One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 239 Ghost Island

Chapter 239 Ghost Island Chapter - Let me smash the scene
Encore over there some time ago.

"Low-key ~ as long as we act low-key, no one will find us~", Encore, who was walking in the front, said the key to infiltrating, and there were loud and noisy seas everywhere in the compartments with open doors. thieves.

Wearing a kimono, Hiyori always wanted to remind Anke that their costumes were incompatible with pirates, but those tall and strong pirates always made her terrified, so she could only hug Qiushui and follow the petite girl behind.

Carlot, who was walking at the back, listened to Encore's words, while watching the drunken pirates around vigilantly, lest someone discover them who were invisible with illusion.

"There are a lot of looted treasures and cultural relics here on Ghost Island. I plan to rob while beating people up. I want to keep a low profile. My plan is perfect~~", Enke walked towards the main entrance of Ghost Island Go, talking about your plan.Although this is a war that must be won, she decided to keep a low profile this time and just wipe out everyone who stands in the way~
Hiyori looked nervously at the passing pirates. Although he knew they couldn't see him, he subconsciously moved out of the way. After walking a few steps to catch up with the girl leading the way, he couldn't help asking, "Encore?" Sir, where are we going now?"

"The main entrance~" Anke waved his hand forward, and the pirates who were walking straight towards them staggered to the side.The pirates who were dizzy from drinking only felt that they had fallen to the ground in a blink of an eye. They thought they had drunk too much, and they just laughed and supported each other to stand up, and continued to walk to the next venue.

"Bye bye~", Carlot made a face at them, and couldn't help laughing seeing those people in a daze.

Rihe stared dumbfounded at Enke swaggering and knocking away all those who stood in his way, and couldn't help persuading, "Master Anke, don't we want to keep a low profile?"

"Kill all the people who know it. If no one knows, then it's low-key," Anke didn't feel that there was anything wrong. After taking out the fan and knocking all the pirates in the corridor away, then Satisfied with the wide field of vision, "Sure enough, when there are no tall enemies in the field of vision, the scenery will be much better~"

"Master Anke must have his own considerations in what he does," Miss Rabbit didn't worry too much at all, pointing to the front and said, "Turn into the second corner and walk for ten minutes, you can see the main entrance up."

Encore originally thought that he could directly see the luxurious main entrance by following Kailot's directions, but when he walked out of the side hall with great interest, he saw a luxurious courtyard. Long long stairs.

"..." The Persian cat's originally happy expression froze there, and it couldn't help grinding its teeth after counting the nearly hundreds of steps.

Miss Rabbit, who didn't realize it, pointed to the main entrance and said happily, "The main entrance is right there, it's very close~"

Anke just blinked his eyes, and then smiled softly and harmlessly, and transformed into a trident that he hadn't used much, "I think I need to prepare some greetings, otherwise it's too rude~~~"


Luffy and the others
"Cover your ears!!", Kira sensed that Apu was about to launch the next attack, and immediately reminded the three guys.Although puzzled, the three of them, who didn't want to be attacked for no reason, immediately covered their ears tightly like Kira. The next second they could feel the vibration of the surrounding air, and the uncomfortable feeling made them all grin their teeth, but luckily they didn't Didn't get slashed or exploded like before.

"Apu's attack range is within the hearing range, as long as you cover your ears, you can avoid his attack!" Kira explained loudly, but found that the three people who covered their ears were not looking at him at all. , "Did you hear that??"

"What did you say?", Luffy, Zoro, and Kidd's stunned faces were in tacit understanding, and their hands were still tightly covering their ears, and they didn't know if Kira, who was wearing a mask, spoke.

"Forget it..." Kira didn't bother to talk nonsense with them anymore, and decided to wait until he was out of Apu's attack range before continuing to explain to them.

The ground suddenly shook slightly, and after a while a giant nearly 30 meters high staggered out holding the tower, holding a ten-meter-high mace in his right hand, the mushroom head who obviously drank too much The giant was still wearing a toad mirror and burped drunkenly.

Quinn looked up at this guy who was a little taller than the giant, and then looked at the few pirates who were very miniature in comparison, and suddenly showed a confident smile with a sure chance of winning, holding the microphone and said, "Bacha It's just in time, do you want to join the current PARTY? As long as you catch those guys, you can be directly promoted to the top six!"

"Bacha...", as one of the NUMBERS, Bacha squinted her eyes hard to look at the little pirates who were fleeing, as if she could see the position of a high-ranking cadre beckoning to herself, and immediately burst into joy He raised a mace more than ten meters away and threw it at them, "Bacha!!"

Seeing that the huge NUMBERS also participated in the battle, many pirates retreated a little for the time being, so as not to be smashed together with those little ghosts who broke in.

The mace, which could easily smash many people into flesh, slammed down toward the target. Almost the moment the mace touched the ground, the venue shook, and the place near the main entrance was even more violent. A piece of the ceiling was smashed down, countless large and small cracks were cracked on the ground that was hit hard, and the cracked and collapsed towers kept falling down. Broken tubes provide light.

Many of the pirates who were still enjoying food and wine in the meeting place near the main entrance or in the tower were buried in the collapsed rubble before they could understand what happened. In an instant, the luxurious banquet that was originally full of laughter and noise turned into a tragedy of constant wailing.

Some pirates who didn't drink enough managed to escape from the ruins with hands and feet, but they were all ashamed and terrified.After about a few minutes, apart from the occasional falling gravel, the shaking and collapse finally stopped.

But in just a few minutes, the main entrance and nearby buildings were smashed to pieces, and the headquarters of the Beasts Pirates built inside the mountain even cracked a big hole, and almost a quarter of the entire house was destroyed. The place was completely turned into ruins, and at the main entrance that had long been turned into slag, there was a huge black shadow that almost blocked the gap, which looked similar to a small hill.

The captain of the straw hat with a piece of gravel on his straw hat almost dropped his jaw when he saw the unrecognizable ruins in front of him. He looked back and forth at Hachicha holding a mace and the collapsed venue in disbelief, "This guy is so powerful Is it???? It smashed the venue in one go???"

"It's impossible no matter how you think about it, idiot!" Kidd retorted angrily, while attracting the giant steel hand formed by iron objects in his right hand, he looked vigilantly at the huge shadow that almost completely blocked the ruins, "That thing looks the same Meteorites are similar, and I don’t know which side they are on!”

Sauron and Kira didn't say anything, they held their weapons tightly and guarded their respective captains silently and dignifiedly, lest anyone would take the opportunity to sneak attack.But judging from the terrified members of the waving pirates around, they don't know who is the one who smashed their base camp.

Seeing the long-awaited annual Golden Kagura venue being smashed into ruins, Quinn was so angry that his fat face was trembling, he crushed the golden microphone in his hand, and jumped from the stage to the end of the crowd. Facing the ruins in front of them, they roared red with anger, "Who the hell?! Come out!!!!"

The undisguised anger and arrogance of the big Kanban made many pirates tremble in their hearts, and they subconsciously distanced themselves from him, for fear of being implicated.In the quiet venue, only the wailing and groaning of the wounded and crushed in the rubble could be heard from time to time in the ruins, but no one else had time to pay attention to them now.

"Hee hee~~~"

The naughty and crisp girlish laughter suddenly sounded in the ears of the confused and flustered people. It sounded innocent and sweet, but it caused many people to shudder, shaking subconsciously to drive away the shudder. cold feeling.

Luffy raised his head and pressed the straw hat, and lowered the brim of the hat to cover his eyes, but he couldn't help but grinned brightly.Sauron also exhaled slightly, relaxed his expression and even looked towards the direction of the ruins with a bit of doting.

Except for the two people who knew each other well, the others followed their laughter and looked at the ruins where faint wailing could be heard from time to time, only to see a petite figure standing on a tall corner tower with a ray of moonlight on his back , a trident was held slantly in her hand.

As if satisfied with the different expressions of the audience, she slowly tilted her head and smiled. Under the backlight, those heterochromatic pupils were bright and scary, but the innocent words that were contrary to the scary appearance were only thick naughty:

"Good evening, everyone~~I'm here to make trouble~~~~"


(End of this chapter)

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