Chapter 128

The capital of flowers, a certain commercial street.

Today's commercial street is extremely hot, the long line almost runs from the street to the end of the street, and the customers are all women, everyone is smiling and talking, and cheers from time to time.

"Welcome to welcome!!" At the end is a small street noodle stall. The blond chef who is cooking noodles in full swing has completely forgotten about his business, and is more motivated by the glamorous beauties in front of him, " Come, come! Come and try it all, ladies!! Sweet and chewy Shibaban noodles!"

Nami, who was about to go to the nearby official's house to inquire about information, couldn't help but feel ashamed when she saw this, "You said you were looking for a samurai, why are they all girls..."

"Hahaha, maybe this is his strategy," Xiaoren, who was traveling with him, said with a smile, and then the two left here quietly.

The task of the two beautiful ninjas this time is to go to the mansion of a dignitary to inquire about information, because it is said that a batch of weapons just happened to leave the port recently, and weapons are essential for the uprising samurai.

After successfully hiding in the ceiling compartment of the living room, the two of them secretly looked at the situation below through a small hole.

"Have you seen any useful information?" Shinobu lowered his voice and asked Nami who was holding a small telescope.

"Wait a second, it's covered..." Because of the sitting posture of the people below, it was difficult for Nami to see what paper they were holding.

Kuangshilang and Fushoulu were discussing below, and there were some documents on the ground near them.

"Recently, there are more and more orders to buy weapons from overseas~" Fu Shoulu glanced at the orders in his hand, as if he had seen real money in front of him, "Maybe wars broke out everywhere ~"

"Whether there is war or not, it has nothing to do with us. Anyway, it won't affect us." Kushiro didn't care at all. After all, with the Four Emperors Kaido here, no one would dare to attack Wano Country.

"That's right hahahahahaha"

"What are they looking at?", curious, Shinobu couldn't help but squeezed a little closer to Nami, but accidentally kicked a nearby pillar and made a 'bump' sound.

"Who?!" Fu Shoulu immediately grasped the order with one hand, grabbed the Daguan knife with the other hand, and stabbed it directly into the ceiling.

The sharp blade didn't hurt them, but when Xiaoren saw the sharp tip of the knife in front of him, he suddenly screamed, "Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Shocked, Nami immediately covered her mouth with her hand, but she still couldn't stop her screaming.

"There are indeed people up there!" Fu Shoulu's heart sank, and he immediately shouted to the door, "Come on! There are intruders!"

The door was pushed open immediately, and several warriors with sharp swords rushed in, and continued to use their knives to reach the ceiling.

Seeing the sharp knife points constantly popping up in front of her eyes, Shinobu who was deeply stimulated screamed again, even if Nami's hand was covering her, she couldn't stop her loud voice.

"Anyway, retreat from here first! Shinobu, let's go!" In desperation, Nami could only interrupt the task of inquiring information, and pushed Xiao Ren to leave here quickly.

Although being chased and killed by more than a dozen warriors, the two of them managed to fly away from the house on a kite.

After finally recovering his mood, Shinobi, who was holding the kite, said with lingering fear, "Sorry, I have apex phobia... I can't help screaming when I see sharp things..."'

"Then you said it earlier, you were almost stabbed into a honeycomb by those guys just now..." Nami was a little speechless, but fortunately this time it was rewarding, "But I also saw the departure location and location of the latest batch of weapons just now. It’s time to pay off.”

"Really? That's great!"

"Yes, after all, we are both outstanding ninjas, we will continue to inquire about other places later~~"



Anke, who was recuperating, was flipping through a few pieces of paper, but suddenly heard the footsteps of a group of people running past hurriedly in the distance. He slightly opened the crack of the door and looked outside, only seeing a group of people passing by with a knife in the yard. warrior.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and then a woman with a tray appeared outside the open door, put the things down and said respectfully, "Miss, this is the medicinal food prepared by Sangoro. Please take it on time."

"Well," Anke just nodded, and then asked casually, "Why is it so noisy outside?"

"It seems that there are intruders, but don't worry, miss, you can just rest and recuperate." After the woman nodded, she got up quietly and left here.

After Anke brought the tray in, he couldn't help coughing a few times, wiped the blood from his lips, pressed his left eye, and then couldn't help frowning slightly, [There are still two days to recover, but there are still many things to do. What to do...]
Thinking of her younger brother's body and the coming day of the final battle, she couldn't help but feel a little headache. The troubles caused by a momentary miscalculation made it rare for her to complain pettyly about Hawkins who injured herself to such an extent. With this tone, after recovering, I decided to settle the score with Lord Hawkins...]

Sauron over there.

Looking at the desolate scenery ahead, Gamma blinked her eyes and couldn't help asking, "Are you sure the way is right? Lord Sauron, we have been walking here for three days."

"Don't worry, I'll see Encore and your sisters soon." A certain road idiot Lv Zaotou had inexplicable confidence, looked around and pointed to the right, "This road must be To the capital of flowers, let's go."

Gamma tilted her head, and then looked to the left, she always felt that the master and alpha were on the left.But since the Lord told her to listen to the little green-haired brother, she obediently followed Sauron and walked to the wrong right.

[I need to go quickly to confirm the situation of the Encore. She said that she will take five rest days before starting to act, and she must rush back before then. ], Sauron remembered the bloody appearance of the girl before parting, and couldn't help speeding up his pace a little.

The little Gamma was not thrown off by his speed, and followed him nimbly and glanced at a nearby stone, "Someone is following again, Lord Sauron. Do you need to deal with it?"

"If you dispose of it, it will be easy to attract attention, just throw it away."

"Understood." Gamma nodded, then blinked her left eye, and suddenly an eagle appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Before the followers came to their senses, they had already left here on the eagle.After chasing for a few steps and finding that he couldn't catch up, that person could only immediately contact the people on the upper floor and tell them the situation here.


Jiuli, Ayu's side.

Although she was involved in Kaido's rage last time, Ayu who fell was rescued by Duke Inuarashi and his team who just passed by. Fortunately, she just fainted from fright and didn't have too many injuries on her body.

Then Chopper and Carlot also came to join Inulan and the others, and finally the group stopped at Ayu's master Feiji.Kin'emon and Akiku, who had heard the news, also brought Momanosuke here. After a brief discussion, Kin'emon and Inulan decided to go to Shutenmaru, who was once a companion, to see if they could let him go. He also joined the battle plan.

"I hope it goes well," Chopper watched the back of them leaving, and then jumped up and down there with his hands knotted. "Then we have to start implementing the plan."

"That's right, we need to collect a lot of food and weapons in the past few days." Kailuo nodded, although she was not very familiar with this place yet.

"Then I have to work hard to practice!" Momonosuke took a wooden knife, shook it decently, and then went to find a place to practice.

"In order to avoid attracting attention, Kin'emon and the others will find a place near Kuri to serve as a base." Chopper packed his small backpack and said enthusiastically, "Then let's go too, Kailot .”

"Brother Qiao, why don't you stay here for the time being? After all, Ayu still needs someone to take care of his injuries." Carlot straightened his turban and waved to Chopper as he walked out with other companions, "We have If there is any news, I will let you know!"

"Oh!" Chopper, who felt reasonable, could only nod his head, and after seeing them leave, he decided to check on Ayu's situation.


(End of this chapter)

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