Flash little green plum

Chapter 331: Trick me into getting married? 1

Lin Manman didn't see Su Jing for three days in a row. While she was worried about Su Jing's condition, she also felt regretful and lost at the sudden death of two such kind old people.

The fourth day was the funeral of Jiang Mei and Su Fangcheng. Lin Manman's family also attended. At the funeral, Lin Manman saw Su Jing. He had lost a lot of weight and looked bad. Lin Manman felt heartbroken.

After the funeral, Su Jing was still busy. Lin Manman could only give him a brief hug before going back to school.

On the night after the funeral, the Su family's house was brightly lit, but the atmosphere was extremely bad.

As early as two days ago, Su Qing and Su Yu were already arguing about dividing the family property. If Su Hua hadn't made a big fuss and demanded that everything put the two elders' death first, this quarrel might have happened two days ago. .

At this time, everyone was neatly present in the living room of the Su family.

After the lawyer read the will in public, he simply left, for fear of getting involved in the dispute.

Over the years, as Jiang Mei and Su Fangcheng got older, they became increasingly unable to do their business.

Su Qing and Su Yu also entered industrial management, but they were neither good at business nor serious about studying. They even only squandered for fun. The Su family's business had already begun to decline.

Su Hua's hotel business is doing very well. In addition to national chains, the company has also developed a series of hotels and resorts of different levels. Naturally, he does not want to be tainted by anything about the Su family.

In the past, it was clearly written in black and white that Su Hua and Su Jing did not want all the Su family's property and severed ties with Su Qing and Su Yu, but they did not expect that Su Hua and Su Jing were still mentioned in Jiang Mei and Su Fangcheng's wills, even though they knew Su Hua's current achievements do not require anything from the Su family.

However, Su Qing and Su Yu quit. When they heard that the two elders left a lot of things to Su Hua and Su Jing in their wills, they couldn't sit still.

"Su Hua, we agreed at the beginning that everything in the Su family has nothing to do with you, so don't go back on your word." Su Qing said directly.

Su Yu also immediately joined in: "Brother is right. Although your parents have distributed property to you in their will, I believe you are embarrassed to take it. After all, my eldest brother and I have been managing the Su family's business for so many years."

Su Hua felt really chilled when he looked at the faces of his brothers and sisters, especially when Jiang Mei and Su Fangcheng were still dead, and the two elders were still disappointed.

However, Su Hua really didn't want to be tainted in the slightest, so he said calmly: "I keep my word. I voluntarily give up the part of the will that belongs to me and Xiao Jing."

After saying that, Su Hua turned to look at Su Jing.

Su Jing understood the meaning immediately and said: "I don't need it either."

"Are you sure?" Su Yu was surprised and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

"Sure." Su Hua and Su Jing answered together.

Su Qing was obviously relieved, and his tone softened a lot, but with urgency: "Then I will contact the lawyer and come back immediately."

Su Yu also nodded, fearing that the two of them would regret it.

Unable to stand the expressions of Su Qing and Su Yu, Su Hua and Su Jing got up and went to the lawn outside the house to get some fresh air. They found that Su Yu had specially arranged a nanny to keep an eye on them.

"Dad, are you afraid that we will run away?" Su Jing couldn't help but sneered.

Su Hua sighed, looked up at the stars in the sky, and couldn't help but say, "Your grandparents must be very disappointed with them."

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