One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 238 Ghost Island Chapter: Infiltrate Quietly?non-existent 2

Chapter 238 Ghost Island: Quiet Infiltration?non-existent 2
Apu on the DJ stage finally tuned to a satisfactory melody. After a burst of gorgeous chords, he pressed the keys and followed the rhythm of the music to report to Quinn who was waiting for the chorus not far away, "Master Quinn can be an adult~~ There is something important to report here~~yo~~"

Kidd, who was about to enter the courtyard at the back, stopped when he heard the sound, gritted his teeth, and turned slowly to look in the direction of the sound. From the gap between the crowd and the tower, a third-handed family could be seen. After seeing the figure that he could recognize even after turning into ashes, he clenched his teeth and squeezed out two almost crushed syllables, "Apu?!!!"

"Yo yo, Apu yo~~ What's the matter?" Quinn's chubby body was also swaying in the annual rare golden Kagura, holding the microphone and swaying to the rhythm.

"I saw the Straw Hat Boy and Nonoroa in the front left, and they made a big commotion~", Apu didn't notice anything bad at all, his nimble fingers were jumping and playing among the black and white keys Come out with gradually passionate music, "Straw hat boy, Nonoroa, today is their death day, two people broke into the island of ghosts, it is like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger~~~~"

"Is that so, Straw Hat Boy and Nonoroa, little pirates who don't care at all~~ It's not as exciting as the current music~~~", Quinn, who jumped up and down with the music, even a few times on the neck Layers of fat are shaking, and after enjoying the dance for a while, I feel that something is not right, as if I just heard some amazing news.After shaking his head for a while, his dancing range began to slow down, and eventually he froze there.

A few seconds later, he suddenly grabbed the microphone and yelled, "The Straw Hat and Nonoroa????"

The sharp decibels made the speaker overwhelmed and made a harsh sound. The uncoordinated sharp sound almost cut through many unprepared pirates. Many people subconsciously covered their ears, and many wine glasses filled with wine dropped their hands. Smashed on the ground.

The originally lively banquet scene was suddenly silent, and the members of the Beasts Pirates all subconsciously looked at the DJ stage, wondering why Quinn, one of the three billboards, suddenly went crazy.

"It's too noisy, what's that sound?!", Lu Fei also grinned and covered his ears, vaguely remembering that someone shouted his name just now and shouted belatedly, "Who shouted?" me??"

"Don't answer, idiot?!" Sauron's fangs roared, knocking down the pirates in front and continuing to run forward.

In the silence, there was the sound of iron loosening suddenly. After a while, many pirates were flying in one direction with knives and guns. Soon a mechanical giant hand composed of countless iron broke Apu from bottom to top. At the DJ stand where Apu was on the top before he could react, he was completely hit by the giant steel hand and smashed on the nearby wall. If he hadn't subconsciously defended a little, maybe he himself was the same as the nearby broken wall. Disabled.

A man with red hair and a ruthless expression came out of the shadows with a smirk, and the iron tools that fell off from his right hand kept falling on the ground.His eyes were fixed on Apu who was lying in the ruins. Although Kidd smiled, it seemed that he was going to eat him alive, "Apu!!!"

When he didn't know the truth, he thought that he, Apu and Hawkins' pirate group would be an alliance, and he didn't notice the unusual situation after the alliance.By the time Kaido fell from the sky, he had almost guessed it.No wonder since the alliance, the Beasts Pirates have been vaguely detected near their route. It turns out that someone has been secretly sending letters to the enemy.

That day, his companions, his pirate group, and his pride were all trampled on the ground. He didn't hate the failure because of the huge gap in strength.For Hawkins, who surrendered without a fight, he did not pursue it. Sometimes it is the way for the pirates to survive.

What he hates the most is betrayal! !
And Apu's betrayal taught him a lesson in the new world, that is, even if it is an alliance, you can't trust too much.

Or to be more accurate, Apu was an intelligence agent on Kaido's side from beginning to end, and he sneaked in to form an alliance with them in order to bring them down.Now that his partners have fallen into such a miserable situation, it is all related to Apu's trap.

"Kidd???" Seeing the young red-haired pirate, Quinn almost popped his eyes out, and after a while his mind roared before he suddenly understood.Looking at the three brats who were making a fuss at the venue, even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, he had to accept the fact that Tudon was passing false information.

But the most frightening thing is that not only Babanuki, who guards the rabbit don, claimed that the rabbit don was not lost, but even Mata Hawkins, who returned to the island of ghosts this morning, also reported to him that the straw hat boy and other pirates were still trapped in the rabbit. In the bowl.It was precisely because of Hawkins' report that he canceled his plan to send someone to Rabbit Don.

But if you think about it carefully, how could Hawkins alone be able to catch Luo, Zoro, Sanji and other high-bounty pirates in one go, and even transport them thousands of miles to Rabbit Don to be imprisoned?
And who has the ability to do all this, all kinds of clues, large and small, point to one person—the girl who has been imprisoned in the ghost island for a week.Perhaps it was also because she was kept under their noses that they started to take it lightly.

Quinn was able to sit firmly on one of the big boards, not just because of his strength.After thinking about it quickly, he realized that they had fallen into a trap, and that girl who they thought was nothing to fear had done so many tricks under their noses.

[Hawkins is definitely not available, I thought there was only one traitor.It seems that there are other emergency measures as soon as possible. ], Quinn wrinkled his face full of fat, raised his hand to beckon his confidant nearby and whispered a few words to him.

Hearing his words, his confidant couldn't help but sweat on his face, subconsciously looked up at him, and when he saw Quinn nodding with a sullen face, he immediately ran to report the matter.

[Although there are only a few little ghost heads, you should still be careful.I underestimated that witch a little bit. ], Quinn tapped the microphone with his finger, and in the next second his chubby body nimbly spun around in a smart circle, dragged the microphone and shouted, "Little bastards! Take advantage of this great opportunity, Lao Tzu Let me announce good news to you!!"

The pirates who were immersed in the banquet had just recovered from the appearance of Luffy and the others. When they didn't know whether to intervene, they heard Quinn's passionate cry and looked at him subconsciously. What the hell idea.

"I will vacate a position for the volley six and a position for the real hit." Quinn waved two fingers, and completed the follow-up request under the increasingly enthusiastic eyes of his subordinates, "Who can catch the straw hat?" Any one of Kid, Nonoroya, or Kidd, I will directly mention him as a volley six or a real hit!"

"Oh!!!!!!", the pirates suddenly became excited, and each one was eager to try. They took out their weapons and surrounded Luffy Zoro who was about to escape and Kidd who was trying to settle accounts with Apu. After cutting off their retreat, they began to challenge forward head-on. Under the urging of alcohol, they had already regarded the three supernovas as soft-legged shrimps that could be knocked down.

Because of this, Apu escaped a catastrophe. While Kidd was entangled by other pirates, he quickly ran to a safe distance, and planned to show the pirates of the same period a little color later.

Those pirates who dared to carry weapons to compete for the position of senior cadres were not good at it. Almost most of them ate man-made devil fruits, and all kinds of animal bodies grew on their burly bodies with big arms and round waists.

"Why are both of them so tall?!", Luffy nimbly avoided the attacks of several enemies whose height was several times his height, and was a little stunned after avoiding an approaching ax with his straw hat on his body Looking carefully at those pirates who are all over three or four meters tall, "Encore will beat you up when the time comes."

"Don't waste time with them, our goal is only Kaido." Sauron directly swung his knife and cut down the pirates blocking the way, frowning and using the least amount of energy to deal with these guys, "These guys are not only numerous , even his skill is quite good, if you keep fighting, it will be endless."

There was a sound of iron moving, and a large number of swords and pistols flew over the heads of the pirates. After a while, a giant steel hand swept away all the pirates in the southwest. After clearing a path, the iron without magnetic control fell. On the ground, piled up into a wall to become a temporary obstacle.

Kidd, who created a gap for himself and his friends, immediately took the lead and ran towards that side, wanting to leave when most of the pirates' attention was on Luffy and Zoro, he didn't care about those two The frizzy and careless guys, wishing they could become bait to attract the enemy's firepower.

"Wow! The thorn-headed man created a way! Let's go, Sauron!" However, a certain single-celled creature didn't know Kidd's thoughts at all. Seeing that there was a sudden way out in the encirclement, he rushed over .

Seeing an uninvited guest suddenly appearing beside him, Kidd immediately yelled with his fangs, "Can't you make your own way, kid?"

"Just run out if you have a way, you're welcome~" Luffy raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder with a bright smile. There was a lot of commotion, everyone said we were going to sneak in!"

"Yeah." Sauron, who didn't know when he came to the vicinity, silently nodded in agreement, and at the same time raised his knife to block an incoming bullet.

"You two bastards still have the nerve to talk about me????" Kidd was really angry this time. If these two guys hadn't made a big fuss, they would have walked to the place where Kaido was. The venue is in the back.

Kira, who was following them, looked at the noisy three people. The weird but harmonious quarrel made him laugh out loud, "All three of you should be with each other."

"Don't think you can easily escape from this encirclement?! There's still me here!" Apu, who was standing not far away, saw that the three of them were about to escape from the encirclement smoothly, and immediately punched a few times on his chest with both hands clenched Next, the passionate drum sound erupted from his body immediately, and as the nimble fingers pressed between the black and white keyboard-like teeth, he slammed his right fist on the chest and burst out the deafening drum sound, " cut!!"

The three people not far away were obviously not attacked by anyone, but as the drum sounded, several deep slashes appeared on their bodies immediately, and the severe pain was even more shocking.They obviously didn't relax their vigilance just now, but the slash seemed to appear on them out of thin air.

"Kidd?!", Kira was not attacked, looked in shock at the three blood-stained people, and then immediately turned to look at the long-handed clan jumping there.Unlike the three who don't know much about Apu's ability, Kira knows Apu's devil fruit ability.

"Don't be too rampant on Lord Kaido's territory~ You are still within my attack range~", Apu was confident that the three guys would not be able to attack him quickly, and followed the music of the banquet very ostentatiously in front of him. After a series of rhythms popped up on his body, he slapped himself on the chest again, "Explosive!"

A violent explosion immediately took place centered on the three young pirates, and the unsuspecting three were also blown away in the intense explosion, and many wounds were added to their bodies.

Not letting go of a chance, Kaido's subordinates immediately seized this opportunity to attack three targets. The various animal parts on their bodies made them look like ferocious beasts fed with the smell of meat, as if the next It will tear the prey to pieces in seconds.


(End of this chapter)

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