Flash little green plum

Chapter 122 Unhappy 2

Yes, for a few years, Zhao Ningmeng had contact with Fang Chuyue a lot because of Zhao Yu.

Maybe it was because of the bad impression they had when they met for the first time. Zhao Ningmen couldn't get used to Fang Chuyue anywhere, especially when she thought that Fang Chuyue would like to play tricks on her, Zhao Ningmen would get angry.

Although Fang Chuyue was Zhao Yu's friend, Zhao Ningmen would never call Fang Chuyue his elder brother like he called Su Jing. Zhao Ningmen even felt that calling him by his first name was regarded as respecting him.

Zhao Ningmen once singled out Fang Chuyue once, and she lost completely without any suspense. Because of this, not fighting for steamed buns for breath inspired Zhao Ningmen's fighting spirit.

Now that she is only in the sixth grade, Zhao Ningmeng has already won the national taekwondo championship in the women's group of her age.

Lin Manman listened to what Zhao Ningmen said, and couldn't help nodding her head in agreement: "You're right, brother Chuyue can do it, there's no reason I can't."

"That's right, so believe in yourself! Our Manman is the best!" Zhao Ningmen took the opportunity to encourage.

Lin Manman nodded heavily: "Yeah!"

"Can I eat well now?"

Lin Manman frowned: "But today's food is really not good..."

"Then wait for me." Zhao Ningmeng got up and ran away after finishing speaking.

Lin Manman's eyes followed Zhao Ningmeng, and when Zhao Ningmeng came over with a plate a minute later, flowers blossomed with joy on Lin Manman's face instantly.

Before she could see what was on the plate, Lin Manman had already confessed: "Thank you for my big lemon! I love you so much!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Manman's favorite stewed chicken legs came into view.

"You don't love me, you love chicken drumsticks." Zhao Ningmeng rolled her eyes and said in a bad mood, "Can you eat it now?"

"I can eat it." Lin Manman said that she had already started, not forgetting to tear off a piece of meat and feed it to Zhao Ningmeng.

Zhao Ningmeng had almost finished eating, so she let Lin Manman eat it directly, while chatting with Lin Manman.

While chatting, Zhao Ningmeng talked about Zhao Yu's self-enrollment examination to be admitted to Beicheng University.

"Really, brother Zhao Yu is really amazing!" Lin Manman couldn't help but praise.

Zhao Ningmeng smiled and nodded: "My brother is really good, but Su Jing is even better, so he will be sent to Beicheng University directly, so the two of them can be in the same school again."

"I just don't know if Brother Chuyue can also..." Lin Manman was about to tease Fang Chuyue, but she suddenly realized that she was stunned for a moment, and immediately asked Zhao Ningmen, "You said Brother Xiaojing was sent to Beicheng University?"

"That's right, don't you know? He has won so many gold medals in national competitions, and he can choose any good school in the country. Beicheng University is all right, and he plans to go. You are with him every day. Don't you know?" Zhao Ningmen was puzzled.

Brother Xiaojing is going to study in North City, why didn't he tell her... Lin Manman instantly felt that the chicken leg in his hand was not good.

Zhao Ningmeng saw that something was wrong with Lin Manman, and asked, "Manman? Did you have a conflict with Brother Su Jing?"

"No." Lin Manman shook her head, Su Jing came back last night and brought her a small cake.

"Why don't you go back and ask him?"

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Lin Manman waved her hands indifferently, "Anyway, he decided to go."

Zhao Ningmen didn't think much about it, so she said, "All right."

Lin Manman couldn't eat anymore, and she didn't finish eating the chicken legs in her hand. Zhao Ningmen asked her, and she just said she was full.

The two left the cafeteria.

(End of this chapter)

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