Flash little green plum

Chapter 115 Unexpected Investment 2

Just as Lin Manman was eating ice cream with relish, a somewhat familiar voice came from behind.


Both Su Hua and Lin Manman turned their heads subconsciously, just in time to see Fang Wenshan in a suit and leather shoes walking over.

"Uncle Fang." Lin Manman called out politely, but she didn't want to touch the cream on the corner of her mouth. She didn't look respectful at all, but a little more mischievous.

Fang Wenshan nodded politely to Su Hua, guessing: "This is Manman's father, right?"

"No, Uncle Fang, this is Brother Xiaojing's father!" Lin Manman answered first.

Fang Wenshan was slightly pleasantly surprised, and then stretched out his hand and introduced with a smile: "So it's Xiaojing's father, hello, I'm Fang Wenshan, Fang Chuyue's father, Xiaojing and my Chuyue are good friends."

"Hello, Su Hua." Su Hua reached out to shake Fang Wenshan's hand. He seemed to feel that Fang Wenshan's name was familiar, but he didn't remember it for a while, "Xiaojing said before that the last time the child went to your house to cause trouble."

"Where, Xiao Jing is very polite and sensible." Fang Wenshan asked with a smile, "Today is it just to pick up Xiao Jing?"

Su Hua nodded and said, "Take them out to eat hot pot tonight, and I'll pick them up earlier."

Seeing that the two of them were about to chat, Lin Manman was afraid that she would be ignored, so she enthusiastically agreed: "Uncle Fang, we are having hot pot tonight, you and brother Chuyue are with us!"

"Is that your treat?" Fang Wenshan wanted to tease Lin Manman.

But Lin Manman nodded without hesitation: "Yes, my piggy bank is almost full!"

The implication is that the baby has money!

"It turned out that Manman already had savings at such a young age, that's amazing." Fang Wenshan boasted.

Seeing this, Su Hua also sent out an invitation: "Mr. Fang, if you have nothing to do at night, come and have hot pot with us."

Su Hua knew that Su Jing and Lin Manman went to Fang Chuyue's house to play last time, and finally brought back big bags and small bags of food. Naturally, he also wanted to thank him, so he took this opportunity to invite him back.

Fang Wenshan came to pick up Fang Chuyue today because he had nothing to do, so he agreed to Su Hua's invitation.

While waiting for school to end, Su Hua and Fang Wenshan chatted, and at first they naturally centered around Su Jing and Fang Chuyue.

Fang Wenshan also told Su Hua about Su Jing helping Fang Chuyue, and praised Su Hua for educating his son well.

Su Hua felt guilty after being praised, but he was still happy that his son helped his friends.

At the end of the chat, the two slowly talked about their careers. Knowing that Su Hua was going to be a hotel, Fang Wenshan showed interest and was optimistic about it.

When Su Hua heard that Fang Wenshan was a restaurant owner, he also lamented that it was a coincidence, and felt that Fang Wenshan's name was somewhat familiar, but he really didn't remember it.

The atmosphere of the two chatting was very good, and they didn't notice that Lin Manman secretly ate the whole ice cream by herself, and finally licked the last bite from the corner of her mouth in satisfaction.

After school, Su Jing came out not long after. He was a little surprised when he saw Fang Wenshan, but he greeted Fang Wenshan immediately.

"Uncle Fang."

Fang Wenshan asked Su Jing with a smile: "Where's Chu Yue?"

"Still in the classroom." Su Jing replied, silently omitting the words "playing games".

During class, with Su Jing by his side, Fang Chuyue didn't dare to play with his mobile phone. The time between classes was too short. After school, Fang Chuyue immediately took out his mobile phone and had to play in the classroom before leaving.

Fang Wenshan couldn't help complaining: "He usually procrastinates, so I'll call him to remind him."

(End of this chapter)

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