Because of the recommendation, Su Jing had an early holiday, and during the period before Lin Manman's exam, he tutored Lin Manman.

With Su Jing's "escort", Lin Manman's academic performance improved rapidly, and she even got No.5 in the class in the last mock exam.

Now Lin Manman is not afraid of the exam at all. Under the watchful eyes of Xu Hongyi and Su Jing, she enters the exam room full of confidence.

Xu Hong needed to leave as soon as he had something to do, so he didn't wait at the school gate. Su Jing stayed and found a nearby dessert shop. While playing games with Fang Chuyue and Zhao Yu, he waited for Lin Manman's exam to end.

When it was almost time, he went back to the school gate and waited. Not long after the exam was over, he saw Lin Manman jogging out with a smile.

"Brother Xiaojing——" Lin Manman ran to Su Jing and couldn't wait to share the good news with him, "Today's last big question, the type is exactly the same as what you told me last night, it's amazing!"

"Then it seems that you did well in the exam." Su Jingting nodded, taking the exam bag from Lin Manman's hand naturally.

Lin Manman nodded with a smile, very confident.

"Let's go, go home first." Su Jing said.

Only then did Lin Manman realize that Xu Hong was gone, and couldn't help but ask, "Where's mom?"

"It's a bit early to leave, but when we get home, the godmother should be cooking at home." Su Jing explained.

The two didn't walk, Su Jing took a taxi directly, and the two arrived home soon.

Sure enough, when I got home, I could smell the aroma of food when I entered the house.

According to Lin Manman, the exam consumes a lot of energy, so she had to eat more to replenish energy, so she ate two bowls of rice in one go, and didn't put down the bowl until she was full.

After finally finishing the exam, Lin Manman relaxed, took a long nap after eating, and slept until four o'clock in the afternoon before being woken up by Xu Hongyi.

"Manman, wake up." Xu Hongyi shouted and opened the curtains.

Lin Manman was forced to "wake up" and moaned while being trapped in the bed.

"We are going out for dinner tonight, get up quickly, your father and Xiao Jing's father are waiting for us somewhere." Xu Hongyi urged.

The two families agreed that after Lin Manman finished the exam, they would go out together to celebrate the graduation of both children, so Su Hua reserved a box early.

The nap always gets sleepier and sleepier. The longer you sleep, the harder it is to get up. No matter how many times Xu Hong yelled, Lin Manman didn't move.

"I'll count to three, and if I don't get up again, I'll call Xiaojing to call you, 1, 2..."

Before Xu Hong could finish speaking, Lin Manman sat up from the bed at once, her eyes were not opened, but her mouth quickly replied: "I'm up, I'm up."

When Xu Hong saw this, she felt a little funny, and left a sentence to Lin Manman for 5 minutes before going out.

Although the words were left for 5 minutes, by the time Lin Manman really got up and tidied up, it was already 15 minutes later.

When they went out, they called Su Jing, and Xu Hong drove to the dinner place.

When the three arrived, Lin Dongyang and Su Hua had already ordered and served the dishes, but they had been waiting.

The dinner is Chinese food, which is a special fusion dish. Su Hua and Lin Dongyang ordered dishes according to everyone's taste, so everyone had a very pleasant dinner.

After dinner, Su Hua gave Lin Manman and Su Jing a graduation gift, a notebook for Su Jing, and a retro camera for Lin Manman. Lin Manman liked it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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