Flash little green plum

Chapter 123 Unhappy 3

After school, Lin Manman walked out with her schoolbag on her back.

Su Jing volunteered to go to evening self-study after her third year of high school, so she didn't come to pick up Lin Manman after school. Xu Hong came to pick her up when she was not busy, and Lin Manman could take the bus or walk back by herself when she was busy.

Going to the familiar parking space, I saw Xu Hongyi waiting for her in the car.

Lin Manman walked over, opened the door of the passenger seat, and called "Mom" listlessly.

As soon as Xu Hong was looking at her mobile phone, she heard something wrong with Lin Manman's voice, and when she looked up, she saw a sullen expression on her face.

"What's wrong with my precious daughter?" Xu Hong asked tentatively when she thought about the announcement of the results today, "Did you pass the exam?"

"No, I made progress in this exam." Lin Manman said calmly.

Xu Hong was puzzled, and couldn't help asking: "You should be happy about progress, what's wrong? What happened?"

Lin Manman couldn't explain the awkwardness and discomfort in her heart, so she just repeated what she said to Zhao Ningmen to Xu Hongyi, fearing that she had made too little progress and couldn't be in the same class as Zhao Ningmeng.

After Xu Hong heard it, she was naturally comforted, telling Lin Manman not to put too much pressure on herself.

As soon as Xu Hong drove, she took Lin Manman to the supermarket to buy vegetables. Normally, Lin Manman would have already taken her favorite snacks happily.

But today, Lin Manman pushed the shopping cart and followed Xu Hongyi, without the slightest urge to buy snacks.

Xu Hong couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to take Lin Manman to the snack area. Lin Manman just picked up two things and said enough.

Xu Hongyi took the initiative to choose for Lin Manman, talking while picking and returning.

Lin Manman suddenly thought of something, and pretended to ask casually: "Mom, brother Xiaojing, is he going to Beicheng to study in university?"

"Yeah, I haven't thought about it if you don't mention it. Your Uncle Su has even booked a restaurant. Let's celebrate together then." Xu Hongyi said.

Lin Manman only felt that her heart was shattered into slag in an instant. Everyone knew it, but she didn't know it. Everyone knew that they had to celebrate, or she was the only one who didn't know!
"Manman, do you want to eat this?" Xu Hongyi asked Lin Manman while holding a bag of biscuits.

"No, let's go home." After speaking, Lin Manman pushed the shopping cart and left.

In the evening, as soon as Xu Hong made Lin Manman's favorite sweet and sour short ribs, Lin Manman didn't have much appetite. After eating and finishing her homework, she just nestled on the sofa and watched TV.

Guessing that Su Jing would go home after studying late, Xu Hong immediately asked Lin Manman to bring over the sweet and sour short ribs and millet porridge left for Su Jing, which was considered supper.

Lin Manman was angry with Su Jing, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but she wanted to ask Su Jing very much in her heart, so the dawdling passed.

Walking to the door of Su Jing's house, Lin Manman didn't enter the password or fingerprint to enter by herself as usual, but rang the doorbell and so on.

After a while, the door was opened.

Su Jing saw Lin Manman carrying something, immediately reached out to take it, and asked casually, "Why don't you come in by yourself?"

"I'm holding things in both hands, how can I come in by myself." Seeing Su Jing, Lin Manman couldn't help being wronged, and wanted to lose her temper, but told herself to control it, so her tone was very awkward, dry, and somewhat yin-yang.

Su Jing has known Lin Manman very well for so many years, and he can tell that he is unhappy at a glance.

"What's wrong? Didn't pass the exam?" Naturally, Su Jing's first reaction was this.

"No." Lin Manman said in a pretentious tone, "I'll go back when I'm fine."

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