One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 143 The General's Red Sheath and the Nine Heroes

Chapter 143 The General's Nine Heroes in the Red Sheath
Big Snake City.

After successfully avoiding the inspection of the ninja near the big snake, Robin was also relieved, and sat on the sidelines and poured wine for the big snake.The banquet was almost halfway through, but the oiran who had arrived earlier did not show up, only saw the bald boy Xiaohuzi who had served her before helping serve the wine.

Xiao Huzi, who still had a big smile on his face, hurried past with a few bottles of wine from time to time, and occasionally couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the conversation of those guests.

General Orochi, who had drunk a lot of wine, looked at his subordinates who were drinking, looked at the beauties around him, but he didn't see the most eye-catching one, and he couldn't help saying with some dissatisfaction, "Where's Xiao Zi? She Didn't you come here early?"

A nearby geisha who was serving drinks heard this and quickly explained, "Sister Xiao Zi has been feeling unwell for the past few days, so she is temporarily resting in her room. I'm going to call her over now."

"Uncomfortable?" Orochi frowned, and couldn't help shouting directly at Kuangshilang in the corner, "Hey! How do you take care of Xiao Zi?! Isn't she from your brothel?"

"A few days ago, someone came to harass me while I was away, and disturbed the oiran." Kuangshilang just squinted his eyes and took a sip of wine, raised his glass for a moment, and then continued, "Beauties are like flowers, and entangled bees and butterflies are also beautiful." Of course more."

"Then hurry up and throw those reckless guys out of the city of flowers!" Big snake immediately roared angrily, how dare to attack his woman in his territory? ! !Although he hasn't got it yet, Xiao Zi will be taken in by him sooner or later!
At this time, a wonderful silhouette of a person walking by was reflected on the carved wooden wall that became transparent due to the light. Within a few seconds, the astonishingly beautiful oiran appeared at the entrance of the banquet. The surrounding geisha were overshadowed.

The venue was much quieter because of the appearance of the oiran, only the sound of brisk music echoed.And many people present were stunned by the beautiful appearance of the oiran, and some drinking guests even poured wine all over the floor unconsciously.

"I heard that the general is looking for me?" A gentle voice sounded in the banquet that suddenly became quiet. The beautiful oiran didn't feel sorry or anxious because of her late arrival. Walking towards the big snake at the main seat, "I'm late today, please forgive me."

"Oh! Oh! It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! It's good to be here!!!", the big snake, who was fascinated by the rare beauty, excitedly watched the picturesque beauty walking towards him, and kept patting My thigh said, "Come here! Sit here, sit here! There will never be any ignorant people here to harass you!!"

The oiran just looked down at his thighs, stooped to take a bottle of wine from a tray carried by a small household nearby, walked up to the big snake and filled his wine bowl, "I haven't seen you for a long time, it's really I miss you, and please don't dislike the wine I poured."

"Hahahaha!! How could you despise you, beauty??" Orochi immediately drank up the full wine bowl, and his eyes became more fiery and ambiguous, scanning the number one beauty of Wano country in front of him, "beauty ~~It’s really beautiful~~~~~~~”

"My lord is really good at drinking~" Before Orochi reached out his hand, the oiran just filled the wine bowl for him again, and said shyly, "Good wine goes with a hero, I prepared a lot for my lord this time. There are a lot of good wines, please don't hold them back."

"Of course I don't dislike it! The wine poured by a beauty is good wine!!", the big snake who was praised so high laughed, and drank the bowl of wine again in one gulp.

The oiran holding the wine bottle found a place near the big snake, and raised his hand to signal the nearby small household to bring more wine.Xiaohuzi, who had been warned a long time ago, immediately brought over a dozen bottles of spirits before continuing to pour wine for other guests.

"Good wine! Hiccup!", Big Snake hiccupped in satisfaction, and restlessly tried to reach out with his left hand to embrace Xiao Zi, but an empty big wine bowl was stuffed into his outstretched left hand.

"This big wine bowl looks very suitable for the general's status~", the smiling Hua Kui poured a whole bottle of spirits unceremoniously, and then looked at him expectantly with the empty wine bottle in both hands, "I I still want to see the huge volume of adults today~~"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Since it is a beauty's request! Then I will definitely satisfy it! Beauty~ so beautiful~~~!", the big snake, who was so happy that he didn't know the north and south, laughed again, and drank the wine in the big wine bowl in one gulp Then he directly handed the wine bowl forward, "Come on, fill it up!"

"Wow, your lord is really amazing, you really deserve to be your lord general~~", the beautiful oiran said adoringly, and filled the wine bowl again in a rude manner, "My lord, please~"

Robin, who was sitting nearby, raised his hand and covered most of his face with a mask, and couldn't help but be speechless when he saw that the oiran was full of wine bottles, [Is this the rhythm of getting drunk on the big snake? ? ]

Not far away, a geisha saw Orochi who was fascinated by Xiao Zi, and couldn't help but said with a little jealousy, "Master Orochi, don't you know Xiao Zi's face of disliking the poor and loving the rich behind her back? "

When another geisha heard this, she just laughed and said, "Even if I knew about it, with that beauty there, I would be released without charge."

In another corner, several warriors couldn't help but discuss Xiao Zi who seemed to have multiple personalities:
"The little purple head card is so beautiful. Although I am also envious of Mr. Orochi, I am still afraid of that woman's other face."

"Don't worry, she won't have a crush on you."

"This is also, hahaha!!"


After discussing for a while, one of the samurai looked at Kuangshilang who had been drinking quietly, and said with some envy, "Although she is a woman who came out of your brothel, you are really well raised, Boss Kuangshilang .”

Kushiro just took a sip of wine slowly, opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the man and said, "Don't call a geisha like a dog, a beauty is like a flower, you are not clear water, how can a beauty bloom gracefully?"

"Hahaha, then I'm going to lose!" The samurai laughed and continued to gossip, "But I heard that in order to fight against the mere soba boss who made trouble today, he actually sent out the mighty volley six sons? You are really cruel."

"People of the lower class are gangsters, and even lower-class gamblers are fathers and sons who have given glasses." Kuang Shi Lang just handed the empty wine bowl to the nearby geisha, and motioned her to fill it up, "If your own Your child was bullied and went home crying, what should you do?"

"That's right, Kuangshilang!! Hahahaha!", the big snake who was drunk by the oiran staggered to this side, and laughed arrogantly when he heard this, "You must use overwhelming force Destroy the enemy! Make him unable to stand up and attack again! Even if it is [undead]!!"

"...", Kuangshilang just quietly looked at the big snake who was uttering wild words, his expressionless face made his original evil face look even more eerie.

The oiran who didn't say a word just sat in the main seat in an anti-customer manner, threw away the empty wine bottle and then slightly raised the corners of her lips to watch the farce over there.

[Undead?Did Orochi receive any information...], but Robin was a little wary when he heard what Orochi said, for fear that he would know that Kin'emon and the others had sneaked into Wano Country.

As for the other guests, instead of being relaxed before, they showed obvious impatience and disgust.A samurai who was sitting far away from the big snake even said in disappointment, "What about the undead? Lord Big Snake's talk about the Nine Heroes in Red Sheaths has started again..."

"It's a big joke to be afraid of Kozuki Oden's retainers who died 20 years ago..." Another samurai didn't speak angrily, but they could only complain when Orochi wasn't paying attention. You have to look serious and obedient.

Xiaohuzi was passing by with a tray, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and turned around curiously to look at the big snake talking in the distance.

Kuangshilang just lowered his head and drank silently, the long and exaggerated nose of the plane blocked most of his face.

"Don't think it's just a low-class gambler who was killed, Kuangshilang! Someone broke into the capital!!" Orochi didn't notice the gloomy expression of Kuangshilang. To be precise, the expression of this underworld boss was very gloomy.

When the drunken Orochi got excited, he ran directly to the center of the banquet, and shouted loudly to all the samurai and geisha present, "Listen up! Now that we are together, I will say it again! This year is 20 years after Kozuki Oden's death! The year of revenge that his wife Shiro said at the end! Oden's will is alive!!"

It was supposed to be words filled with righteous indignation, but after hearing this, the expressions on the faces of all the samurai became impatient and with a little sarcasm, and several of them even turned their backs to the big snake and rolled their eyes.

It’s not their fault, since Oden’s death, they have been listening to Orochi’s Red Sheath Nine Heroes for nearly 20 years. At first, they were a little excited, but after listening to it for 20 years, they are already very interested in what Orochi will do next. I can recite everything I said by heart.

If Orochi hadn't been a general, everyone would have ridiculed him for being as cowardly as a mouse.

A samurai sitting far away took a sip of wine, put his drunken hand on the shoulder of the geisha who was pouring the wine, and said mockingly in a low voice, "The usual talk of the dead, Kozuki and so on, everyone has long forgotten~"

(End of this chapter)

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