One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 123 The Curse of the Scarecrow

Chapter 123 The Curse of the Scarecrow
When they felt the rapid heating up of the environment, they looked up again and saw a huge fireball that was large enough to cover several hundred meters around them. The distance was so close that they even had the illusion that the flames were right in front of their eyes.

The oppressive feeling of death made those subordinates scream and run around, regardless of whether they could escape the suppression of this huge fireball.The lizards, who instinctively felt the danger, also fled forward in panic, driving their legs with all their strength.

Hawkins, who was sitting on the lizard, looked up at the huge fireball that was gradually pressing down expressionlessly, as if he hadn't felt anything. The Tarot cards he had just drawn floated from his stiff hand After landing, he drifted into the cage that was so bumpy that it was about to fall apart.

A few seconds later, the huge fireball with a width of several hundred meters was directly pressed down, and the screams of the escapees were wiped out before they could be heard. The ground was completely scorched black, and some hard rocks were even directly burned to ashes. .

After 1 minute, the huge fireball seemed to have completely exhausted its strength, and in the blink of an eye, it turned back into a small sun the size of a basketball.

Prometheus looked at the dark, scorched, and steaming ground with satisfaction, and expressed his excitement, "Hahahaha, I feel so much happier now!!"

At this time, besides the culprit, there was Hawkins and his stag lion mount unscathed on the scorched land, as well as the unscathed cage and the three people trapped inside.

In the cage, a slender white hand was holding the Tarot cards that floated in just now, and the owner of the hand was still leisurely lying in Sauron's arms, leisurely analyzing the Tarot cards in his hand, "THE TOWER. The tower card, the only major arcana card that has no good meaning on both sides. It symbolizes destruction~ It's pretty good, I like it~"

An Ke only opened his right eye, while the bloody left eye remained tightly closed.At this moment, she didn't seem to notice the shackles on her hands and feet, and flipped through the Tarot card in a good mood.

"Little cutie, are you finally awake?" Sanji heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at the shackles on her body guiltily, "I'm sorry for causing you to be arrested..."

"Enke, he can transfer the injury to you, be careful." Sauron looked down at her briefly, and he was a little relieved after making sure that there was no trauma.

"Master Hawkins' ability is super troublesome, even I don't dare to attack him casually." An Ke casually threw the card to Hawkins outside, and then pulled the shackles and chains on his body , then stretched out his hand to poke the cage, and he understood when he saw the runes on the cage, "It seems that you have put in a lot of effort to catch me."

"Fortunately, I just acted as required." Hawkins took the tarot card and put it back, then looked at the person in the cage, "Then what are you going to do now?"

"Of course I'm leaving here. There's such a commotion here, I'm worried that Master Kaido is flying over again~" Anke chuckled, and at some point in his raised right hand he had already got the keys to the cage and shackles, "Next time You should consider keeping the key with yourself."

"According to divination, this time it will end in failure, it doesn't matter where the key is placed." Hawkins said lightly. He had planned to gamble before, but he didn't intend to gamble with his life.

At this time, the shackles on the three of them had been untied. Anke stood up and looked down at the green coat that was about to be dragged on the ground, and immediately kicked Sauron's strong calf angrily, "It's so long!" Why are you tall? The clothes are longer than mine!"

"Sorry." Sauron reached out to take the clothes back and draped them back on himself, and by the way raised his hands to comb her somewhat messy long hair.

"That's right, it's all the fault of the green algae!" The blond cook who was opening the prison door also took the opportunity to add insult to injury, "The green algae will be more lush after two years!"

"Cut you up," Sauron glared at him angrily, and unceremoniously made a small report, "The idiot cook threw the fat bun to B and took it away."

Anke paused, kicked Sanji out when he opened the door on the second floor, and said angrily, "If that guy steamed the buns, I will definitely send you to see your old friend !"

Sanji, who had just stood firmly on the ground, heard this, and almost slipped and fell to the ground. Recalling his two years of torture, he suddenly felt the darkness of his life.

"..." Hawkins, who was outside the cage, watched the three of them leave the cage openly and squarely, but he had no intention of stopping them at all.Because he knows that now he has no chance of winning.If the witch doesn't wake up, then you can take a gamble.But now that she's awake, all sorts of things can happen.

[However...], Hawkins casually looked at Enke's left eye, which had been closed tightly from the beginning until now, and suddenly found that the success rate of the gamble was quite high.The witch's previous opponent was her creator doctor, even if the doctor lost to the witch in ability, there must be some tool that killed her eyesight, and the witch is now in Hailoushi's cage, and the devil fruit can also be used no.

[If the speculation is correct, the Witch cannot use the abilities of eyes and fruits now, so it is rare to be in a disadvantaged position. Such an opportunity must not be missed. ], Hawkins looked down at his sword slightly, and already had another plan.

Although Kaido said to bring the witch back alive as much as possible, who in this world can successfully capture her?
Sauron jumped to the ground and raised his eyebrows after kicking the scorched soil, "I didn't expect that sun to be quite powerful."

"Of course! I'm one of my mother's three homias!" Prometheus flew over triumphantly, but quickly drifted away when he got close to the cage, "Really, why do you have to stand on the sea floor Near the stone? Witch, don’t you feel uncomfortable?”

"It's okay." Anke, who still had his left eye closed, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the door of the cage. Just as he raised his leg to go down, his body suddenly softened and fell directly to the ground.

"Encore!!" Sauron, who was just in front, immediately reached out to support her and hugged her up, thinking that she just didn't want to walk, but he didn't expect to hear a muffled groan as soon as he hugged her, and at the same time, there was a faint smell of blood. It also started to spread.

When he lowered his head in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he saw. The momentary shock, astonishment, anger and sudden fear distorted his expression for a moment.

The pure white kimono on the girl's left chest was gradually smeared with blood, and there was even a four or five centimeter long knife mark on the fabric just at the heart, and the continuous blood gushing out quickly stained her clothes red.The sudden wound even completely penetrated her body, and even Sauron's arm on her back felt the moisture that spread quickly.

An Ke, biting his lower lip tightly, resisted the rising blood in his throat, and his left hand clutching the cloth on his chest wanted to force his consciousness to change into a crystal, but he couldn't do so because of the nearby Hailou Stone.

Sauron was startled by the flashing crystal, and immediately quickly moved away from the sea tower stone cage, holding her with trembling hands as much as possible to prevent her from being jolted a bit.

"Why does it smell like blood?", because of the position and posture, Sanji didn't notice anything abnormal immediately, feeling uneasy, he immediately stepped forward when he saw Zoro's movements, and waited until he saw the person he was holding When I saw the situation, I suddenly panicked, "Little cutie?? What's going on??"

Hawkins in the distance had already put away the knife, and a small straw doll fell from his body, and there was a gap running through the torso of the straw doll.Afterwards, he directly drove the deer and lion away from this place of right and wrong, and after looking back at the dying girl, he could see what he was thinking on his expressionless face.

Just now he was sure that he completely pierced the heart, and the wound transferred to the witch also confirmed this.Even if there are countless legends about her, it is impossible for her to survive this time!
Judging from various rumors, it is impossible for a witch to be recruited under someone else's command.And as an enemy, she is the most difficult existence!
Looking at it this way, getting rid of her is the most correct choice!

Seeing Hawkins who turned around and ran away, Sanji immediately understood what happened, "Damn it! It really is that guy!"

"Leave him alone! Come and help stop the bleeding!" Sauron growled, freeing up his hands to spread the coat on his shoulders on the scorched ground and carefully let her lie down, then pressed hard on the wound with his hands, trying to borrow This slows down the speed at which she bleeds.

"Okay!" In a panic, Sanji took off his kimono and wanted to cover her wound, but the kimono turned back into a leaf in a puff of mist as soon as he left his hand, and he suddenly remembered the clothes he was wearing now It was Kin'emon who used his ability to conjure it.After quickly throwing away the kimono on his body, he changed back to the previous appearance of wearing a suit. After taking off the jacket, he saw that the green coat under the girl's body had been dyed red.

After clenching the cigarette butt in his mouth and implying that this was only a slightly serious wound, he immediately handed over the clothes, "Press it with the clothes, it will be easier to stop the bleeding!"

"You contact Luo and Chopper first, and let them come here!" Sauron took the clothes and pressed them on her wound. At this time, his hands were already covered with warm red liquid.

"I see!" Sanji took out the phone bug while speaking, and at the same time stared fiercely at Hawkins who was about to disappear from sight.

Prometheus, who was floating in mid-air, was also taken aback by this change, and then flew away stealthily while taking advantage of the chaos.Not long ago, it felt the breath of BIGMOM approaching, and it just took advantage of this moment to escape back to her side.

The girl whose face was pale due to excessive blood loss opened her mouth slightly to breathe, but only blood froth flowed from her pale lips, and her pale face was covered with cold sweat and some blood stains.After a few seconds, the girl's left body began to slowly turn into crystal, and the amount of bleeding also began to slow down.

Seeing this, Sauron, who was still pressing on the wound, slowly moved his hands and clothes away tremblingly, and watched her shoulders to abdomen completely turn into crystals.

Although the bleeding from the wound was temporarily stopped, it was obvious that it could not last for too long.What's more, the serious injury that completely penetrated the heart has no possibility of healing, and even life is only a few minutes left.

"Cough..." Anke tilted his head slightly and coughed out the blood in his throat that was blocking his breath, maintaining his consciousness to maintain the crystallization of his body.

"Encore..." Sauron looked at her weakly nervously, but didn't know what to say.He who had never trembled and feared in the face of an enemy no matter how strong, was now at a loss because of unprecedented despair.

After recovering a bit, Anke just smiled with slightly curled corners of his lips, then blinked to indicate that he was fine.

"Little cutie, Luo and Chopper have already rushed over!" Sanji, who had already finished the phone call, also looked at her nervously, saying words that even he couldn't guarantee, "You will be fine, It will definitely get better..."

Anke, who was so weak that he didn't have much strength, just smiled with the corners of his lips bent, but he couldn't guarantee anything.Not only is her eyes completely useless now, but even the crystallization of her body can't last for too long.

The doctor, who knew her ability well for a long time, probably sensed that something was wrong. When she first implanted the reincarnation eye, he had already set a default order. Once he died, he would be most proud of it. The experimental subjects will also follow along.

Encore's careless mad rabbit master didn't notice this little problem. It was only when the doctor's body turned gray that Enke felt something was wrong. Although it was at the cost of losing his eyesight for a few days, it was considered safe. Cut off this evil relationship that lasted for more than ten years.

[It's troublesome, because of the doctor, the ability of the eyes is completely useless now.The crystallization couldn't last long because of physical strength...], the consciousness began to become uncontrollably trance, and the crystallization on Anke's body also began to slowly disappear.

Seeing that the crystals on her body began to disappear, Zoro and Sanji's hearts sank, but they had no choice but to hope that the girl could hold out tenaciously until Luo and Chopper arrived.

Seeing the heavyness on their faces, Anke just exhaled slightly, endured the severe pain and forced his erratic consciousness to say, "Don't be're still alive..."

The two people who were unscathed but comforted only felt despair and guilt. They knew that Hawkins had mastered her fate, but they still relaxed their vigilance when she opened her eyes and woke up, as if subconsciously She tacitly assumes that she will solve all problems.

Obviously she is the one who needs to be protected...

At this time, two huge eagles flew over and landed on the nearby ground, and then Roren and the five identical children descended from the eagles.When they saw Enke who was seriously injured, the group was taken aback. The always lazy Lauren even swears, "Damn! What happened here??"

Alpha blinked the strange-colored pupils, and then replied obediently, "The Lord's heart is hurt."

"The weapon should be a knife with a blade width of five centimeters," Beta also said. Although she didn't witness what happened, she guessed the weapon accurately.

"The wound stretched from the third and fourth costal cartilages to the fifth and sixth thoracic vertebrae, and the heart was severely stabbed." Gamma also clearly understood the location of the injury, even though they were still tens of meters away from the real master's place .

Delta blinked, and then continued to add, "Theoretically, ordinary humans can't live for 1 minute."

In the end, delta concluded solemnly, "It's amazing to be alive, I really deserve to be the Lord, I admire you."

"So why do you five seem to have clairvoyant eyes..." Lauren didn't know how to complain, so he could only lead them towards Encore, "Hey, witch, are you still alive?"

An Ke turned his head to look at him, and suddenly smiled with crooked eyebrows, and there was still a lot of blood foam on his pale face, making that smile look funny and a bit sinister.

Lauren's original shock suddenly turned into fear because of her smile, and she immediately took a few steps back and folded her hands in front of her, with a face full of resistance, "What do you want?!!"

"Little... come here...", the girl chuckled and said intermittently, she was clearly on the verge of extinction but still had an unpredictable meaning, "I will teach you something... fun~"

"Anke don't talk anymore..." Zoro saw that the crystal on her body was about to disappear, and immediately held Sanji's previous coat nervously to press her wound.

When he saw the wound on her left chest, and looked at her upper body clothes that were about to be stained red and the padded coat under her body, Lauren also knew that it was too late to elaborate on the current situation.Although as a government employee, he has no obligation to save the witch, but he feels that if she dies, he will definitely end up in a more miserable end.

After taking out a handful of candies and quickly distributing them to the five little girls who followed nearby, he urged them to play nearby first, "Go around and play around first, remember not to let anyone approach you casually."

Alpha looked at the colorful candies in his hand, and then looked at Encore in the distance, "The situation of the lord looks very bad."

"That guy is fine, he'll be alive and kicking in a while, but you guys should be careful." After Luo Lun patted her little head to signal her to take the other four away, he hurried to Encore's side.

The five little girls who were all the same except for the different characters in the left eye glanced at each other and left here holding hands.

"You two don't stay here with a sad face, and the aura is too scary, stay away and watch." After Luo Lun came over, he immediately started to chase people away, "She can't last a few minutes like this, otherwise she won't Call me over."

Anke just smiled at them, her gentle smile was as confident as ever, she wanted to say something, but she didn't even have the strength to speak.

Knowing that the situation is urgent, Zoro and Sanji, who don't know illusions or medicine, can only trust Lauren, and walk away quickly to leave a space for them, but the two of them can arrive at any time if they stay distance.

[Can this still be saved... Could the witch really be against the sky...], Luo Lun, who was kneeling on one knee on her right, was almost startled by the amount of bleeding. After being at a loss for a while, he remembered one thing. After clasping the ten fingers of her blood-stained right hand, he asked uncertainly, "Is this all right?"

Anke's answer was just to blink, and then slowly closed his eyes.If it wasn't for the extremely weak pulse, Lauren really thought that she would never open her eyes again.

Feeling the power disappearing rapidly from his body, he just closed his eyes without any resistance, thinking in a trance, [I will definitely let this guy buy a carload of sugar to match me...]
The girl lying in the bright red blood is like a sacrificed angel at the moment. If there is no sacrifice on one side, maybe someone will really believe the innocence on the surface.


(End of this chapter)

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