One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 122 Resurrection and Destruction

Chapter 122 Resurrection and Destruction

The shattered stone in the distance was suddenly pushed away by countless straws, and then Hawkins, who was unscathed, stood up, patted the dust off his body, and looked at them expressionlessly.

"One of the abilities is that you can use a stand-in? No wonder there is nothing wrong with fighting for so long," Sanji also noticed that every time Hawkins was hurt, someone near him would inexplicably fall down because of the exact same damage, and Hawkins would be unscathed.

[However, he could have been remotely controlling the scarecrow to fight just now, but why did he suddenly come to sneak attack Chlorella head? ], Sanji felt that something was wrong from just now, and suddenly he got in touch with the word double, and his heart sank.

"Could it be?!" Sauron also thought of this, and his face changed drastically, looking at Hawkins who was holding the winning ticket in the distance.

"It seems that you have already guessed my real purpose, Nonoroya, Blackfoot." Hawkins' expressionless face suddenly showed a little complacency, and then he raised his left hand, with pale fingers entwined. With a few strands of long black hair, "I've already won." (Since Hawkins' ability is not yet clear, let's treat it like a curse for the time being, and need to use human hair as a medium to make voodoo dolls~)

Among the four people present, only the girl in Sauron's arms had long black hair, and it was unclear whose hair was on Hawkins' hands.

A few straws protruded from his palm, and after curling up those few strands of hair, it turned into a straw doll and lay quietly on Hawkins' palm.

"Could that be the reason why you used the substitute to block the damage?" Sanji frowned, estimated the distance and found that there was no way to snatch the straw doll.

"Well, you can also use the strongest moves to attack me," Hawkins said calmly, looking at the two people whose expressions changed drastically with confidence, "if you don't mind the witch's body becoming tattered."

"!" Hawkins' words confirmed the inner guesses of Zoro and Sanji, which also made them no chance to fight back.

After taking the voodoo doll back into his body, Hawkins just stretched out his hand, "Give me the witch's body."

In just a blink of an eye, Zoro and Sanji had already caught the Achilles' heel, and they also knew that if they fought back, the only one who would be hurt would be the girl they wanted to protect.

However, they did not resist fiercely, and after looking at each other, they reached a consensus tacitly.

They couldn't just let Hawkins take someone away, but they didn't have much choice right now.

After Sanji took the last puff of his cigarette and threw the cigarette butt on the ground, he raised his foot and ground it while taking out a cigarette and lit it, "It's impossible to hit, but it's impossible for us to treat such a weak cutie Sent to the wolf den."

Sauron took back the words of He Daoyi, then removed the three knives and put them in front of him. He put his hands across the unconscious girl again and said lightly, "The bounty for me to curl eyebrows with this nympho is quite high. Let's see." If you bring three people back, your master will probably be happy too."

"That's what I mean." Hawkins was not polite, and he didn't want to stay here any longer, so he said directly to his subordinates in the distance, "Bring the Hailou stone shackles, and let the person who transported the Hailou stone cage hurry up!"

"Yes!" Those subordinates came back to their senses suddenly, and quickly moved the heavy Hailoushi handcuffs over according to his order.

Seeing those heavy handcuffs and shackles, Sauron couldn't help showing a gloomy look on his face.Then Sanji, who was standing aside, just said in a low voice, "Be patient, Chlorella. Now the safety of the little cutie is the top priority."

"I know." Sauron just nodded, and let those people handcuff them all. Even though the girl who was the key target of defense was unconscious, she was shackled with heavy shackles.

Those people originally wanted to laugh at them a few times in order to get back the tense of being frightened before, but when they saw the eyes of Zoro and Sanji wanting to kill, they immediately persuaded them, and after handcuffing their hands, they also While vigilant with swords, Sauron's three knives were also put away by them.

Sanji raised his hand to support the heavy shackles on the girl's ankles, to prevent those cold shackles from chafing her skin, [How dare you treat the cuties like this, I will definitely kick them into pigs' heads sooner or later! ]
After confirming that they were really caught obediently, Hawkins turned his head to look at B who was sitting on a rock in the distance and had been watching the show, not knowing what his plan was.

"The battle of your pirates has nothing to do with me, those guys want to kill or cut whatever you want~" After finishing speaking, B really picked up his machete and left quickly with the yelling bun Here, he didn't want to get into this muddy water, and he also predicted that after the witch woke up, Kaido's gang would be miserable.And seeing that she rescued her pet, maybe she won't care that she didn't save her little friend

After seeing that he really left, Hawkins did not let down his vigilance because of this, but took out the Tarot card to do divination again, and he was relieved after making sure that there would be no changes for the time being.

A few minutes later, the six-headed lizard came dragging a prison cart. The prison cart consisted of two cages. The pure black cages were obviously made of Hailou stone. They're all weird symbols.

Sanji also noticed the runes on it, and even saw some stickers under the cage with sharp eyes that were also full of ghost symbols, [Hailoushi and runes?This broken cage can't be built in a year or so, which means that someone here has already planned to catch the little cutie? ]
After opening the cell door, several people nearby pushed them up, "Don't look, go up quickly!",
After all the people were locked in, the doors on the two floors were locked immediately, and one of them specially took a yellow silk ribbon to wrap around the entire cage and tied it up.

Hawkins also returned to sit on his stag lion, and after making sure everything was settled, he immediately drove the stag lion towards Bai Wu's Daowu Port, "Let's go! Take them back to the island of ghosts!"



The little sun Prometheus, who was still tied to the Robbers Bridge but was not found, just watched them leave in a mighty way. When he saw the people locked in the cage, he couldn't help laughing maniacally stand up:
"Hahahahahaha!! Stupid guy! Didn't take the opportunity to destroy the witch's body!! Do you think runes and sea stones can lock her up? Hahahaha~~"


Hawkins originally planned to take people to the Ghost Island by boat from the nearest Daowu Port, but not long after they entered Baiwu, they heard a bell in the distance and suddenly there was an earth-shattering explosion. The violent explosion even They all felt a little bit of aftershock, and when a group of people looked behind the bell in disbelief, they saw bright flames soaring into the sky.

"Oops! The witch has succeeded!" Although Hawkins didn't know what happened there, he guessed the general idea, and immediately urged his subordinates, "Everyone move forward as fast as possible! Be sure to bring the people in the cage back to the place of ghosts." island!"

"Yes!!" The coachman, who was frightened by the explosion, immediately regained his senses, and hurriedly drove the lizard forward with all his might.Hawkins, who was also riding a lizard, and several other subordinates easily followed, but those subordinates who could only walk were left behind, and could only try their best to find a way to follow.

The unevenness of the ground also caused the fast-moving cage to keep bumping, and the bones of the three people locked in the cage were almost shaken to pieces.While Zoro and Sanji were bumping, they also cared for the girl's head and legs so that she wouldn't get hurt.

"Can't you choose a better way?" Sanji couldn't help but yelled at the driver in front of him with his fangs. Didn't these guys think that there was a lady in the cage?

"I'm going to fall apart!" the coachman yelled over his shoulder. He also wanted to find a flat road, but he could only follow Hawkins' order to find the shortest road to the port.

Hawkins, who was riding a lizard and following on the right side of the cage, ignored their quarrel, and even drew Tarot cards for divination. However, the cards he drew were probably not as good as he predicted, and the weird arrangement made him He couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, a tarot card suddenly shone brightly. When Hawkins looked at it, his heart sank, and cold sweat broke out slightly on his face.

Judgment card, the angel depicted on the card is blowing the trumpet, which is a symbol of resurrection.

At the same time, the girl who had been unconscious in the cage had recovered her shallow breathing and steady pulse, her eyes were still closed, and only her slightly pale lips opened and closed a few times:

"Prometheus, burn this place to ashes."


(End of this chapter)

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