One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 9: The Island of the Fog: The Decisive Battle at the Naval Base

Chapter 9: The Island of the Fog: The Decisive Battle at the Naval Base
At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and the bright sunshine fell on the island, and also dispelled the sea fog that had filled the whole night.

The sailors who were originally hidden by the fog also stood up. Not only were the hills surrounded by sailors, but even the surrounding raised hills were densely packed with sailors.

Zoro, who was still sluggish, leaned against Sanji and the injured sailor, while Luffy and the others turned their backs to them and looked at the surrounding sailors in a circle.

Luffy's expression was a little gloomy. He looked at the rising sun and said, "Everyone, there is no time to waste here. Let's make it quick."

"Yes!", Robin, Nami, Franky and Usopp are ready to fight at any time, while Fox looks left and right to find his partners.

"Hmph, so what if you break free temporarily?" Kong Ming snorted coldly and waved the feather fan in his hand, "Boom Jack!"

"Yes!" Dong Jack on the side immediately ran to a platform not far away, inserted his big knife into a console above, twisted it and activated the mechanism on the island.

The whole ground suddenly shook, and the soil not far away began to crack.However, suddenly, a crater not far away suddenly shook violently, followed by a large amount of seawater gushing out, and after a while, a long yellow worm slightly smaller than the crater swam out along the spewed seawater. Then it slammed down hard, just hitting the mechanism that was about to emerge.

"Ah!!! It took me a few years to build a mechanism!!" Dong Jack screamed immediately, and the yellow long worm just yelled for a long time and swung his fat tail directly to knock him out.

It was a long snake that looked like a mushroom. After appearing inexplicably, the big snake opened its mouth, and then Chopper, Brooke, and several Foxy's men emerged from there, "Hey! Fly!! Everyone!!

Luffy is not in the mood to reminisce with them now, knowing that there is no time to delay, he immediately shouted to Chopper and the others, "Chopper, give Zoro and Sanji the antidote! Then you go to find Encore !"

He doesn't have to ask Chopper if they have found the antidote, just because he knows they must have completed the task.

"Encore?" Chopper and Brook were stunned for a while, and after a quick look at them, they did not see the figure of the deputy captain.

"I see!", Chopper didn't say much, and immediately jumped down from the big snake's mouth and rushed towards them.

"Don't think you can leave here easily." Kong Ming sneered, and then Lu Fan pointed forward, and the sailors rushed down immediately, shouting and rushing towards Luffy and the others.

At this time, Chopper had given the antidote to Zoro and Sanji, and the two main forces who had finally returned to normal were now as dark as the bottom of the pot, and they said in unison, "This place will definitely be destroyed!"

The surrounding sailors were about to approach them, but after the fierce slashing and gorgeous kicking skills, a large open space immediately opened up around the group of people.

"The pirate is indeed a villain!" Lieutenant General Kong Ming suddenly jumped up, and the feather fan held in his right hand suddenly increased to several times its original size. After being hardened by armed domineering aura, he waved it directly, forcing him to retreat from the road ahead. After flying them, wave directly towards the nearest Outer Mountain.

The violent wind directly blasted a hole in the Outer Wheel Mountain, and a large amount of sea water rushed in immediately.Many of the pirates present are devil fruit capable users. As long as their abilities are blocked, they will be unable to fly!

Luffy jumped onto the stone wall on one side, and shouted loudly to Sauron in the distance, "Soron! Take the Thousand Suns to find Encore first! I will catch up with you later!"

"I see!" Knowing that time was running out, Sauron no longer wanted to fight, and quickly cleared a path in front of him.

"Zoro!", Lu Fei suddenly shouted again, and when he looked at himself, he said in a deep voice, "Bring her back by any means!"

"Understood, Captain." The swordsman's face was filled with gloom, anyway, all those standing in front were cut off!

"Zoro! The Thousand Suns is here!" After Nami pointed to his right side, she asked the captain standing on the stone wall loudly, "Luffy! Do you know where the direction is? Maybe if you go out rashly It would be a waste of time!"

Hearing this, Luffy remembered that he had no idea where those guys took his deputy captain.After gritting his teeth and suppressing his anxiety, he asked Lieutenant General Kong Ming who was standing there leisurely, "Hey! Lufan Man! Where did you take Encore?"

Lieutenant General Kong Ming estimated the time, shook his feather fan and smiled cunningly, "Who knows, I'm just responsible for catching her. As for the escort, it's not my business. So, even if I want to tell you kindly, I don't know the route~"

Luffy clenched his fists tightly, but he couldn't suppress the panic and worry in his heart.After taking a deep breath, he looked at the ship doctor with a sensitive nose, "Chopper, can you smell Encore?"

"This is also impossible!" Lieutenant General Kong Ming answered Luffy's words before Chopper, and said triumphantly, "This possibility has also been taken into account, there is no way for you to rely on the civet cat's sense of smell to find the witch. It came out. Moreover, the witch was transported away a few hours ago, when you were still trapped here! Hahahaha!!"

"!!", hearing these words, Luffy and the others all widened their eyes in disbelief.If all possibilities are blocked, how can they find the person who has been taken away long ago?

"Hahahaha!" Seeing their helplessness, Lieutenant General Kong Ming laughed triumphantly, "Don't worry! You don't have to worry about how to find her! Because you have no way to leave this island of fog!!"

Luffy just stared at him for a while, then turned his head and said to Sauron, "Anyway, it's not an option to waste here, Sauron, you guys first look around for any clues. I'll wait I will catch up with you with the Mushroom Snake!"

The good-tempered Mushroom Snake nodded with a smile, expressing that he was happy to help his benefactors.

"This is the only way now! Luffy, try your best to find out where Encore was taken!" Sauron nodded, ignoring the surrounding sailors, and then said to the scattered partners, "Hurry up and go back to the Thousand Suns! Now is not the time to fight the sea soldiers!"

"I see!!" After the others answered loudly, they broke through the encirclement of the sea soldiers and ran in the direction of Qianyang.And the people of the Foxy Pirates are also helping them, after all, they also have a certain responsibility for this incident.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of breaking wind, and then a row of stone towers near the east coast exploded one after another in the middle, as if something extremely fast shot in from outside and shot through them.After seven or eight stone towers fell down, the thing stopped and was inserted into a stone tower.

Upon closer inspection, it was a pitch-black arrow, and the tail of the arrow was dark blue bird feathers, but it was tied with a small pink bag that didn't fit, and there was a cute smiling face of a baby on the bag.

The sudden attack made everyone in the basin immobilized for a moment. The soldiers and pirates all looked at the small pouch on the arrow vigilantly, not knowing whether the owner of the arrow was the enemy or not. friend.

Both Luffy and Lieutenant General Kong Ming were staring at the arrow, and the next second they both rushed towards the arrow in unison.Although I don't know what the origin of that arrow is, I intuit that the small bag on that arrow is very important.

"Don't get in the way!!", Lieutenant General Kong Ming waved his pitch-black feather fan directly at Luffy, and his fierce armed domineering made Luffy, who was running nearby, stagger unsteadily.

"Two rounds of flowers blooming!!", Robin crossed his hands, and quickly called out two hands on the stone tower near the arrow, but when the two hands touched the arrow, they turned into petals and disappeared. At the same time, Robin also sat on the ground due to loss of strength.

"Robin! What's wrong?!" Nami on the side quickly reached out to help her up, not knowing what happened to her.

"That arrow is... Hailou Stone...", Robin replied in a low voice, looking nervously at Luffy and Lieutenant General Kong Ming who were running towards the arrow while shooting.

However, before Luffy and Lieutenant General Kong Ming reached the stone tower, the arrow had already been pulled out.Just as the long nose nearby pulled out the arrow, Lieutenant General Kong Ming's strong fan was greeted head-on, and after a scream, the whole person flew up, "Wow!!!! Attack me ahhhhh!!!"

"Damn it!" Seeing that long nose still holding onto the arrow tightly even though it was blown away, Lieutenant General Kong Ming couldn't help but cursed in a low voice. Just when he was about to continue rushing towards him, he saw Luffy Already in the front.

"Bang!", the long nose that fell directly on the ground rolled a few times on the ground before stopping, stood up with gritted teeth, and secretly complained about the guys who stood by.

Luffy and Lieutenant General Kong Ming didn't fight immediately, after all, both of them were very concerned about the inexplicable arrow.

After Usopp nervously looked around at the sailors who were pointing at him with knives and guns, he quickly slipped to the nearby Sanji.After opening the small bag, he took out a folded square of white paper. He checked the inside of the bag again and found that it was empty.

When Sanji frowned slightly and looked at the slightly moving white paper, he whispered, "This seems to be a life card, but I don't know whose it is."

A large amount of seawater is still pouring in from the gap in the basin, and the seawater in the basin is already one meter high.Everyone tried their best to stand on the stone tower, and many sailors had retreated to guard around the basin.

Luffy reached out and grabbed a stone and stood on the stone tower. Although he was also suspicious of the owner of the life card, he intuitively felt that it was a clue sent by someone.So, he immediately shouted to his companions, "Follow this life card first. Although I don't know who sent it, you can definitely find Encore!"

"I got it! Follow me quickly." Sauron nodded, and then took the lead in running towards the direction of the Thousand Suns.

"I told you that the Qianyang is here!!" Nami pointed her fangs and ran after her. After all, if there are powerful swordsmen opening the way, there is no need to worry about those sailors.

Usopp ran to Robin, tore off half of the life card and handed it to her, "Robin, give this to Luffy."

"I see!" Robin quickly used his ability to call out a row of hands on the stone tower after taking it, and handed the life card to the captain after the grass came out.

Seeing them leaving, Lieutenant General Kong Ming immediately chased after them, and Luffy almost immediately blocked his way. After all, it was hard to get a little clue now, so he couldn't let him delay a little bit. time.

And now Foxy finally figured out what happened, looked at Sauron who was leaving, and then looked at Luffy who was fighting with Lieutenant General Kong Ming, and finally got a little idea.

Hamburg carried him on his back as usual, after all, their captains were not very flexible.And Polki and others are trying to solve the shells and bullets flying towards them.

After Foxy rested his chin and came up with a plan, he said to Polki who was not far away, "Porky, you take other people on a boat to help the straw hat boys!"

"Oh?" Polki looked at him in surprise, not knowing what he was thinking, "What about you, boss?"

"Hamburg and I stay here," Foxy squinted his eyes slightly and smiled like a fox, his cunning expression was not concealed at all, "I just thought of a very bad idea~~~"

"Yes!" Although she didn't know what the bad idea was, Polki nodded, greeted the companions around her, and then chased in the direction of Sauron and the others.

The rising water surface and slippery stone tower put Luffy at a disadvantage, and if he stays on the stone tower for a long time, those nasty grasses will grow quickly.

Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who is not a Devil Fruit user, has no such troubles at all. His familiarity with the terrain and strong strength give him the upper hand, and the surrounding sailors support him from time to time.

The cannons on the basin fired at Luffy from time to time. Although we knew that the cannonballs would not have much effect on the straw hat boy who was a rubber man, those stone towers were completely different.The stone tower, which looked very solid, fell amidst the sound of 'rumbling' cannons, and gravel and dust were splashed from time to time.

Luffy, who had lost his foothold, was a little embarrassed. Not only did he have to avoid falling into the sea, he also had to be vigilant against Lieutenant General Kong Ming who had been chasing him.

[hateful!Don't waste your time here! ], Luffy gritted his teeth fiercely, and when he was about to make a move, he suddenly heard Foxy's words.

"Straw hat boy! I'm here to help you!" Foxy and Burger Gu had just emerged from the nearby hills when they saw Kong Ming taking out a bazooka and launching it at Luffy. Over there, "Slow light!!"

The pitch-black cannonball seemed to stop immediately after being swept by the light. Before Lieutenant General Kong Ming could react, he was swept by a ray of light and immediately froze there.

"Straw Hat Boy!!" Foxy, who could only help with this, shouted immediately, "Keep attacking that cannonball, even if you can't use your full strength because of the sea water, if you keep strengthening like me, the power of the cannonball will It will also multiply!"

"Although you're a splitter, you're not bad at thinking!", Luffy originally planned to forcibly bomb the island in fourth gear, but in order to save Anke's energy later, he accepted Foxy's kindness, Jumped up and kept waving his fists towards the black cannonball, "Strengthen, strengthen, strengthen!!"

"!!!", Kong Ming on the side could only move his eyeballs very slowly, watching the cannonball continue to turn red due to the accumulation of too much power.

After feeling that the time was almost up, Luffy jumped up and punched the cannonball directly to the ground.Just 30 seconds later, the shell exploded with a bang, directly blasting a huge hole in the ground, and the surrounding seawater also poured into the big hole, and the seawater that was originally several meters deep was left with some shoals.

A few seconds later, Kong Ming finally returned to normal, and gritted his teeth fiercely, "You bastards!!"

"You didn't look down on the splitters before, did you? How does it feel to be put together by him?" Luffy clenched his fists, pursed his lips for a while, and then said, "But I don't have time to waste here now, One trick is all you need to do!"

"Stop joking about pirates!" Kong Ming roared, the feather fan held in his right hand turned into a sharp black long sword, and he rushed towards Luffy as soon as he kicked the ground hard with his right foot.

After dodging to avoid the long sword, Luffy suddenly jumped into the air, kicked his legs hard into the air and turned directly in one direction, his clenched right fist also became pitch black because of the domineering color of his weapon.

"That's a moon step?!" Seeing what he was doing just now, Lieutenant General Kong Ming couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't expect that a mere pirate would be able to have special stunts unique to their navy.

"You have to pay for the crime of hurting Encore!", as soon as he exerted his legs, he appeared in front of Lieutenant General Kong Ming like an arrow from the string. , "Rubber Rubber-Fire Fist Gun!!"

As if a bullet from a pistol quickly hit Lieutenant General Kong Ming's abdomen, the flames from the high-speed maneuver directly exploded Kong Mingzhong's body.

"!!!", Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who had no time to dodge, coughed, and was sent flying to the ground far away with his strength, directly smashing the ground into deep cracks.

Lu Fei didn't look at Lieutenant General Kong Ming's situation, he let go of his smoldering fist before he clenched his lips and took out a life card:

Wait for me, Encore!
(End of this chapter)

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