Zheming, she quickly stupefied the disciples with medicine, and took a few conscious junior brothers and sisters to detoxify and heal everyone.

When the Luofeng Sect and the Beast Control Sect were cultivating disciples, they encouraged competition among fellow disciples. Some disciples competed using unfair means. As long as they could win, the elders would turn a blind eye.

This resulted in the sect's atmosphere being less upright than other sects, and more evil thoughts accumulated in the hearts of its disciples than in other sects.

Usually relying on self-control, these evil thoughts can be suppressed.

But under the power of heaven, evil thoughts were constantly stimulated, and finally broke through the shackles of morality.

Many sect elders fell into the trap, and the monks in the transformation stage fought fiercely, and the mountains exploded one after another.

On the contrary, Xue Feichen and the others, who had experienced Sheng Xi's severe beating, were still conscious. After suspecting that something was wrong, they took the initiative to contact Lu Xiang.

——It’s not that he doesn’t want to contact Sheng Xi, but that he simply can’t get Sheng Xi’s contact information.

The reason why he was able to contact Lu Xiang was because during the last Luofeng Secret Realm competition, Lu Xiang was unfortunately assigned to their group. In order to facilitate communication within the team, they exchanged contact information with each other.

After briefly understanding the cause of the accident from Lu Xiang, Xue Feichen immediately approached several sane elders.

They invited the sect's secret treasure, forcibly suppressed the elders and disciples who had been alienated by evil thoughts, and locked them up separately.

The situation at the Beast Control Sect is even worse.

In addition to the elders and disciples of the sect being affected by evil thoughts, there are even more monsters in the sect that are affected.

Monsters originally acted on survival instincts. After developing their intelligence and long-term contact with humans, they slowly learned benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, and gradually learned how to restrain their desires.

However, each monster has a different personality and ability. After the evil thoughts in their hearts are forcibly aroused, many monsters attack the other monsters and human monks in the sect without hesitation.

Some monsters were originally not deeply affected by evil thoughts, but after being attacked by other monsters who were deeply affected by evil thoughts, they were forced to fight back, their ferocity was aroused, and they were beaten harder and harder.

It was only thanks to the support of Elder Wei and Hu Songyuan with secret treasures that the entire sect was not destroyed.

Outside the Seven Sects, the situation is even more severe.

In many villages where there are mostly mortals, even a Qi Refining monk passing by can kill them to death.

Not to mention the battle between monks at the Nascent Soul stage, the aftermath of the fluctuations in spiritual power can destroy a large city, and mortals and low-level monks can't even leave their bones behind.

Yuan Xian and Brother Squidward sealed the spiritual power of the two monks who were fighting in Xianyang City and tied them up, then immediately flew towards a nearby town. He didn't know how many people he could save, but he would save one by one within his ability.

Lu Jinyan, Tengyue and others also had the same idea.

After temporarily stabilizing the situation within the sect, they all selected their conscious comrades and quickly rushed to nearby towns.

In the Zhengnan Spiritual Realm, there is no large formation formed by Jinhan to weaken the power of heaven, and it is more affected by evil thoughts.

In addition, the atmosphere there is not good in the first place, and the evil thoughts hidden in the monks' hearts are more likely to be aroused.

Suddenly, the entire Zhengnan Spiritual World was reduced to a hell on earth.


Jingchen Yuanjun's restored demonic form appeared outside the formation in the southeastern spiritual world.

In the star realm, a huge phoenix covered in blazing fire was fighting one against two, blocking two Mahayana monks who were constantly trying to invade the southeastern spiritual realm.

Seeing Yuanjun Jingchen, one of the Mahayana monks sneered: "Jun Li, you are finally willing to show up."

Jingchen Yuanjun drew his sword and wanted to step forward to help, but Feng San stopped him: "Leave this to me. Something happened to Xiao Xi, you go find her."

Jun Li hesitated for a moment, then turned into a ray of light and flew towards the demon world quickly: "Take care."

The Mahayana monk who had previously provoked him wanted to chase him, but was stopped by Feng San.

The other party was annoyed: "Can you beat the two of us alone?"

"You two are just useless." Feng San scolded angrily, speaking contemptuously.

Another Mahayana monk retorted: "Don't be so quick to talk! If something happens to the little Phoenix, you lose! We are the only ones who truly represent the will of all sentient beings!"

"Shut up! You selfish people!"

The flames on Feng San's body were so bright that it was impossible to look directly at them, like a blazing sun.

The glowing red world-protecting formation moved slowly behind him, blocking one attack after another from the star realm.

Countless intricate and mysterious runes flashed above the formation, complementing the soaring fire phoenixes in the star world.

After many attempts to break in failed, the Mahayana monk who provoked Yuanjun Jingchen said to his companions: "I'll stop Feng San, you go and destroy the southeastern spiritual world!"

"Okay." His companion responded, charging up his strength to attack the boundary-protecting formation.


The clear phoenix cry resounded across the sky, and the red and white phoenix fire continued to expand, like another phoenix flying with wings, swooping at the two people and swallowing them.

A man's painful roar and a huge explosion of broken magic weapons suddenly came from the Phoenix Fire.

A man escaped from the flames in embarrassment, gave Feng San a fierce look, and used himself as a sharp weapon to rush towards the boundary protection formation with all his strength.

Feng San spread his wings and chased after him. Another person who had been swallowed by the phoenix fire appeared in front of him in a bloody state and attacked him angrily.

In just the blink of an eye, the person in front had already rushed to the edge of the boundary protection formation.

With the physical strength of a Mahayana monk, he can definitely break a hole in the formation.

Once this opening is opened, the influence of Heavenly Dao on the southeastern spiritual world will definitely deepen.

The evil thoughts that Yuan Xian and others had finally eliminated will come back with a stronger force.

The eyes of this Mahayana monk lit up with ecstasy, and just when he was about to hit the world-protecting formation, a light lit up in front of his eyes.

The speed of this light was extremely fast. Before he could react, it penetrated his body and defeated his soul.

The man turned around in disbelief and saw a woman with an erratic figure.

The woman had a beautiful face and held a long sword. She swung the sword again without hesitation, defeating his soul and body without giving the other party any chance to fight back.

She withdrew her eyes indifferently and looked at Feng San.

At that moment, her eyebrows became gentle.

At the same time, Feng San also saw her, his ruby-like eyes tightened, and he was extremely shocked: "Ahan!" (End of this chapter)

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