The midsummer in Jiangcheng has arrived, and the weather is so hot that everyone will suffer from heat stroke.

The adults originally wanted to take Su Jing and Lin Manman out to play during the summer vacation, to escape the heat or something, but Su Hua was on a business trip temporarily, so they had to postpone the previously booked date for a few days.

In the past few days, apart from packing her luggage carefully, Lin Manman also didn't forget to play with Su Jing.

This afternoon, Lin Manman was at Su Jing's house, sitting cross-legged on the floor, blowing on the air conditioner, eating iced watermelon, and doing puzzles in between, feeling extremely refreshed.

The picture that Lin Manman put together was "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival". Although it was a scaled-down version, there were thousands of pieces in the puzzle, so Lin Manman did not dare to neglect at all. This is already the third day of her spelling.

Just when Lin Manman encountered a problem, she wanted to ask Su Jing for help, but Su Jing was listening to English, so she had to pause the puzzle.

Lin Manman turned on the TV, watched TV with a watermelon in her arms, and watched. Lin Manman felt that it was a bit cold underneath, thinking that the floor was cold, so she pulled the cushion next to her and stuffed it under her buttocks.

When Lin Man finished eating half a small watermelon leisurely, Su Jing finally came out.

Lin Manman seemed to see a savior in an instant, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Xiaojing, come quickly, I don't know where to fight next."

Su Jing walked over and sat down next to Lin Manman, staring at the part that Lin Manman had put together, and looked at it seriously.

About 2 minutes later, Su Jing made a movement, and was picking up the puzzle to continue to put it together.

"Brother Xiaojing, don't panic, I'll go wash my hands!" Lin Manman stopped.

It's true that Lin Manman was holding half of the watermelon rind in her arms before she had time to throw it away, and her hands were sticky and uncomfortable even after getting watermelon juice, so Lin Manman thought about washing her hands first.

Su Jing naturally stopped. When she saw Lin Manman get up, then turned around and ran to the kitchen, Su Jing was stunned.

Because what caught Su Jing's eyes was that the back of Lin Manman's nightdress was covered in blood, which looked very scary.

Su Jing lowered his head and looked at the ground, there were also some bloodstains on Lin Manman's cushion.

Su Jing was startled, his head went blank, he didn't have time to think, he got up suddenly, rushed to the kitchen, and gave Lin Manman a princess hug.

Lin Manman was still washing her hands, but she didn't want to be hugged suddenly. She screamed out of fright, and even threw herself in the face with the soap bubbles in her hand.

When Lin Manman came back to her senses, she felt Su Jing walking out with her in her arms.

Lin Manman looked dazed, looked up and could only see Su Jing's chin, and asked puzzledly: "Brother Xiaojing, what are you doing? Let me down."

"No, you're all injured, just stay still." Su Jing said without hesitation, "I'll take you to the hospital right away."

go to the hospital
what the hell!

Lin Manman panicked suddenly, and subconsciously retorted: "What injury? I wasn't injured! Brother Xiaojing, what are you doing?"

"I've bled so much, how could I not be injured? Tell me, where does it hurt?" Su Jing asked, holding Lin Manman as he approached the door.

Seeing this, Lin Manman struggled immediately.

"Brother Xiaojing, I'm fine, you put me down first, I'm really fine!"

Lin Manman struggled violently, but Su Jing didn't hug her, and Lin Manman fell on her buttocks to the ground.

"Oh, hello——" Lin Manman frowned in pain, and said angrily, "This is really painful!"

"I'm sorry..." Su Jing was also taken aback, and immediately reached out to hug Lin Manman.

(End of this chapter)

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