Flash little green plum

Chapter 130 No Puppy Love 3

"It doesn't look like you're lying, so let's just trust you." Su Jing seemed rather embarrassed.

Lin Manman still explained seriously: "Brother Xiaojing, it really has nothing to do with me. I am still wronged. It is the first time in my life that I am being talked about and I am wronged!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Manman showed aggrieved face and couldn't figure it out.

"Then why are you still talking to Zhang Baojie in the classroom after school? What did you say?" Su Jing asked.

Lin Manman was afraid of being misunderstood, so she immediately replied: "I just didn't figure it out. I wanted to ask Zhang Baojie what was going on, but you came here before he even spoke."

"Don't ask, it's nothing. It's nothing to do with you if you make a mistake." Su Jing explained to Lin Manman the explanation he had thought up, "Zhang Baojie wrote a love letter to his classmates, but not to you. The head teacher misunderstood."

When she heard that it had nothing to do with her, Lin Manman instantly relaxed and asked gossipingly, "Then who did he write the love letter to?"

Su Jing glanced at Lin Manman indifferently, and said angrily: "Just take care of yourself, why ask so many questions, this is other people's privacy, you have to respect it."

"Oh - okay." Lin Manman looked disappointed, but she was wondering who Zhang Baojie would write the love letter to, from this class or from other classes?
Unable to see Lin Manman's relief, Su Jing deliberately asked, "How do you think I know I'm going to the homeroom teacher's office?"

"I don't know... the teacher in charge didn't call me, did he?" Lin Manman said casually.

Su Jing deliberately gave her a thumbs up, then nodded and said: "That's right, the class teacher called the godmother, the godmother is out of town, it's not convenient to come back, so call me to go..."

Before Su Jing could finish speaking, Lin Manman exploded: "Wait a minute! What are you talking about? The class teacher is looking for my mother?"

"Yes, now the godmother probably thinks you have fallen in love early." Su Jing said intentionally, but in fact Xu Hongyi didn't know anything.

"I'm going to die! Mom will definitely be angry!" Lin Manman became anxious immediately, and took Su Jing's hand and begged, "Brother Xiaojing, you are the best, can you tell mom for me?"

"Aren't you innocent? Don't you dare tell your godmother?"

"Innocence is one thing, but what if I'm afraid that my mother will convict me if she's not happy?" Lin Manman said pitifully, "Brother Xiaojing——"

"It's okay to help you, but..." Su Jing spoke slowly, whetting Lin Manman's appetite.

"But what?" Lin Manman asked subconsciously.

"You have to promise me two things." Su Jing took the opportunity to make a request.

"any request?"

Su Jing said: "First, keep a distance from Zhang Baojie in the future. Although you have nothing to do, but the teacher really can't explain it clearly, then prove to her that you really have nothing to do."

"No problem!" Lin Manman agreed without hesitation, and then asked, "What about the second request?"

"No puppy love." When Su Jing said these four words, his tone was very firm, and at the same time, he subconsciously paid attention to Lin Manman's reaction.

Lin Manman didn't care, she nodded quickly and agreed: "No problem!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Su Jing breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't want to taste the "bitter fruit" he planted today after a few years, and finally got a slap in the face.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Manman ushered in the sixth grade graduation exam.

At this time, Su Jing was already on summer vacation, so he and Xu Hongyi sent Lin Manman to the exam together.

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