One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 20 Katakuri

Chapter 20 Katakuri
mirror world.

The severe injury in the left abdomen kept causing severe pain that made people almost faint, and the strong anesthesia in the left leg made people unable to exert any strength at all, but Luffy still tried to stand up again and again, even if he just stood up trembling. As soon as his legs were weak, he fell back to the ground, and he would fall back to the ground immediately in the next second.

But even though he fell down again and again, Luffy still stubbornly stood up on his knees, and the wound on his left abdomen was dripping bright red blood because of his constant movements.

"...", Katakuri, who was hiding the lower half of his face in the plush collar, frowned and watched him stand up again and again, his gloomy face began to calm down from the initial anger, and he felt more and more that something was wrong just now.

The straw hat boy who was originally scarred but still full of energy seemed to lose his strength in an instant and fell down, as if he had been plotted against...

After slightly shifting his attention away from the straw hat boy, Katakuri noticed the faint, mocking, very familiar laughter of a girl and the voices of some subordinates in the distance behind him:

"Hahahaha, stood up trembling and fell down, then stood up trembling again, hahaha~"

"Master Flampe, please be quiet, you will be found!"

"Hahaha, because of that... that monkey's feet, his feet are trembling like those of a newborn deer~~"

"Hahaha!! Master Flampe, please don't make us laugh!"

"So weak, covered in blood, and standing up again and again~hahahaha~~~"


[Flame, do you mean? ! ], Katakuri looked back at the little girl in polka dots, then at Luffy who was trembling and trying to stand up, and then carefully recalled the process of Luffy's fall, and realized the reason for his fall.

After clenching his fist hard, Katakuri grabbed his weapon with a black face, and walked towards the corner where Flampe was hiding with a gloomy face, remembering that he just took advantage of Luffy's fall and stabbed him. When he was talking, Katakuri's eyes rarely showed anger clearly, [So it's you, Flampe!It was you who stopped that guy with your silent darts. In the tense duel, that guy's aura was broken for a moment. Although I also felt strange, I still attacked him and cut out his abdomen, causing him a fatal blow. Hurt, do you think I want such a duel? ! ]
When Flampe saw Katakuri walking in, she felt more and more that he was here to praise her, and immediately went around happily, [My brother must have come to praise me, right?I will definitely be his favorite sister!And this is the most perfect brother, the most perfect victory~~]
The surrounding subordinates also thought that Katakuri was here to praise them, and they all looked at him expectantly, and when they caught sight of Luffy who was still standing up tremblingly, they couldn't help but burst out laughing, " Hahaha!!"

"You guys! What's so funny!!" Katakuri roared suddenly, and made an astonishing move in the next second, grasping the sharp weapon with both hands and swirling it, the extremely sharp sharp weapon did not hesitate at all The ground directly penetrated his abdomen, the same place where Luffy was stabbed before.

"!!!", Flampe's eyes widened in disbelief, and Katakuri's blood was even stained on her face.

"..." Katakuri's face was covered with cold sweat due to the severe pain, and his brows and eyes were also tightly frowned, silently enduring the pain that a very human being could bear.

After a while, he pulled out the bloody weapon and threw it on the ground casually. The red, warm and liquid-stained weapon rolled down on the mottled ground, leaving bloodstains on the cracked ground before stopping. Down.

"That guy!!", Luffy watched Katakuri's decisive action in disbelief, and almost at the same time, he changed his view of this man who was originally an enemy.

Although an enemy, Katakuri is an opponent worthy of respect!
"Master Katakuri!!", all the surrounding subordinates shouted in shock, and they really couldn't figure out why he would do this all of a sudden.

"Why...why..." Flampe stared at Katakuri's bloody wound with wide eyes, and then looked at his gloomy face, not knowing what he was thinking at all.

Katakuri then stretched out his right hand to grab the fur collar that had been covering the lower half of his face, until his veins burst out, and after a while he really made up his mind, tearing off the clothes on the upper body and throwing the fur collar When he reached the ground, the lower half of his face, which had been unknown until now, was finally exposed in full view.

There were ugly stitches from the corner of his lips to between his ears, and sharp fangs in his mouth. Coupled with his gloomy face at the moment, he looked like a ferocious devil.

"!!!!!!", Seeing his real appearance, those subordinates backed up several meters in an instant, with terrified expressions as if they saw a monster, even though the identity of this monster was what they desperately touted a few seconds ago, it was almost perfect One of the three generals.

"Ah!!! Don't come here!! Get away!!" Flampe, who was also frightened by his ferocious face and cried, fell to the ground and scrambled away from Katakuri who was standing there.

After removing the mask of 'perfect older brother', Katakuri felt a lot more relaxed, panting slightly, opening and closing his mouth full of fangs, "If you want to laugh at that idiot, even I will Laugh!"

Luffy in the distance looked at his back in surprise, and couldn't believe that he would speak for himself in this situation.

After Flampe calmed down a little from the horror, she looked at Katakuri standing there tremblingly, her trembling pupils were also full of horror.

Katakuri just stood there, his mouth full of fangs slightly opened and panting, his hands clenched into fists silently waiting for his own sister's judgment.

After a few seconds, it seemed to him that he had been waiting for a long time before Flampe's indifferent and sarcastic words came from his ears:

"What a shame!"

"I feel the same, I'm disillusioned!" All the subordinates around him also began to speak evil words, and all the original worship turned into disgust at this moment.

"Really! It's so dirty! It's still stained with blood, what the hell is going on!" Flampe wiped off the blood and tears on her face, calmed down a little and saw Katakuri's ferocious true face again, her expression I couldn't help but start to distort, and the words that came out were full of sarcasm and disgust, "Always noble, calm and powerful, everything is perfect, obviously that is the elder brother I admire! But stabbing myself in the stomach is too shameful! This is not the Katakuri brother I like!"

Flampe floated a little in front of Katakuri, suppressed his nausea and looked at his fangs and the sutures on his cheeks, and then uttered a bad word again, "It's too bad! It's like a big-mouthed eel!!"

"Pfft! Big Mouth Eel!!", the subordinates around him burst into laughter immediately, and in the next second they tightly covered their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing too arrogantly. After all, no matter what Katakuri is now After all, he is still the most powerful three generals of the BIGMOM Pirates.

"Really! All illusions are shattered!", Flampe's distorted face looked even uglier at this moment, and she even spit the bubble gum in her mouth on Katakuri's face.

"..." Katakuri, who didn't hide at all, looked at the disgusted expression on her face, then moved his eyes slightly to look at the bubble gum on his face, and remembered those people when he showed his true colors when he was a child Expressions of horror, disgust, and rejection.

It was similar to the distorted expression on Flampe's face at this moment.

A few seconds later, he just raised his hand to wipe off the bubble gum on his face indifferently, and without looking at Flampe standing there, he just turned around and walked towards Luffy in the distance, while the blood-stained weapon before was left on the ground.

The straw hat boy in the distance was still clutching his injured abdomen, and his whole body was still torn to pieces, but the expression on his face and the look in his eyes unexpectedly made him calm again.

There is no disgust, no ridicule, no surprise, only vigilance and calmness in the face of powerful enemies.

His eyes were as clean as looking at him who hadn't taken off his disguise yet.

Maybe this kind of person is the real opponent he has always wanted to fight against? !

After a slight pause in his footsteps, Katakuri walked steadily towards Luffy, his quiet eyes only remained the excitement of the real battle at this moment.

Knowing that Katakuri was really serious, Luffy also pursed his lips and stood up, forcibly ignoring the effect of anesthesia.

"Hurry up and take a picture! I want to show everyone the appearance of this prodigal dog!!" Flampe, who was completely disillusioned, could only feel the anger of being deceived, and waved her hands directly to direct her subordinates to take Katakuri's face take a photo of.

The subordinates who didn't know how to live or die really all took out video phone bugs and took pictures around Katakuri. Although they said 'I'm sorry' and 'I'm sorry', everyone's face was full of effort. Laughing mocking emoticon.

The light of the flashlight shone on his face, but Katakuri didn't seem to feel it at all, completely pretending that they didn't exist, and continued walking towards Luffy at the same pace.

In the distance, Flampe was still yelling loudly without restraint, and her words became more and more vicious, "I want everyone to know that the elder brother Charlotte Katakuri that everyone looks forward to is dead! I want this The ugly appearance was exposed to the whole country! He even spattered dirty blood on me, and even threatened me who was so popular! What a perfect brother! It’s so disgusting! I don’t think I’m your sister shame!!"

"Wow!!", although Baozi in the distance didn't know what the woman was talking about, he still grinned at her angrily, and even waved his short legs.

Gloria, who was holding her face with her right hand, was rarely calm. She looked at the two gradually walking in with a faint smile on her face, [It seems that the little brat is not the only one who has made a breakthrough in this battle. ]
"They are all people who are an eyesore! This time, let's use a poisonous dart to pierce your hearts!", Flampe roared through gritted teeth, and took out the arrow tube to kill Luffy and Kaka who disillusioned her. Takuri was killed, "You guys have to be alert!!"

Flampe's roar continued, but Katakuri just looked at Luffy and said lightly, "These outsiders are so noisy."

Seeing what he was thinking, Lu Fei just raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I can't stand anyway."

As if they had a heart-to-heart connection, the next moment, a powerful overlord-like arrogance burst out from the two people tacitly. Under the strong collision of the two auras, more cracks were cracked in the dilapidated mirror world. Flan Pei and her subordinates were also blown out, and they rolled their eyes and lost consciousness not long after.


(End of this chapter)

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