One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 202 Cariboo's Good Strategy

Chapter 202 Cariboo's Good Strategy
Somewhere in the quarry, Lei Zang, He Song, and Aju, who took some food, also found a corner to sit down temporarily, preparing to briefly discuss the next action.

"But Momonosuke-sama can still sleep, I thought he would be very excited after seeing Princess Hiyori." A-ju looked at the sleeping child lying on the stone beside him, and understood after a light smile , "But it's not surprising, after all, we haven't seen each other for 20 years. And Momonosuke spent a lot of courage when he encouraged everyone to give everyone hope just now. It's hard to see that he is just an eight-year-old kid."

"Indeed." Lei Zang nodded in agreement, looked at their little master with relief, and then suddenly took out a communication snail and shouted with glowing eyes, "I have to tell Kin'emon the good news as soon as possible. !Combining the more than 3000 people here, the winning rate of the war of resistance has suddenly increased!!"

"That's right! I haven't heard Kin'emon's voice for nearly 20 years!" Kawamatsu also looked excited, ready to scare his colleagues who haven't seen for many years.

But the communication snail didn't move at all, its tentacles were still drooping and its eyes were closed.Lei Zang was a little strange, and looked at the cadre tower in puzzlement, "It's strange, I saw a female snail in the cadre tower before I left, so I should be able to contact other villages."

"Maternal snail~~", suddenly a sinister voice sounded, and then a pool of mud moved over, and a huge snail head popped out of the mud, and at the same time, Caribou, who had disappeared before, shook With a long tongue protruding from near the snail.

"Monster?!", He Song and Aju immediately jumped away vigilantly, while holding the knife tightly, ready to cut the pool of mud in half at any time.

"Wait, wait, Aju, He Song!!" Lei Zang hurriedly stood in front of Cribb, waving his hands desperately while trying to explain, "Although this person looks like a bad guy, he is actually a companion! Your Excellency Luffy knows a capable person!"

Afterwards, he quickly explained the identity of Caribou and his ability, and he was relieved when he saw Aju and He Song put the knife back.

"Since Master Lei Zang said so..." Aju still hesitated, but based on her belief in Lei Zang, she restrained her hostility.

"Thank you very much," Lei Zang nodded to them, and then watched Caribou stuffing the mother snail back into the swamp again, "Also, Mr. Cribb, why did you hide the mother snail? Wouldn’t it be impossible to communicate with the outside world?”

"It's best not to be able to communicate with the outside world~hehehehe~~", Caribou smiled strangely, and proudly said his good strategy of hiding the mother's snail to isolate the rabbit signal, "now intelligence is the same as combat ability More importantly, perhaps more accurately, in this new world, intelligence warfare may be the most important thing~ hehehe~~~"

"That is to say, the current rabbit don is isolated from the world, that is to say, the information on the rabbit is completely in the hands of the inferior people?" Lei Zang screamed directly, it is hard to imagine a series of good things happened to them one after another On the body, it is like the blessing of the ancestors of the Wano country.

"But you can't just let the phone bug out now, hehehe~~" Caribou smiled meanly, bowed his hands and started to move towards the food, "Speaking of which, these foods look really real now. It’s delicious, although it’s not as good as overseas ones, but it’s still considered delicious in this situation~”

"Wait a minute, release the mother snail for a while," Lei Zou, who needed to report to Kin'emon, immediately stopped him, but found that Caribou continued to move forward as if he couldn't hear him.

"What if Quinn calls after it's released? I'll be recognized in a few seconds with your bad acting skills. I don't want to die here yet~" Caribou waved his long sleeves, ready to continue The mother snail is hidden.

A-ju looked at the cheering and celebrating warriors around her, and said in a deep voice, "He is indeed right. Before Quinn left, he saw the rabbit bowl was in chaos. After waiting to bring A Ling back, he will definitely contact you immediately. It is true that communication cannot be resumed without thinking of countermeasures."

"That's right," He Song nodded, then stood up and said, "But before that, there is a place I must go to. After that, I will go to Jiuli as soon as possible to meet everyone."

"En! Be careful on the road!" Lei Zang nodded, without asking where he was going or what he was going to do.After all, they have been companions and comrades-in-arms for many years, and the trust will not be dissipated because of 20 years.

After learning about Kin'emon's location in Kuri, and briefly explaining his plans to Raizo and the others, Kawamatsu decided to leave for Reiko.

Because he is going to fulfill an agreement that has passed 13 years, and he doesn't even know whether the other party to the agreement is still alive or not.

Hiyori, who just came back from the main gate, saw him walking out, but asked like a prophet, "Is Kawamatsu-sama going to Reiko?",
"My lord princess..." He Song, who had protected Rihe for seven years, was a little unaccustomed to her current appearance, but after thinking of the difference in status, he nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, I must go to Ling next time. back."

"But Empress Ling can't get close now, and there was a big explosion before Empress Ling, and many places in the cemetery collapsed." Hiyori briefly explained the situation of Empress Ling, and saw that he was so shocked that his face was covered with cold sweat. He just smiled softly.

"Could it be...?!", thinking of a situation, Kawamatsu gritted his teeth tightly, and couldn't believe what she said, but he knew that Hiyori would not lie.

"But Master He Matsu still wants to take a look?" Hiyori said thoughtfully, and handed him a small bag, "It's still quite far from here to Linghou, please be careful, Master He Matsu. "

"My..." He Song clenched his fists, took the small bag with unknown contents with both hands and bid farewell, "Then, my lord princess, I'd better go over and have a look. It's like paying homage to the deceased."

"Yes, have a safe trip." Hiyori nodded, and turned back to the mining site after seeing him leave.


When Hiyori returned to the mining site, Lei Zang mentioned the current situation to her and introduced her to Caribou who isolated the female snails.

"So that's it, this is Wano Country's number one beauty~ She really is extraordinary~~" Caribou posted over, her green eyes undisguisedly sizing up and down the beauty in front of her, without any concealment Greed and gloom on his face, [If you take it out and sell it overseas when you leave, it will definitely be enough for me to make a comeback! ]
Facing his disrespectful gaze, Hiyori just smiled slightly, and said softly, "I have never seen such a strange person in Wano, if I can exchange this adult for funds for the struggle, it must be great. "

"!!!", Caribou, who was suddenly panicked, immediately stepped back a long distance, dripping with cold sweat, shaking like chaff, looking at the elegant beauty.

"It's just a joke, don't worry about it." Hiyori smiled slightly, and then looked at Raizang and Aju, "Since the rabbit don't communicate, please go back and inform Lord Kinemon as soon as possible. , Let him draw up a new battle plan in advance. The other warriors will continue to hide here and wait until the day of the decisive battle to join together."

"Indeed, we need to tell other people the good news as soon as possible!" Lei Zang couldn't hide his excitement, and then asked calmly, "Then, will the princess go back with the subordinates?"

"No, I stay here to deal with the follow-up matters, and I am now the key target of Mr. Orochi. If you walk around, the target is too big." Hiyori shook his head, not planning to act with them.

"Understood," Raizo nodded and picked up Momonosuke who was still asleep, ready to go back immediately to inform everyone of the good news.

"Then go find Ayu first," Aju also left quickly, preparing to find Ayu who didn't know where he went and see if he could find the famous sword that Luffy borrowed from Feiji before—— The second generation Ghost Che.

At this time, Ayu was squatting in a corner of the entrance of the No. [-] mining site, holding an apple and looking at Luffy who was practicing quietly and admiringly.

Aju saw her after finding the knife, and came to tell her the next plan, but found that the little girl obviously didn't want to leave here with a puffy face.

"I still want to stay here for a while, and Chopper also said that he will go back to Jiuli to join his friends after a few days." Ayu looked up at him, his big eyes were full of requests, "Please, Ayu Chrysanthemum, I will obediently listen to Brother Luffy and the others."

The little reindeer doctor who was holding a medicine jar also explained, "Don't worry, when the time comes, after Luffy and the others finish their training, they will go back together!"

"That's it..." Aju hesitated, looked at Luffy and Zoro who were training, and then nodded in agreement after thinking about the strength of the two of them, "I understand clearly, I will have a good time with Feiyu Your Excellency explained."

"Wow! That's great, thank you!!" Ayu immediately jumped up happily, and ran towards the nearby treasure ship carrying food, "By the way, help bring some food to the master! This way he won't be so angry~ Although I am too Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha~hahaha~~"

After a while, Lei Zang and Aju were going to take the sleeping Momanosuke and the third-generation Guiche back to Kuri to join the others, while Hiyori, who seemed to be feeling unwell, simply wished them well on the way. Safety.

After watching the two of them leave, she sat on the dusty rock, and looked at Caribou, who was eating in the pile of food. The isolation communication limit has completely turned Rabbit Don into a place isolated from the world, so it seems that he may be quite useful~]
"Ah!!", Caribou suddenly sneezed with a chill in his heart, looked around suspiciously, and saw a beautiful woman smiling at him in the distance, and was instantly petrified with fright.

The beauty was indeed earth-shatteringly beautiful, but every time he saw her, he was left with only the fear that reached the depths of his soul.

But the beauty didn't talk to him, she smiled at him, then got up dignifiedly and went to the No. [-] quarry to watch other people's training.

Caribou immediately heaved a sigh of relief, shivered in fear, and thanked for eating more to suppress his shock.


After eating and drinking enough, Cariboo avoided other people's attention and moved to a pothole on a high place, and threw all the intelligent snails that had been swallowed in the swamp into the depths of the pothole, even the mother body The snails were also displayed.

"Let me see, let me see~" After placing each phone bug, Caribou carefully checked the orientation of each phone bug before nodding in satisfaction, "This is almost the same, and the last operation is ~The video phone bug brought by Quinn~~"

Caribou then took out a medium-sized video phone bug from the swamp, patted its drooping eyes before putting it aside casually, and then slipped out humming, "Mission completed~~ "

After he left, the entrance of the cave disappeared quietly, without any abnormality at all.

At the main entrance where no one was guarding, the dilapidated gate was still crumbling, but within a few seconds, the gate quietly returned to its original state, and even the gravel residue on the ground disappeared without a trace.

Today's rabbit don, everything is as usual.


(End of this chapter)

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