One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 21 New 4th gear

Chapter 21 New 4th gear

On the Qianyang.

[The battle between Luffy and Katakuri-sama has come to an end, Benji-sama and their ship are about to arrive at the island at this time, and BIGMOM eats the cake and returns to normal to catch up, and it will take a while. ], Enke roughly calculated everyone's current situation, then let out a breath and lazily spread out on the chair.

Seeing that she was not in good spirits, Jinbe said worriedly, "Little baby, are you tired? The BIGMOM pirates haven't caught up yet, so you can take a rest for now."

"No, I'm not tired." Anke closed his right eye, only opened his bloody left eye and said lightly, "This time here in Wan Guo, I have gained quite a lot."

"That's right, hahaha." Jinbe laughed a few times, and then said, "But now let's think about how to escape from Ten Thousand Kingdoms. Since they know that we will meet at Cocoa Island, I'm afraid Cocoa Island is heavily guarded now. Not even a fly can fly out."

"Yes," Nami nodded, with worry on her face, "and if surrounded by the fleet, it will be very difficult to break through."

"That's right, it looks like there's going to be a fierce naval battle..." An Ke still couldn't get up his spirits, and opened his white fan and fanned it slowly.

"Sea battle??" Chopper on the side immediately jumped up, and then immediately ran towards the warehouse, "Little girl! Let's move the cannon out immediately! I remember that Franky has studied cannons before!"

"Okay, Joe!!" Carlot nodded vigorously, and then ran to the warehouse.

"Yo ho ho ho ho, sea battle, I have to work harder." Brooke said with a smile, but his tone was indescribably dignified.

"Then you guys are going to..." Anke paused, and then said with crooked eyebrows, "You have to protect yourself~"

Nami and the others immediately spoke confidently, "Don't worry! We promise to protect ourselves and Qianyang!"

"From my men~" Anke added the next words with a smile, with an innocent expression as if he was talking about where to play later, "Because the larger the battle, the more I like to use indiscriminate A range attack~"

"!!!!" Hearing her words, the people on board were instantly petrified.

I always feel that their cute Persian cat captain is more terrifying than the BIGMOM pirates who are about to besiege! !

mirror world.

Without the interference of outsiders, the fierce battle between Luffy and Katakuri gradually intensified.

The confrontation between fists, the use of devil fruits, the competition of knowledge and knowledge, and the duel of weapons and colors all make this battle more and more lively.

Gloria was hanging upside down, her blood-colored eyes quietly watching the two scarred and blood-stained people fighting, [The ultimate secret of men fighting is always hand-to-hand combat...]
In the fight where there can be no slack, there is no ambiguity in the fist-to-foot fight. In the fist-to-flesh fight, both of them are constantly breaking through their own limits, and Luffy also thinks from time to time. With everything I have given to myself, my own sense of knowledge has also begun to mature.

In the fierce battle between the two, the basic meaning of the mirror world has been almost completely destroyed, and there is basically no intact floor or wall where the two fought.

After another fierce fist fight, Luffy, who couldn't dodge for a while, was hit by Katakuri's Peerless Donut and flew directly to the far wall, knocking the original dilapidated wall into a big hole before stopping .

Katakuri, who was also seriously injured, panted heavily, and after a while, seeing that Luffy hadn't stood up, he opened his mouth and shouted, "What's wrong, straw hat boy!! Is this the end?! "

Luffy, who fell in the ruins, was almost numb from the beating, but he managed to squeeze out the strength to stand up in the next second, and walked towards Katakuri staggeringly.

Seeing him live up to expectations and appearing in the field of vision again, Katakuri nodded in satisfaction, grinning upwards with a mouth full of fangs, "Very good, I accept your challenge!"

"I will end it!", the body that had already reached its limit fell to the ground uncontrollably, but Luffy stood up on his knees in the next second, panting heavily and staring at Kata in front of him Kuri, "If this is you..."

"I've already answered!" Katakuri said in a deep voice, began to adjust his chaotic breathing and clenched his fists.

Luffy also began to adjust his heavy breathing, seeing the same determination in the opponent's eyes, "It's the last!"

"Ah." Katakuri responded lightly, knowing that it was time to use up his last strength to draw the real end of this battle.

"Fourth Gear!!", Luffy raised his left hand, which was entangled in the domineering armor, bit his arm fiercely and blew with all his strength, "Snakeman!!"

The domineering winding of the armed color makes the skin hard, thereby increasing the tension of the rubber fruit itself.Different from the previous [-]th gear - Elastic Man's form, this time the [-]th gear seems to be mainly wrapping domineering around the limbs, so as to be able to carry out the most powerful attack.

"It seems a little different from just now..." Katakuri panted slightly, looking at Luffy whose appearance had changed from the previous fourth gear.

"Your sense of knowledge is indeed very strong, so I want to be faster than before!", Luffy clenched his right fist, his arm retracted due to the excellent elasticity of the rubber, and the next moment, the fist was punched at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye .

Katakuri just turned his head to avoid the incoming fist, but the next moment he widened his eyes suddenly, before he even had time to turn his head, he received a solid punch on the right cheek, causing his whole body to bounce to the side fly out.

After stepping on the ground with his right foot to stop sliding, his face was full of disbelief, because he did avoid the punch just now, but the next second the attack appeared on the right inconceivably.

Before he could figure it out, Luffy's next attack was already in front of him, and when he turned his head to avoid the frontal attack again, he immediately predicted the next future with the arrogance of his knowledge, and he clearly knew the meaning of this inexplicable attack. What's going on, [So it is. ]
The tension of the rubber can make the arm extend continuously, and the elasticity of the rubber can even make the arm turn directly in the air, which is why the attack came from the front, and then attacked him from all directions in the next second.

In the next moment, Katakuri immediately bent his armed domineering arm to block the front, and blocked the oncoming fist in time, but he also slid back a long distance due to the extremely strong force, Even though he used his feet to touch the ground, he still slammed into a distant wall before stopping.

After falling to the ground, Katakuri just closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them in the next second, his upper body turned into rice cakes and directly avoided the huge fist that came in front of him in an instant. After anticipating the continuous attacks that would follow, His whole body turned into a huge white donut, and quickly rolled away from the spot.

"It's not over yet!!" Before the other hand could be retracted, Luffy immediately stretched out the other hand to hit him. Both hands quickly turned in the air and constantly changed their trajectory towards Tian Tian. Katakuri who was rolling in a circle, but even in the attack like a net, still couldn't hit the flexible and rolling Katakuri.

And even though he sensed Katakuri's next move, Luffy still couldn't catch him.

"Regardless of speed or strength, I have the advantage!", while Katakuri flew up with the help of the force of the ground, he also caught the gap where Luffy retracted his hands to prepare for the next attack, and recovered from the donut At the same time, his right hand also turned into a huge hammer covered with sharp thorns.

"!!!", the extremely fast speed made it too late for Luffy to counterattack or dodge. Even if he avoided the sharp thorn in time, he was still hit head-on. At the same time, his whole body was firmly stuck to it because of the stickiness of the rice cake.

"Boom!!" The ground was smashed into a big hole again, but it wasn't over yet, Katakuri raised his right fist that was firmly stuck to Luffy, and spun quickly in the next second .

"Wow!! Put me down!!!", Luffy, who was completely stuck and unable to move, could only scream, and was spun around at a very fast speed uncontrollably, and he became dizzy within a few seconds "Dizzy!! Damn, I can't get it off at all!!"

The arm turned into a rice cake spun dozens of times before it was thrown into the sky. The next second, Katakuri's arm swelled up due to the force, and the veins burst out on the extremely strong muscles. It was obvious that he had put All the remaining strength was bet on this blow.

"You are finished straw hat boy!!!", stepping forward with his right leg and arching his body, Katakuri roared and covered his entire arm with armed domineering, using gravity and inertia to go forward with all his strength Smashing, "Cut and cut rice cakes!!!"

Accompanied by Luffy's struggling screams, the earth-shattering loud noise on the ground, and the violent vibration of flying sand and rocks, Katakuri smashed a huge hole on the ground with a right fist that was stuck to Luffy, reaching a depth of more than ten meters. The entire mirror world was almost destroyed by this blow.

After withdrawing his right hand exhaustedly, Katakuri, who was also in a panic, was panting heavily, and the wound was dripping blood, but he still gritted his teeth and roared towards the deep hole, "If your fist can surpass me to see your future, then I will definitely go to a higher level, and in the end, your future will also be shattered, and you will be finished. Did you hear that, Straw Hat Boy!"

Luffy at the bottom of the deep pit struggled a bit, and after opening the stone that buried him for a while, he directly supported his body and panted heavily, and then yelled directly, "It hurts!! It hurts!! Stomach starving!!"

Hearing the energetic voice below, Katakuri was not surprised but continued to clenched his fists, and in the next second, he was not surprised to see Lufei bomb flying out, and even saw him crack a touch of Seemingly smiling inexplicably, Katakuri, who had no idea what this guy was thinking, roared, "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Tell me everything I'm thinking about right now!" Luffy yelled, and the next second he retracted his legs and kicked forward, "I will definitely beat you!! Katakuri!!!"

"Fall down! Straw Hat Boy!!!", it was the first time Katakuri encountered an opponent who couldn't be defeated no matter how hard he fought, and once again squeezed out strength from his body that had already reached the limit, and tensed his nerves to avoid Luffy attack and counterattack.


Gloria, who had been quietly facing the audience, couldn't help being slightly speechless when she saw them fighting so fiercely, "Wow, it's really tough..."

"Oh..." Baozi nodded in agreement, feeling that both of them had been beaten terribly.

[After fighting like this, the cat will be worried again~], Gloria swayed her legs, her body spun and continued to hang there upside down, her long black hair drooping down like a waterfall.

"Woo..." Baozi looked around in the ruins, and finally saw an unbroken clock in the distance.At this time, it was close to 0:30, and there was less than half an hour left before the appointed point.


"You will be finished with the next move! Straw Hat Boy!!!", knowing that it is time to mark the end of this seemingly endless battle, Katakuri jumped up and turned into a huge donut rolling on the ground following inertia , "I will set you free!!"

"No need!!" Luffy yelled and refused, his outstretched hands kept hitting the huge donut rolling on the ground, but he still couldn't hit it.

During the rapid rotation, Katakuri also took advantage of the inertia and threw out his right hand, which had turned into a rice cake, and his right fist immediately turned into a rice cake and turned into a mace covered with sharp thorns, and the impact was increased with the help of rotation , he directly roared and threw it at Luffy in the distance, "Cut and cut rice cakes!!!"

And Luffy also knew that this was the final duel, the ever-extending right hand constantly changed its trajectory in the air, and a large amount of armed domineering energy coiled around his arm again, like a giant snake with fangs circling up in an instant, "Rubber Rubber - King Cobra!!!"

The two men hit each other with huge fists with armed domineering aura respectively, and they refused to admit defeat and tried their best to stalemate.The impact of the fierce big move directly blew a gust of wind in the mirror world, and the gravel all over the ground was blown and rotated by the wind, and even the walls and the ground in the distance were affected, cracks appeared one by one, and the entire wall collapsed. It collapsed.

I don't know how long it took, the gust of wind caused by the confrontation also began to calm down, but the two still maintained the movement of hitting each other with huge fists.

A few seconds later, like centuries later, both of them withdrew their fists at the same time, both dripping with blood and panting heavily.

At this time, the fourth gear time also ended, and Luffy ejected a large amount of air from his mouth, then bounced out, and fell directly into a large pit of more than ten meters smashed by Katakuri in the middle, turning over Lost consciousness with blindfolded eyes.

Katakuri, who was still on the broken ground, was panting heavily, and after shaking for a while, he tried to stand up straight again, muttering 'I must not lose...', but finally fell face down.


(End of this chapter)

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