Flash little green plum

Chapter 328 I am very happy 4

The dining table was not big, but it was filled to the brim at this time. Carrot, corn and ribs soup, scallion tofu, stir-fried baby greens... all were light and suitable for Su Jing to eat.

Su Jing called people one by one. Su Hua and Lin Dongyang both expressed some concern but didn't say much. They all sat down to eat together.

"It happened that Xiaojing didn't come back to have the New Year's Eve dinner with us during the New Year. Today, let's just celebrate the New Year together again. The bad things in the new year will go away, and everyone will be happy." Xu Hong said with a smile.

Lin Dongyang nodded: "Xiao Jing will eat more later."

After all, watching Su Jing grow up, Lin Dongyang actually liked Su Jing very much. Although he was a little jealous because he was with his daughter, he still cared about and felt sorry for her.

"Xiao Jing, eat more. Your godfather and godmother came all the way here and still have to work so hard to cook..."

"Brother Hua, what's the hard work? Eat and eat." Lin Dongyang interrupted.

Lin Manman raised the pork rib soup with a smile: "Cheers!"

Everyone also laughed. There was no wine and no soup.

After eating, everyone was leaving. The apartment was too small to accommodate so many people. Lin Dongyang had already booked a hotel before coming.

Lin Manman originally wanted to stay here with Su Jing and take care of Su Jing, but she was unexpectedly stopped by Lin Dongyang and Su Hua stayed.

Before leaving, Su Jing suddenly called Lin Manman and Lin Dongyang: "Godfather, I want to say a few words to Manman."

Lin Manman looked at her father who was holding her arm. After signaling with his eyes, Lin Dongyang temporarily released his restraint.

Lin Manman ran to Su Jing in a hurry, and Su Jing pulled Lin Manman into the house. Lin Dongyang got angry when he saw Lin Manman's useless look, but now he also feels sorry for Su Jing, so naturally he won't be unhappy with him. .

"Brother Xiaojing, what do you want to tell me?" Lin Manman asked curiously.

Seeing Su Jing's serious face, Lin Manman thought she was about to say something serious, but Su Jing didn't answer at all, but suddenly pulled Lin Manman in and kissed her forehead with restraint.

After a few seconds of pause, just when Lin Manman's face became hot, Su Jing hugged Lin Manman into his arms, and then Lin Manman heard a gentle voice in her ear.

"Don't worry, I'm happy with you."

Lin Manman felt sad and felt sorry for Su Jing, so she hugged him back: "We want to be happy together."

"it is good."

After holding her for less than a minute, Su Jing let go of Lin Manman and sent her out.

After Lin Manman's family left, Su Hua pulled Su Jing to sit down on the sofa, still caring about him.

"Manman has told me everything, please give me her address." Su Hua said, her heart filled with anger towards Wu Wan. She had abandoned the son he had loved for so many years, just abandon her if she wanted to?

Su Jing guessed what Su Hua was thinking. Now he was calm and said directly: "Dad, you don't have to go find her."

"Why don't you find her? I want to ask her if this woman still has a heart!" Su Hua realized something and carefully observed Su Jing's expression. Seeing that his mood was still stable, he softened his tone, " Xiaojing, when she left, I couldn’t keep her, I’m so ashamed of you..."

Su Jing did not acknowledge Su Hua's recollection of the past pain, and interrupted: "Dad, for so many years, we, father and son, have been in the same family, and I am very satisfied with my godfather and godmother."

"I definitely came to her with expectations, but I didn't want to force anything. Some things can't be forced."

Good night, please give me a ticket~

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