Chapter 127

In the capital of flowers, somewhere in a quiet cherry blossom forest.

"Well, yes. She had just come out of Hailoushi's cage at that time, and her eyes seemed to have been sealed because of the fight with the doctor or something. Anyway, Hawkins seized the opportunity to stab her. Listen to Trafal According to Erga’s description, it’s a miracle that she survived for so many minutes after that.”, B in a pink coat was sitting on a cherry blossom tree in the capital of flowers, and the chubby bun was covered by him. Locked in a cage and hung from a tree trunk.

He is now holding a silver phone bug to communicate with people, and the machete is casually leaning against the tree trunk, "I saw it too, Hawkins directly pierced his left chest with a sword and immediately transferred the damage to the witch , It’s simply a way of fighting to drag others to die together, it’s really scary. But afterward, the witch seemed to have reached an agreement with Lauren, and borrowed all of Lauren’s strength to barely let out a sigh of relief, and Lauren was also captured by Trafa Erga took it away."

[Is the doctor sure he is dead? ], a familiar gentle voice came from the other side of the phone bug, and it was obviously a tiger shark.

"Unless he can transfer time and space this time, it is impossible to survive. The witch blew up the whole place and burned it all to ashes, and the life card you gave was completely turned into ashes. But even if you wait until If the cell fruit reappears in the world and finds someone to take it, it is estimated that there will be no way to reach the level of a doctor in more than ten years, and the body of the blue whale will not be able to last that time."

Then there was just silence over there, and after a minute or two there was a faint sound, [I see. ]
"Your Highness, do you want to take this opportunity to attack the witch? This is probably the only chance to get rid of her. Now that her body and eyes are in a critical state, it is estimated that there is no way for her to make any drastic actions." B shook the tree on the trunk. Rope, he stopped after hearing the dissatisfied 'owwow' sound from below.

[No, there is still room to cooperate with her in the future.Also, have you found the blue whale? ]
"When I saw him before, he was taken away by that long nose. Now it is estimated that he is looking for those anti-crescent warriors with that long nose."

[You find him first and follow him, take him away if necessary and don't let him meddle in Wano Country's affairs.There is going to be a big show going on here, we just need to be in charge of watching it. ]
"I see, anyway, it's enough to protect the blue whale before you come, right?" B nodded understandingly, and then looked in the direction behind the bell, "Then what should we do with the mess left by the doctor? We need to clean it up ?"

[No, it’s just an abandonment anyway.Those few failed replicas should be regarded as gifts for the witch. ]

The capital of flowers.In a quiet courtyard of a mansion.

In the beautifully decorated small courtyard, four little girls in light orange kimonos are playing with a small ball on the lawn. Their long hair is tied into a delicate bun, and each has a different amount of pink on their heads. The number of cherry blossoms is the same as the words in their respective left eyes.

The pale pink leather ball is also decorated with some bells and tassels, which looks cute.

In the spacious room next to the yard, Enke, who was wearing a white bathrobe, was flipping through a few pieces of paper, and the bandages wrapped around his body could be seen from the slightly wider collar.The straw hat that had been cleaned was put aside, but the weird thing was that the straw hat would move from time to time, and the little orange sun below could be vaguely seen.

[I always feel that more and more forces are coming here, and if BIGMOM also comes to Wano Country, the target is probably Luffy.During this period of recuperation, we need to reschedule. ], Anke casually threw the few pieces of paper on the ground, then pulled off the quilt and lay back on the tatami mat to rest.

At this time, a woman in kimono with a tray came over respectfully, knelt down in front of the room and asked softly, "Miss, my lord sent me over to ask if you need anything else?"

"From now on, I just need to recover from my injuries, and you don't need to pay too much attention to me. Tell that adult thank you for me." Anke turned his head and smiled at her, and then pulled up the quilt to cover his head and prepared to sleep.

"Yes, Miss, put the water and medicine here first, please remember to take it." After the woman put the tray into the room, she closed the door and left.

Alpha and the others have been playing on the lawn, and the woman just now didn't seem to see them either.Feeling bored after playing for a while, they glanced at each other, then sneaked to the front of the room, opened the door a little and poked their little heads in.

Anke lowered the quilt to look at the four neatly arranged, identical heads, and couldn't help but said amusedly, "It's okay to go out and play, but be careful, and remember to call the adult for some pocket money."

"?", although they didn't know what pocket money was, Alpha and the others nodded obediently, and after closing the door, they took the small ball and ran to play.

Looking at the closed door, An Ke breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up the straw hat that was set aside and looked at it.The little sun, who had been kept under the straw hat, finally saw the light of day. After flying slowly, he floated around boringly.

[I plan to return the straw hat to Luffy after finishing it today...], Anke looked at the straw hat with a puffy face, she can't use the ability of her eyes now, and the communication disc can't be used, I just hope no one It is good to be aware of this.


The capital of flowers, a certain shopping street.

"Ahh!! Handsome guy!!"

"What a handsome young man!!"

"The figure is also great, so handsome!!"

In front of a small stall with a lot of toad oil and swords, there were abnormally surrounded by customers on the inner, third and outer floors, and all of them were women, and many even cheered happily without restraint.

At the back of the stall, a handsome young man was leaning against the wall. The blue kimono made his temperament even more outstanding.The neckline of the original formal kimono was pulled wide open, and the strong chest muscles could be seen vaguely.The long black hair was scattered casually, and a small bundle of long hair was simply tied with a blue ribbon at the back of the head. The decoration was simple but elegant.

At this time, he was holding a box of toad oil out of place in his right hand, and a knife in his other hand, perhaps because he was not used to being baptized by everyone's eyes, he looked a little uncomfortable.

"Come and see, have a look!!", a certain long-nosed profiteer yelled loudly without missing any chance, holding toad oil in one hand and a knife in the other, saving the countless previous advertisements, and just messing around He boasted, "The Wano Country's unique toad oil and long knife endorsed by Shengshi Meinan are on sale for a limited time!! If you miss this village, you won't have this shop! No 88, no 99, just 998!!"

"..." Blue Whale, who was pulled over for no reason as a living sign, was very unaccustomed to other people's fiery gazes. When he subconsciously wanted to escape, he remembered that Long Nose had fooled him not long ago and said that it was also a favor for Encore.Thinking of his own sister, a certain well-behaved boy could only bite the bullet.

His slightly trembling right hand held up a box of toad oil, while the other hand held a knife and lightly leaned the back of the knife on his shoulder. He turned his head slightly to look at the densely packed customers outside, and after a long struggle in his heart, he reluctantly pulled a little The corner of his lips said, "Please... Please take care of me... Ladies and sisters..."

"Ahh!! We bought them all!!!", the big sisters and sisters who were instantly confused by the beauty immediately threw away their reason, unceremoniously and generously donated money, and bought a lot of useless long knives and toad oil.

The goods of a certain long-nosed profiteer were immediately swept away, and many people who couldn't buy them could only leave regretfully, but because they had a feast for their eyes today, they didn't feel any regrets.

"I made a lot of money today. I have enough living expenses for the next few days, so I can concentrate on dispatching orders~~" The long nose, who has earned a lot of money, cheerfully counted the copper coins in his hand, and realized that he had been working for so long. It was the first time that so many goods were sold.

Blue Whale tidied up his fancy clothes just now, straightened his collar and tied up his long hair again, then asked with some doubts, "Master Uso Ba, if my sister finds out, will you be beaten?"

"!!!!", the bearded long-nosed man who was counting the coins suddenly shivered, and the next second the cold sweat oozing out was like rain.

It's over, I was so busy trying to save some money after selling the goods, but I forgot the existence of a certain Persian cat! !
If he is discovered, his fate will definitely not be as simple as being beaten to death! !
Seeing him like this, Blue Whale also got the answer, "So that's the case, he will really be beaten."

In a far corner, B, who was leaning against the wall, unplugged a phone bug, and said gloatingly, "Boss, there is good news and bad news, what do you want to hear?"

[You can still tell the difference between good and bad?What a surprise.Let me tell you the good news first. ]
"I found the blue whale, he's in good shape,"

[Well, it is indeed good news, what about the bad news? ]
"He's going to sell his lust hahahaha~~"


(End of this chapter)

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