One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 144 The Runaway General

Chapter 144 The Runaway General

Orochi didn't pay attention to the ridicule on the faces of his subordinates at all. When he remembered what happened 20 years ago, he still couldn't help but see a lot of cold sweat on his face. It’s amazing! Their team leader Kin’emon is a shrewd man! They will be resurrected in Wano Country 20 years later! And prepare for revenge!!”

Thinking of the mighty Red Sheath Nine Heroes raising their blades at him 20 years ago, Orochi's face, which had been flushed red from drunkenness, immediately lost all blood, trembling slightly without any image, and roaring with fear on his face, " They will come! Come to take my head!!"

In the far corner, a samurai wearing small sunglasses saw the fearful look of the big snake, and said to himself angrily, "Many people who have a relationship with Oden have been buried, are you still afraid of Kozuki..."

"Although Kaido has dealt with a lot of people! But someone attacked Henggang and Jack's subordinates in Jiuli! Not only that, but most of Linghou was also destroyed! The soba noodle boss in the capital city and the ronin at the post station attacked Underworld!" Orochi thought of the endless reports of attacks in the past few days, and couldn't help but think of them all on the same person, "Maybe all of them are Kin'emon's instructions!"

Kushiro just looked at Orochi's fear of death, put down the empty wine bowl and wiped the mouth of the bowl with his fingertips, his evil face raised a bloodthirsty smile, "Kinemon and the other Nine Heroes in Red Sheaths Is it? If I can meet them, I really wish for it! Let Zai cut them down!!"

Big Snake saw Kushiro's confident and arrogant expression, and the original fearful expression began to clear up, and couldn't help laughing proudly, "Hahahaha!!! Really reliable! Kushiro!!"

Immediately, he graciously grabbed a geisha's fan and ran to Kuangshirou. After slapping the fan graciously, he lowered his body and approached his big head and said expectantly, "Oden has died in front of me! But he Momonosuke's son is still alive! The kid's body has not been found! The blood of the Kozuki family is still alive! They want to revive the Kozuki family! They must want to get Kaido's head! They will definitely come !!"

However, listening to the words that the big snake was close to the Arabian Nights, most of the people present almost couldn't help laughing, but for the sake of their own lives, they all tried their best to lower their heads to hide the crazily raised corners of their mouths and ridicule all over their faces.

A samurai whose face was flushed from drinking hiccupped and said disdainfully, "How can anyone take Kaido's head?! How cowardly is your lord?!"

"You drank too much!" A nearby samurai immediately warned with cold sweat on his face, and he was relieved when he looked at the big snake and found that he didn't pay attention to this side, "You control your mouth! If such words reach adults If you don't, you're dead!"

"Listen up everyone! It just so happens to be this year!!!", Orochi was still giving a speech excitedly, and the vividness of the past made him panic again, "Recall what you left behind! Don't be careless!!"

Unlike Orochi's indignation and vigilance, most of the underground warriors listened obsequiously, but in private there were constant whispers that Orochi didn't hear:
"You're too timid..."

"What a shame!"

"How long will you believe in such deceitful poetry..."


"If you don't know the moon at dawn, if you get what you want, you will weave a bright moon night for twenty years! Nine shadows will fall from the sky, and you will know the dazzling dawn!" The big snake, who is immersed in the past stories, doesn't know the thoughts and expressions of his subordinates at all. He solemnly read the poem left by Kozuki Oden's wife before she died, and shouted in a panic, "Do you know the meaning of this poem?! 20 years later, 9 warriors will appear! ! They are coming to kill me!!! And then the country of Wano will be founded!!!”

Many people followed the big snake's words and became serious, but in fact they kept laughing in their hearts, and the appearance of inconsistency was very natural.There is no way, Orochi will repeat such words every time at a banquet, and they all perform well.

Xiaohuzi, who was busy serving wine among the samurai, almost couldn't help laughing when he heard the big snake's words, and then heard the whispers of other people, and bit his lip to hold back the sound as soon as it came out.

Robin, who was standing on the side, looked at Orochi's frightened look, and then at the indifferent expressions of the other warriors, and thought, [Orochi really believes in legends, but on the other hand, his subordinates don't seem to care much. ]
The oiran sitting in the main seat was just playing with a few wine bottles, and didn't look at the farce in the audience, nor was he very interested in what Orochi said.

Many samurai almost couldn't help laughing because of the snake-like clown's words. For the sake of their own lives, they all stretched out their hands and covered their mouths while lowering their heads with a serious look, but they didn't know that they were trembling slightly because of the laughter The bodies completely betrayed their true thoughts, and at the same time, the whispers that could not reach the ears of the big snake sounded again among the warriors:
'Isn't this delusion too exaggerated?How long has it been since Mita and the others died? '

'I don't remember exactly, how cautious were you? '

"Hahahaha... so ridiculous..."


"Don't let those guys do whatever they want!" Orochi still didn't see his subordinates suffocating their laughter, and roared with a deep and dignified voice, "So absolutely don't be careless!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Very appropriate to the occasion, a clear and crisp child's laughter followed, expressing the hearts of most of the samurai present, but the laughter directly made them turn pale and covered in cold sweat instantly.

Everyone knows that when Orochi talks about the Red Sheath Nine Heroes, laughing out loud is a capital offense! !
The panicked samurai no longer had the nervousness of holding back their laughter a second ago, but now they only had the chilling neck feeling that their lives were hanging by a thread, "Who laughed out loud?!"

Before Orochi found out, a geisha picked up Xiaohuzi, who couldn't help laughing out loud, and ran away, at the same time freeing up his hand to cover her mouth that kept laughing, "Stop laughing, Xiaohuzi!! will die!"

"Who is it?!", Big Snake didn't see who was actually laughing out loud, but there was only an angry murderous intent left on the dark cloud's face at this moment, "Are you laughing at me?!!"

"Because my lord is being laughed at by everyone hahahaha!!" Even after being carried outside, Xiaohuzi could still clearly hear Xiaohuzi's uncontrollable laughter, "Hahahaha I can't stop hahahaha!! I'm sorry haha Ha ha!!"

"Is it the oiran's bald boy?! Shut her up!!", the warriors who were afraid of getting hurt yelled, and nervously looked at the ferocious big snake.

"?" Hearing someone call Oiran, the beautiful woman who had been sitting on it finally turned her gaze to see the current farce. It took a few seconds to sort out what happened before she realized what happened.

"Xiaohuzi!" Robin's face changed drastically when he recognized that voice as the cheerful and funny kid today.

"I'm a general!!!", Orochi roared angrily while holding the knife, but the laughter outside the door didn't mean to stop.The completely enraged Orochi pulled out his knife and rushed towards the place where the laughter came from, "Are you laughing and still afraid of what happened 20 years ago!?! You are the winner!! You are better than me!" Mita!!!!"

The angry big snake didn't care whether the laughing one was a child, and rushed to the wooden door they were hiding in an instant, and chopped the wooden door in half with a knife.

The fierce wind and broken wooden boards even rushed away the little household hiding behind and the geisha protecting her, causing them to fall directly and hard on the broken wooden boards all over the floor.

The geisha got up from the ground in a panic, and begged for mercy against the fear of the big snake tremblingly, "Master, please forgive her! She has no malicious intentions!!"

Xiaohuzi, who fell to the ground, was so frightened that she shed tears when she saw the big snake's terrifying expression like a ghost, but the corners of her mouth still maintained an upward smile, as if she couldn't suppress her desire to laugh even if she died. impulse.

The oiran, who hadn't said much, also felt that something was wrong, stood up and walked quickly towards the big snake.

"Oiran?!", the samurai who were worried about the safety of the little devil couldn't react for a while when they saw the oiran passing by in a hurry.One of the warriors couldn't help but gritted his teeth, "What can this black-bellied woman do?! Let's find a way to save that brat!"

As soon as the samurai finished speaking, his eyes widened because of the action of the oiran in the next second, just because the beautiful and elegant oiran took away one of the samurai's swords, and even held a sword flower very gracefully.

"Pfft!!" Kuangshilang, who had been sitting there like the boss all this time, saw that he sprayed wine directly, and was so startled that he choked and coughed in embarrassment.

"?", the oiran who was running forward with a knife came back to his senses when he heard his voice, looked down at the inappropriate knife in his hand, then threw the knife away, and took away the fan of a nearby dancer .

The samurai who complained about the oiran just felt a flash of cold light in front of his eyes and a strong wind blowing from the left. When he regained his senses, he caught a glimpse of the knife that the oiran had thrown away and stuck it into the wooden wall against his hair.

(End of this chapter)

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