Flash little green plum

Chapter 332: Trick me into getting married? 2

Su Jing also looked up at the dark night sky and remained silent.

The two missed Jiang Mei and Su Fangcheng in the courtyard, but Su Qing and Su Yu in the room were still plotting.

It turned out that Su Qing and Su Yu were worried about Su Hua and Su Jing. Even if they had to sign an inheritance relinquishment agreement later, they were afraid that they would regret it and cause trouble in the future, so they decided to completely sever ties with Su Hua and Su Jing, and even more so, cut off contact.

So after the lawyer returned and settled everything, Su Qing and Su Yu finally brought it up.

"My parents are gone too. My eldest brother and I agree that there is no need for us to contact each other in the future. Since you have left the Su family, we will pretend that we don't know each other when you go out." Su Yu couldn't help but speak first.

Su Qing nodded and agreed: "Of course, you can go to your parents' graveyard at any time if you want to pay homage."

Su Hua glanced at the two of them coldly, nodded and said, "I hope you will do what you say."

"That's natural."

"Of course!"

Su Hua gave Su Jing a look, and the father and son left the Su family together. Unless something unexpected happened, they would never set foot here again.

Watching the two of them go away, Su Qing and Su Yu breathed a complete sigh of relief, and then the brother and sister happily began to discuss how to divide the portion that Su Hua gave up between them.

Su Hua and Su Jing, two people who were mercenary and selfish, had no idea about the conflicts that arose due to distribution, and these two people knew nothing about losing a truly rich brother.


Three years later, Lin Manman is about to graduate from her bachelor's degree.

After several years of hard study, Lin Manman was successfully recommended to the school to continue her master's and doctoral studies.

Su Jing's career has also been steadily rising, and the company has become a rising star among many start-up companies because of the two patented software it developed.

In an ordinary life, the relationship between the two remains the same as before, and even becomes stronger. They accompany each other, feel each other's joy and sadness, and have very few conflicts, but they will be resolved in time. They may even get jealous occasionally, which is also their love.

On the day of Lin Manman's graduation ceremony, the sun was shining brightly and the campus was filled with birdsong and flowers.

In addition to being excited, Lin Manman was also a little nervous because she was going to speak on stage as an outstanding undergraduate graduate of the college.

Lin Manman spent two nights writing the manuscript. It is not like a cookie-cutter speech, but is her heartfelt words about her undergraduate career.

Xu Hongyi, Lin Dongyang and Su Jing all came to the scene today. Although they were far away, Lin Manman couldn't find where they were sitting, but she was still a little nervous and just wanted to perform well in front of the people she cared about.

I had read the manuscript many times in private and could almost memorize it. Lin Manman continued her speech in an orderly manner according to her own rhythm.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Manman finished thanking her and heard thunderous applause from the audience, she felt very satisfied.

He had to have dinner with his family at noon. After the graduation ceremony, Su Jing sent Xu Hongyi and Lin Dongyang away first, and then came back to pick up Lin Manman who was taking graduation photos.

Just as Lin Manman and several people in the dormitory were taking photos on campus and were about to return to the dormitory, they met senior Huang Rui who was waiting downstairs in the dormitory.

Lin Manman had a good impression of this senior. Huang Rui and she were both members of the student union in the past few years, and they had a lot of interactions. Huang Rui also kindly helped Lin Manman when she had problems.

"Senior, are you looking for me?" Lin Manman's eyes fell on the rose in Huang Rui's arms, and she suddenly had an ominous premonition, feeling that the rose would turn into a peach blossom.

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