Flash little green plum

Chapter 114 Unexpected Investment 1

Su Hua was stunned for a moment. The Su family had excellent conditions. He always used the good ones and did them well, so he never thought of taking a step back as Lin Dongyang said.

Take a step back and suddenly see the light.

"Brother Hua, the scale of a three-star hotel is not too small. If you really do it, it also proves that you can do it in the hotel industry. No successful person has reached the top from the beginning, right?"

Yes, there is no successful person who is the best at the beginning. Just like before, didn't he develop slowly from a small company?
Su Hua sighed, as if to sigh away the exhaustion and heaviness of the past few days.

"Dongyang, you are right. I went into the alley by myself." Su Hua smiled. At the beginning, he had high requirements and expectations, but he seemed to forget that this can be lowered.

Lin Dongyang breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but pat Su Hua: "That's right, look at how worried Xiaojing is about you these days, but just figure it out."

"You also said that you have troubles and asked me to come out to accompany you, but it turned out that you were the one who came to enlighten me."

"I do have troubles. Isn't it just how to enlighten you about this trouble? If the task is not completed satisfactorily, Hongyi will not give me a good face when I go back." Lin Dongyang joked.

Su Hua gave Lin Dongyang a cup of wine with a smile, raised his glass and said, "Okay, it's my fault, now you can go back and have a good job."

"Your fault. You treat me tonight."

"no problem."

The two looked at each other, smiled and clinked glasses.

When Lin Dongyang went back that night, he told Xu Hongyi the cause and effect of the incident, and also proposed his idea of ​​helping.

"How do you want to help?" Xu Hongyi asked, "Lend money to Senior Brother?"

"Brother Hua is short of funds. Naturally, the money is real, but Brother Hua probably won't ask for the money directly, otherwise he would just ask."

Xu Hong instantly guessed Lin Dongyang's true thoughts: "Do you want to invest?"

Lin Dongyang nodded: "You believe in your senior brother's strength. We do have some spare money at the moment. I think we can try investing, but of course my wife must nod."

Xu Hong thought for a while, and finally agreed to Lin Dongyang's proposal.

It just so happened that a novel by Xu Hongyi was turned into a film and television, and the copyright fee had just been settled. The stocks and funds invested by Lin Dongyang also had good returns, and the two finally took out 300 million.

Su Hua's first reaction was naturally to refuse, but Lin Dongyang explained the reason and told Su Hua not to refuse. After talking for more than half an hour, Su Hua accepted this kind offer in the name of investment.

When a four-star hotel becomes a three-star hotel, various matters such as the location of the hotel will naturally have to be re-planned.

Su Hua became busy again, but he tried his best to stay home every day, for fear that Su Jing would be worried.

This Friday, Lin Dongyang went to a university in the neighboring province for an exchange, and Xu Hongyi also had a signing event in Feihai City. Su Hua happened to have a free day, and the two children were temporarily handed over to Su Hua.

Because Lin Manman wanted to eat hot pot arguing the day before, Su Huabian planned to take the two of them to eat hot pot after school.

Lin Manman got out of school early, so he picked up Lin Manman by car first, and then drove to the vicinity of Sujing School. After finding a place to park the car, he took Lin Manman to wait for Su Jing at the school gate.

Su Hua has always loved Lin Manman very much. Like Lin Dongyang, it can be said that Lin Manman will give whatever he wants.

No, the weather was obviously not hot, and Lin Manman wanted to eat ice cream, so Su Hua still bought it, but Su Hua and Lin Manman made an agreement that they could only eat half of it, and Lin Manman would have diarrhea after eating an ice cream.

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