Chapter 203
some time ago.

Tono Yasushi, who escaped from the execution ground, soon met Shinobu and Kankuro who were going to inquire about the news in the alleys of the capital of flowers.After Shinobu had a big fight with Luo and the others, he originally planned to go back and report the situation to Kin'emon, but he ran into Kankuro who was selling fish on the way.It didn't take long for the two of them to learn that Tono Yasushi was executed in the capital of flowers, and they were shocked; they rushed to the capital of flowers immediately, although they still missed the time of execution, but saw Yasushi Tono After being rescued by Rihe Pingan, the two were so excited that they hugged each other and cried.

They never expected that God would give them a great favor at this time. Not only did they keep their final daimyo, but they even learned that Kozuki Oden's bloodline Yiichi and the princess were still alive.

After the chaos in the execution ground, they saw Hawkins escorting Zoro, Sanji, and Luo away, while the furious Orochi ordered troops to search for the fugitive Tono Yasushi and Hiyori.

Fortunately, Shinobu and Kankuro were the first to find Tono Yasushi who was running away before Orochi's minions found those two.Shinobu and Kankuro learn that they split up for safety's sake.And when Hiyori was protected by other people, Shinobu and Kankuro discussed it and decided to escort Tono Yasushi out of the city first, and take him to meet Kin'emon to discuss the next countermeasures.

Even luckier, when they were struggling with how to get out of the city, they happened to meet Nami and Bebo.With the help of Nami's illusion, the group escaped the inspection and left the Flower City safely.

"It should be about the same here." After covering them to the deserted suburbs, Nami unleashed the illusion of invisibility after looking around, and said, "Since Taozi's sister is still in the Flower City, I will go back to meet her." She. I can use illusion to become invisible, so I can move more freely."

"Indeed, we should all be wanted now, only Nami you can not be found." Xiao Ren nodded, frowning tightly because of the current dangerous situation, "And the current situation is really bad! Although Ieyasu My lord was rescued safely and learned that the princess is still alive, but unexpectedly, I lost three important combat powers!"

"...", Nami, who also felt self-blame, grasped the weather stick tightly and apologized in a low voice, "Sorry..."

"Nami, don't blame yourself! You were taken away partly because of me!", Shinobu quickly waved his hand, and looked at Beibo, Xia Qi and Pei Jin with a condemning look, "And in the end Now that the battle plan is completely exposed, it’s not because someone leaked the plan!!”

Beipo already felt very guilty and painful because the captain was arrested for his own reasons. When he saw her accusing eyes, he immediately exploded, "What's the matter with your eyes?! Are you talking about us?"

"That's right! Even though the three of us were tortured, we didn't say anything about the plan!" Xia Qi also retorted with grievance and anger. The three of them are still covered in injuries!

"That's right! Don't wrong people for no reason!" Pei Jin was also full of anger. If it wasn't for the captain's order, they wouldn't want to get involved in the mess of Wano Country.

"Hahaha alright alright, don't quarrel. Now let's go back and join Kin'emon to make the next plan." Tono Yasushi laughed and smoothed things over, not wanting to lose his precious combat power due to internal strife. There is still a period of time before we can revise the battle plan.”

"If you want to go back, you can go back," Beibo, who was still angry, obviously didn't want to say anything to them, and turned around and left with Xia Qi and Pei Jin.

"Wait, Bepo...", Nami wanted to stop them, but she gave up after seeing their gloomy expressions.

"Leave them alone! Anyway, things are messed up now!", Shinobu is also full of anger now, watching helplessly that the only opportunity gained in 20 years will be turned into smoke, no one can have a good mood.

"Okay, Shinobu! Your Excellency Luo and his subordinates are hard-to-find helpers for the inferior people. Their strength can defeat a hundred, so there must be no splitting actions at this time!" Kankuro couldn't help frowning Interrupting Shinobu, motioned her to hold back her temper.

"Then the inferior people should go to Kuri first and see if there is any way to save them hahaha..." In desperation, Yasushi Tono nodded to Nami, and quickly left here with Shinobu and Kankuro.

Nami looked at them, then looked at the direction Beibo and the others left, and only hoped that Beipo and the others would not do anything impulsive.

However, Bepo and the others are now only thinking of Luo who was taken prisoner in order to save them.Shirokuma clenched his fists with a dignified expression, and said in a low voice, "Kin'emon and Wano Country are none of our business! Before the captain is rescued, whether they live or die has nothing to do with us!"

"Yeah!" Pei Jin also nodded expressionlessly, and took out a phone bug and said, "I have already contacted other people, and they are rushing to the rabbit bowl."

Xia Qi flexed his fist, and there was only firmness on his face. "Anyway, there are no plans now, let's save the captain first!"


Frankie and Brooke fled the capital of flowers with their small family members. Without the cover of illusion, the two directly pretended to fool the guarding soldiers, and the hero who pretended to be a ghost was a white skeleton.

After seeing with his own eyes that his father and his beloved Miss Huakui were still alive, Xiaohuzi also settled down, obediently following a strange robot and a skeleton, except that he couldn't help laughing a few times from time to time. , trying to keep quiet at other times.

Unlike Tono Yasushi who walked to Jiuli on foot, Franky and the others directly took a small wooden boat to Jiuli from the small pier.Compared with the large-scale search on land, the waterway is still relatively scarce, and it is just right for escape.

Because the boatman was punting the boat at the front, Frankie and Brooke, who sat at the back and wrapped their whole bodies in a large cloth towel, looked suspicious no matter what.But for the poor boatmen, as long as the money is paid by distinguished guests, even if the guest is a death row prisoner, they will still be transported correctly.

Brook carefully pulled the tightly wrapped cloth towel, and said in a low voice, "This is going to be troublesome now, everyone in Gao Zhan has been arrested, can the battle plan continue now?"

"I don't really care." Frank, who was wrapped in a ball, pulled the tight cloth towel out a small gap to let the little one in his arms breathe, and said in a low voice, "I don't believe that anyone can catch She lives in Xiaowa, her character is likely to go to Onishima to inquire about information. As for Luffy? The world's largest prison can't hold him, let alone a small rabbit quarry?"

"That's right, what's more, Mr. Luo, Zoro and Sanji who were captured will also be sent to the rabbit bowl..." Brook thought about the situation, and immediately threw a little bit of worry to him with peace of mind. Outside of Jiuxiao, "We just pray that the rabbit don't be dismantled by them, that's fine~~"

The little householder who was hiding in the cloth towel blinked at them and imitated Brooke's laughter, saying 'yo ho ho ho ho'.

"In addition, I also contacted Mr. Usopp. He is still in Yebisu Village." Brooke looked around and continued to whisper the phone bug contact just now. Miss's little avatar and steamed stuffed bun, are they all right?"

"This little thing should be fine. Robin and Nami are still in the Flower City. They should meet up." Although Franky was a little worried, they couldn't go back to the Flower City now.

"That's right," Brook nodded, and couldn't help laughing after looking up at the cherry blossoms, "but the cherry blossoms here are really beautiful, although I don't have eyes to appreciate the cherry blossoms~"

"You really remember your bone joke anytime and anywhere..." Franky was a little ashamed, stretched out a small hand from the mechanical palm hidden under the cloth, and threw a little thing into the river .

The jewel-like crystals submerged silently into the slowly flowing river water, and the water flow caused by the sliding of the oars quickly wiped out the tiny ripples, and the faint ripples disappeared all traces of the surface.


Ever since he saw Tono Yasukazu Hiyori still alive in the video, Shutenmaru led a lot of his subordinates to rush from Kuri's head mountain to the capital of flowers, preparing to take Tono Yasukazu who escaped from the execution ground. Sun and the princess are protected.

But when they arrived at the connecting bridge between Jiuli and Huazhi, they saw a small team of officers and soldiers guarding there.There were only two or three scattered pedestrians, but the inspection was still very strict, even the backpacks were opened and checked carefully.

Almost at about the same time, Yasushi Tono, Shinobu and Kankuro also arrived here, and subconsciously hid when they saw the officers and soldiers guarding there.

"There are only six people, so it's not difficult to break through by force." Kankuro probed to see the situation, then hid, and continued, "We need to pass here as soon as possible. Orochi must send a large number of people to search for the capital of flowers."

"Indeed." Shinobu nodded, took out a cloth towel and tied it up, wrapped her hair and tied a knot in front of her nose.Then Tono Yasushi and Kankuro also took out their headscarves and tied them up, inexplicably thinking that this almost completely useless method of covering their faces could conceal their features.

But before they could make a move, the sound of fighting came from the connecting bridge. The three people who were very puzzled looked around and saw a strong man in a pink coat leading a group of bandits at Kuangbian. A few poor officers and soldiers didn't forget to throw them into the river under the bridge after beating them up, completely destroying their bodies and leaving no traces.

Kankuro looked at the strong man who was holding a knife and shouting angrily, and couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Who is that person?"

Shinobu lowered his hood and explained in a low voice, "It's the bandit Shutenmaru who occupies Mount Kulitou, a very powerful warrior. I heard that Kaido and Orochi both wanted to recruit him, but he just refused. "

"Although I don't know why he came here, but this is a good thing for us hahahaha." Tono Yasushi has also heard about the reputation of this bandit, but now this is not what they care about, "later After they leave, immediately cross the bridge and go to Jiuli!"

It was obvious that those bandits didn't want to occupy the connecting bridge to earn bridge tolls. After staying there for a while, they continued to rush to the capital of flowers in a hurry, as if they were in a hurry.

As soon as they passed by, Tono Yasushi and the three of them immediately rushed towards the connecting bridge, but they didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune. A guy who ran at the end among the bandits happened to glance back and immediately saw the people on the bridge. A blue exploding head, a red broom head and a pink double ponytail, after a moment of stupefaction, he rushed to Shutianmaru, who was at the front, "Boss!! The target is crossing the bridge!!"

"What???" Jiutianmaru immediately stopped, turned his head abruptly, and took advantage of the extraordinary height difference to see the three people on the bridge over the bandits behind him.After his pupils shrank, he immediately raised his knife and turned around violently, knocking away a group of bandits who were following him, and rushed straight towards the connecting bridge, "Stop!! Stop for me!!!!"

"!!" Suddenly, the three of them who heard a loud roar turned around and saw a strong bandit with fierce eyes rushing towards them with a knife, with a fierce expression on his face, trying to chop them into pieces.Thinking that guy was a pursuer, Yasushi Tono and the others immediately sped up and ran away.

Seeing that the people who wanted to protect ran away like a beast, the bewildered Jiutianwan could only chase after him shouting, "Stop the three in front!!"

The bandit subordinates who were knocked away by him just got up now, and couldn't help but feel ashamed when they saw their boss's back as if he was chasing an enemy, but they also got up quickly and chased after them because they didn't want to be left behind, " Boss, wait for us!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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