One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 10: The Island of the Fog: The Battle to Capture Chapters Begins

Chapter 10: The Island of Fog: The Battle to Retake Begins

The Qianyang was sailing towards the direction indicated by the life card at the fastest speed, and fortunately they happened to ride the current, which saved them most of the time.

But Boerqi and the others first went back to Mushroom Island to pick up their previous companions before chasing them.Fortunately, the direction the life card was pointing at happened to pass by Mushroom Island, so it took them a while to catch up with the Qianyang that was sailing ahead.After all, there's more to the sexy Foxy after a major makeover than just looks.

On the Qianyang, Nami, who was standing at the bow of the ship, frowned and looked at the life card moving forward in her hand, expressing her doubts uncomfortably, "However, I'm sure this life card is for helping us. Did you send it here? What if you find out that it’s a trap in the past?”

"It is indeed very possible," Robin nodded in agreement, and said with a slight frown. "After all, I don't know who this life card belongs to, and I can't guess who will come to help us. But, there is no way When we find out where Miss Anke is, even if there is only a one-in-a-million possibility, we have to take a risk."

Usopp was filling his carry-on bag with ammunition, and asked worriedly, "Those guys won't take Encore to Advance City, will they? If they go there, it will be troublesome, after all, it is said that there is justice there." door, pirate ships can’t get in.”

"No matter where the cutie is taken, I have to find it. If those bastards dare to hurt a single hair of her, I will kick him to death!" The cook's handsome face was full of haze at this time, and he clenched his cigarette butt tightly To calm myself down a bit.

Frankie is holding the rudder, although he doesn't need to look at the course after riding the current, "I heard that Lufan bastard said before that he wants to send the little doll to Beckpunk. Now Beckpunk Isn't it in the world government..."

Robin also thought of this incident, but became more and more worried because of it, "If we talk about Baker Punk, the biggest possibility is humanoid weapons..."

For a while, there was only silence at the bow of the ship. After all, they had all seen what a person would look like after being transformed into a humanoid weapon.Not only will you lose all consciousness, but you will be submissive to the world government.

Chopper was sorting out the medicines to be used later. After being quiet for a while, he couldn't help but asked tearfully, "Then, will Encore forget us again?"

"Again?" Although Brooke, who was the last to join, had not experienced that incident, he knew the whole story from the logbook. "Does it mean that Miss Anke lost her memory after being taken away?"

"It was better that time. After all, Encore left us a way out, at least it gave us a chance to remember." Sauron said lightly, and then reached out to take the life card in Nami's hand, he always felt This life card is very strange, it seems to have a kind of unreal look.

The careful Robin noticed his dignified appearance, and after poking his head over to look at it, he said in a low voice, "It seems that this life card has the aura of illusion, but it doesn't seem to be Miss Anke's technique."

"Illusion?" Upon hearing this, everyone gathered together, but they didn't know how to break it.

Nami looked at the life card that had been torn in half, and anxiously asked the thoughtful Robin, "Robin, do you know how to crack it?"

"No," Robin shook his head and said in embarrassment, "Although I was exposed to illusions when I was with the Revolutionary Army, I haven't learned how to decipher them."

"Anke said that it seems that the illusion can be forcibly broken. Since this is not an illusion cast by her, then it shouldn't hurt her if it is forcibly broken," Sauron said in a low voice, and then stared at the life card .

Others don't have a deep understanding of illusion, and now they can only look at the serious swordsman, and look at the life card, wondering if he can unlock the illusion on it.

After a few seconds, the white life card scattered a faint mist, and then the content hidden on it was displayed, but because half of the life card was torn off, only half of the text remained:
'I'll help you get the army...' (the ship stopped)
'Better hurry up...' (Come on~)

"Otherwise, I will take Xiaomo..." (The girl went to elope)
'PS: Her younger brother...' (Very angry~~^_^)


"..." After seeing the words on the life card, the people around the life card tacitly thought of a smiling shark, and also tacitly felt that that guy was so radiant for the first time.

Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, relieved a lot, and said with a smile, "Although that guy is in the enemy camp, thank you very much."

"I really owe him a lot of favors..." Robin also said lightly. After all, it was thanks to Tiger Shark's help in the top battle two years ago.

Sanji exhaled a puff of smoke, frowned slightly and said, "If you really stop the warship carrying the cutie, it will be of great help, although I'm still a little upset, that's all."

"In short, the only problem now is to catch up with those warships!" Sauron said in a deep voice. After looking at the life card, he touched the handle of the knife at his waist, "Then next,"

"Destroy them!!", the partners with the same determination shouted in unison, with sullen firmness on their faces.

After sailing in the direction pointed by the life card for nearly two or three hours, they finally saw the shadow of the ship appearing ahead, but the warship parked there looked very strange.

A total of five warships were escorted this time, one in the middle, and the remaining four were distributed around it, forming a protective circle.And the reason why they stop here is of course not voluntary, just because the four warships forming the protection circle were suddenly attacked by the sea kings, which led to them being forced to stop.Although the warship surrounded in the middle is intact, there is no way to get out of the protection circle, so it can only stop there and wait until the warship is repaired.

Originally, if the Neptune came out of the sea and attacked again, it would not be a problem at all, but the trouble now is that the very smart Neptune actually swam to the bottom of the warship without a sound, and then bit it down. It made a big hole that is not too big or small, and it will not sink immediately, but there is no way to repair it in a short time.

Even though the sea soldiers hurriedly repaired those big holes, before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, the sea king swam over silently again, and then continued to gulp down.

Although the navy warships are equipped with sea stones so that the sea kings will not notice them, but the sea kings who attacked them seemed to have IQ, just took a bite when they were about to repair, and then took a bite while they were about to repair. Before the escorting lieutenant generals rushed over, they swam away quickly.

As long as it appears on the sea, as long as the navies can't see it, then there is almost a 100% chance of winning from the bottom of the sea.Fortunately, that sea king just wanted to stop them, and didn't intend to destroy them.

Down from where the naval warship is, to the unfathomable dark seabed, there is a warm oil lamp that is out of place, and there is a warmth different from icy cold in the dark seabed.And the flame in the oil lamp is even more incredible against the surrounding sea water.

And the orange light of the oil lamp reflected the figure of a tall and slender man sitting nearby. The soft light shone on his handsome face with harmonious tenderness.The man rested his right hand on his bent right leg, and shook the oil lamp with his left hand from time to time.

The shadow created by the long fingers made the light flicker on and off, but it also made people notice that the man was not really sitting in the sea water, and there was a transparent bubble around him that separated him from the sea water.

Moreover, what he was sitting on was not a stone, but the head of a huge Neptune dormant on the bottom of the sea.The light from the oil lamp can't illuminate too much range, even the head of the sea king can't fully illuminate it.

After the man stopped fiddling with the oil lamp, he looked up at the same dark sky, and after a moment of silence, he smiled and said, "Mr. Sauron and the others are finally here, so slow... If it takes about half an hour later, little The witch can escape by herself~~"

Immediately, he patted the mount under him lightly, and said with a smile, "Momo, go back to the baby. The blue whale should wake up now, but it's probably going to explode~~"

The sea kings did not respond, but raised their heads slowly, and then swam silently towards the direction of the submarine. Occasionally, the huge tail swung, but it shattered the mountains on the bottom of the sea, and the dull sound of falling rocks The quiet seabed looms large.

Stopped on the Qianyang outside the shelling range of the warship, everyone was ready for battle, fully armed and ready to snatch the deputy captain back.Franky's newly invented cannon was already set up on the right side of the bow, and several barrels of Coke were placed nearby.On the left is a cannon, and several boxes of shells are placed beside it.

Nami looked at the warship in the distance, and asked, "Any plans?"

The blond cook kicked the ground with the toe of his shoe, bit his cigarette and said coldly, "Quickly snatch the little cuties back, and take care of those daring bastards by the way!"

"I always feel that it's better to have a plan... After all, those are five warships..." Although he had already decided to fight, Usopp couldn't help shaking when he saw the majestic five warships in the distance .

"The Encore is estimated to be on the warship in the middle. If we go directly to fight inside, it will be equivalent to being surrounded by the warship," Sauron tied the turban, then took off the coat and continued calmly. The plan that came down, "Usopp stays on the ship and is responsible for covering and protecting the Thousand Suns. Robin, Chopper, and Nami mainly go into the ship to find Encore, and the others are responsible for taking care of the sailors."

"It's such a simple and crude but feasible plan..." Nami nodded, looking at Zoro who had already drawn out the knife with a bit of teasing, "I didn't expect you to think about it~"

"Stop talking nonsense," Sauron gave her an annoyed look, and continued to look solemnly at the distant warship.

"Cut, if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, who would listen to you green algae!" Sanji said unhappily, kicked his legs and estimated the distance between Qianyang and the warship, then sank Said to the men in a loud voice, "Come on! I will send you there!"

"!!!!!!", Usopp, Chopper, and Brook took dozens of steps back in an instant, waved their hands and shook their heads collectively. Just by looking at Violent Cook's posture, he knew that the guy was going to kick them into the air.

"You have to hurry up and pass," Sauron held the two knives back a few meters, then rushed over quickly and jumped up.Sanji raised his leg to let him land on his calf, clenched his cigarette butt and kicked him hard in the direction of the warship, kicking him into the air.

"!!!!!!", Seeing such a violent delivery method, the jaws of the others were about to hit the ground.Usopp, whose body was stiff, saw that Violent Cook was looking for the next target. After a shock, he recovered instantly, took out a seed with a slingshot in one hand and launched it towards the sea area between the Thousand Sun and the warship. "Million - green algae rope ladder!!"

The dark green seeds germinated and grew quickly after bouncing on the sea surface a few times, and the waving strips of green algae quickly built a bridge, a tens of meters long green bridge spanning between the warship and the Qianyang , and it will be connected to the hull within a meter or two.

"Enemy attack!! It's the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates!!", the warship in the distance suddenly exclaimed, and then the sailors who were still busy repairing the ship immediately returned to their original positions in a hurry.

And Sauron, who first came to the warship in the middle, was also surrounded by sea soldiers, and a fierce battle broke out immediately.The sailors on the four surrounding warships also hurriedly built a connecting bridge so that they could go over there for support.

"Then I'll go there first, Ms. Nami and Ms. Robin, be careful!" After quickly reminding the beauties he was worried about, Sanji jumped up and quickly flew to the distance with moon steps, already restless Get up there on the warship.

"Okay! Let's go too!" Frankie, who was full of energy, jumped onto the green algae bridge first, and then Robin and Brooke followed closely behind. Just go to the warship.

"I want to stay on the boat too..." Nami stood on the side of the boat with a face full of tears, but couldn't muster the courage to jump onto the bridge.

"Boom!!", the warship in the distance began to fire shells towards the Qianyang, but unfortunately it was too far away to hit the pirate ship, and it could only blow up water in front of it.And because the hull was damaged, there was no way to move, so it could only keep firing shells in place, preparing to kill the pirates who were running along the green algae bridge.

"Don't fire the cannon before I'm ready! If you destroy the bridge, you'll be in trouble!" Usopp quickly put on the goggles and stood in front of the cannon. After adjusting the focus, he ignited the fuse directly, " Let’s taste my uncle’s hundred-shot, hundred-accurate shells! Ahahaha!!!”

The black cannonballs were fired, passed the oncoming cannonballs straight, and directly hit the turret of the warship directly opposite. After a loud bang, the warship was blasted out of a hole.

But even though the warship stopped and could not move, the well-trained sailors were quickly moving the fort to a place where they could attack the Qianyang.After all, even though they are at a disadvantage in their current position, their number is hundreds of times that of the opponent!

"It's to cover us, not to attack the opponent's fort!", Nami hit him on the head with a weather stick, then jumped onto the rickety bridge and quickly moved towards the distant warship run away.After all, all the powerful people have gone to the top, and I have to help myself.

"Usopp, you have to be careful." Chopper, who was at the end, said worriedly, and jumped onto the bridge with his small backpack on his back.The bombardment of the warship made the sea surface constantly turbulent, and the green algae bridge floating on it kept shaking to and fro, and was even blown in half by the bombardment once.

The people running on it could only run towards the distant warship with all their strength, and tried their best to block those black shells.

"Be careful!" Usopp shouted loudly to his friends on the bridge, and then continued to concentrate on shooting down the shells that were going to blow up the bridge.But even if he wins in sniper skills, he loses in the hands of people.

Although the navy had no way to get close, the turret and troops were dozens of times stronger than those on the Qianyang, and black shells were continuously fired towards the pirate ship.Even if there is no way to concentrate it, there are still several pirates running between the warship and the pirate ship. As long as their footholds are sunk, it will not be difficult to deal with them!

"At this time, we should be on the stage~~We have no shortage of cannons~~~", Polki's Jiaojiao Didi sounded, and then the sexy Foxy, who was far behind, came up and turned around After turning the bow so that the right side of the ship faced the warship in the distance, dozens of small windows were opened on the right side of the ship's belly, and then brand-new forts were pushed out one by one and aimed at them. Warships in the distance.

"Wow~~~~~~It's really handsome~~~~~~", Usopp's eyes were about to shine, but after thinking about the business, he quickly reminded the opposite person, "Hey! Don't hit the one in the middle. My partners are still on it! Now find a way to cover them! Wait until Encore is rescued before blowing up those unsightly warships!"

"OK~~~Leave it to us~~~~", Polki smiled and blinked, then turned around and shouted to the companions on the boat, "Did you hear me~ Don't hit the middle one~ Anything else~~ ~"

"Yes! Miss Polki!!!"

With the assistance of the Foxy pirate ship, the combat power of the two sides was immediately balanced. The rumbling shelling continued, and the thick smoke and short-lived flames caused by the explosion made the scene look very heroic.

Gradually, the naval warships began to fall into a disadvantage. After all, their hulls were originally unable to move due to the attacks of the Sea Kings, and they were basically in a state of being beaten.

Moreover, the sexy Foxy has been carefully remodeled, and its firepower is far better than that of a warship.The most important thing is that the pirates also have a sharpshooter with a hundred shots. Every time the shells are fired, they will basically concentrate on their turrets, not to mention that the guys on the opposite side will fire powerful cannons from time to time.

The bridge made of green algae has long been destroyed by the bombardment of you and me, and the people on the bridge have not had time to get to the warship.Robin used his ability to transform into a pair of wings, and brought Nami to the warship in the middle by the way.

Brook, who was light in weight, led Chopper and ran across the sea while laughing 'yo ho ho ho ho ho ho', flexibly avoiding the incoming shells.

Franky flew up directly with the wind-driven cannon, but the unlucky pervert was directly bombarded by a shell as soon as he flew up. Although the steel body did not suffer too many injuries, it still also fell into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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