Flash little green plum

Chapter 329 Car Accident 1

"Now she has her life, and I can live our life, and that's fine."

Su Jing's words were very sincere. He had expectations for Wu Wan, but his expectations failed. It was enough to recognize the reality and get an answer.

Over the years, and most of the time, he has spent it happily. Now that his family and loved ones are all around him, he believes that, just as Lin Manman said, he will be happier in the future.

Su Hua looked at Su Jing for a long time, and finally nodded: "Okay, you think so, let's live our own lives."

"You're worried."

"Everyone comes to see you. On the one hand, it relieves your worries, and on the other hand, you can have some fun. Just relax." Su Hua comforted.

Su Dingding nodded, and the father and son looked at each other and smiled.

After staying in the United States for four days, Su Jing's cold was basically gone. During the day, Xu Hong and others went out to play, while Lin Manman and Su Jing watched movies in the apartment and went to school. They were very happy.

On the day they left, Su Jing sent several people to the airport. Lin Manman reluctantly pulled Su Jing, unwilling to let go.

"Looking at how sticky you are, let's go to the coffee shop and wait for you." Xu Hongyi said goodbye to the young couple very thoughtfully, and then left with Lin Dongyang and Su Hua.

Until he sat down in the coffee shop, Lin Dongyang couldn't help but look outside. Unfortunately, Su Jing didn't know where he took Lin Manman to.

Su Hua went to buy coffee. When Xu Hong saw this, he said angrily: "Are you guarding against thieves?"

"I'll take a look..."

"What's there to see in broad daylight? If you do this, Xiao Jing will be afraid of you, my father-in-law."

Lin Dongyang: "..." There's still one more horoscope to go!


Ten minutes later, Lin Manman came in alone, lowered her head slightly and sat down next to Xu Hongyi.

Xu Hong turned around and saw her rosy lips, which were more "colorful" than before. He understood immediately, but didn't say anything. After all, they were young lovers.

But Lin Dongyang couldn't bear it anymore, but he didn't want to be stared back by Xu Hong as soon as he opened his mouth, so he felt aggrieved.

After boarding the plane, Lin Manman sent a message to Su Jing and then turned off her phone.

The moment the plane took off and soared into the sky, Lin Manman felt that she had begun to miss Su Jing.


Time passed quickly. Lin Manman spent her busy freshman life and ushered in an even busier sophomore life.

Su Jing also came back from abroad. While working on projects and writing papers with his tutor, he also started a business. He was also very busy.

The two have obviously survived a long-distance relationship. After living in the same city, they don't see each other that frequently. Sometimes they only meet once a week, and it's rare that they can date for a whole day.

In Lin Manman's dormitory, everyone was in love. Chen Ruotong and Sun Danning's boyfriends were both from the same school. They were in love, so they were naturally very tight.

It was obviously a movie about four people in a dormitory, but in the end it became Lin Manman and Zhu Zhu. However, Zhu Zhu's boyfriend is a clingy person and has to talk on the phone for a long time every day.

Seeing other couples being so sweet and affectionate, Lin Manman felt a little unbalanced, so she specifically chose a Saturday to let Su Jing spend the day with her.

Lin Manman was usually very talkative, so Su Jing naturally took it seriously when she suddenly became angry and readily agreed.

Lin Manman had a good plan. She got up early in the morning, had breakfast with Su Jing first, then went for a walk. She went to the food court in the morning and skipped lunch. She went to see a movie in the afternoon and went shopping after dinner in the evening. It was perfect. !

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