One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 279 The Real Antidote

Chapter 279 The Real Antidote

The main stage on the first floor.

"Do you want to defeat me with this level of attack?!", BIGMOM roared with arrogance and rushed to the surrounding buildings. Her left hand passed through the turquoise flames and strangled Marko's neck. He clenched his fists and knocked Ace and Prometheus to the ground.

"That person's flames are so delicious, mommy will give him a few more punches~", the chubby blue bird Apollo just swallowed a lot of phoenix flames in the battle between BIGMOM and Marco, and the phoenix flames Prometheus that would hurt normal flames, it also suppresses their abilities to some extent.

"Good timing, I'm here to help!" Quinn, who had been watching the battle, happily took out a submachine gun, ready to send a bullet to Marco who was caught.

Ace, who fell on the first floor, saw the gun raised by Quinn, and immediately picked up the dagger next to a nearby corpse and threw it at Quinn. The sharp dagger pierced the barrel of the submachine gun, and the bullet that hit the dagger It exploded, blasting the long barrel into a trumpet flower.

"I'm here~~~~", a voice floating like Mount Tai fell from the sky, and at the same time a cube crystal fell from the sky and hit BIGMOM's head precisely.

BIGMOM groaned in pain, shrunk down for a certain distance, and subconsciously let go of Marco, who was pinched by his left hand.

"Mom?!" Hera, who was carrying her, also felt the pressure from above, and quickly stabilized herself.

"Demon! Girl!!", BIGMOM squeezed out these two words through gritted teeth, raised his hand and crushed the crystal that hit his head with his bare hands.Napoleon, the pirate hat, landed tacitly on her open right hand and turned into a sharp long knife. BIGMOM slashed upwards with a backhand. Amidst the roar of the air, a lot fell from the dilapidated ceiling again. gravel.

Anke, who rushed here, closed his left eye, avoided the sharp edge, and at the same time raised his right hand that had turned into a crystal, and swung it down, "Crystal-Firework Rain!"

BIGMOM raised the knife and easily knocked away the sharp crystal that was aimed at him. After Apollo was injured by the domineering crystal, he immediately flew around BIGMOM pitifully waving his wings with many holes to seek protection.

A large number of crystals flew to the ground, and the ice ghosts who had lost their minds on the first floor did not feel anything even if they were stabbed by the sharp crystals, and they still howled and bit everywhere.But being insensible does not mean that there is no harm. After a while, several ice ghosts who couldn't tell whether they were pirates or samurai fell down one after another.

Chopper, who was still staying below, immediately panicked, ran over and shouted, "Encore! They're all infected with the virus! Don't kill them!"

"So that's it, I plan to kill them." Anke nimbly avoided BIGMOM's fist, and she didn't intend to compete with the little giant-like Four Emperors in physical strength and strength.The crystal that appeared in an instant separated the first floor and the second floor like a barrier, ensuring that the people on the first floor would not be affected by the battle.

"Do you want to fight with me while protecting the rubbish below?? Don't be too whimsical!", the famous knife wrapped around the domineering sword cut down on the girl standing on the crystal, this knife can cut the ground in two Half.

Ace rushed over and quickly raised his leg to block the famous sword that was several times heavier and several times longer than him. The oppressive force from the Four Emperors made him crush the crystal under his feet.

Magnificent flames passed by, and Marko, who swooped over, kicked BIGMOM's back and kicked her out.

"Mom!", Hera immediately wanted to catch her, but the scorching orange flames enveloped its whole body, forcibly burning the white cloud into a circle.After quickly escaping from the flames, Hera rushed to BIGMOM while shouting to the round fat bird in mid-air, "Apollo! Hurry up and help!"

"Oh oh oh! I see! I'm going to sneak attack immediately!" Apollo was so frightened that the dumb hairs on his head trembled, he quickly flapped his wings and went around the back of Encore, and swooped down to prepare for a sneak attack.

Just when she was about to knock her down, the girl turned around, raised her leg, and pressed down, and stepped on the crystal that was flying in mid-air, and the domineering Yan Mo pierced through it in the next instant. Apollo's body firmly nailed it to the ground, and at the same time, the light golden talisman floated faintly on its body, making it unable to even move its wings.

After discovering that his body was out of control, Apollo, who had only been born for a few minutes, immediately asked the maker for help, "Mom!! Help me!!"

The kicked BIGMOM stood up from the shattered wall with murderous intent, almost visualizing the killing intent.Hera who flew over was caught in her hand, and the white cloud quickly turned into a thundercloud full of lightning, and the crackling lightning also entangled the famous knife in BIGMOM's hand.

Feeling the gunpowder smoke in the air, Quinn stood in the dilapidated corridor and shouted anxiously: "Hey, hey, hey!! Don't fight here!! This place is going to collapse!!!"

"That's none of my mother's business!!", BIGMOM roared furiously, and the famous Napoleon knife with lightning in his hand aimed at the three unforgivable little pirates, "Thunder Emperor Cannon!!!"

Anke rushed to the front of Ace and Marco, unfolded the white fan decorated with snow-white ribbons and held it high, not afraid of the violent attack cannon that could blow her to pieces, the right hand holding the fan just fluttered from top to bottom With a wave of the ground, "Absolute meaning-absolute zero: return to zero."

The terrifying attack that was enough to blow a hole out of Oni Island instantly atomized into pale white snow particles, and the ear-piercing roar disappeared suddenly.In the huge banquet hall, the aftershock and sound had not dissipated, but the piece of crystal where BIGMOM was standing quietly cracked, lifted off the ground and rose.

"Crystal wall-impact!", the white fan that had just fallen was lifted violently, and the flying crystal rose rapidly, sending BIGMOM to the dome through the hole in the roof at lightning speed.

"!!!!", Quinn watched BIGMOM screaming and flew to the top of the dome, but when he thought of who else was on the dome, he looked at Encore with a dumbfounded gaze, [There is also Brother Kaido on it, the witch is Are you stupid? ]
"Saving people is the wish of our boat doctor. How can we not make it come true?" An Ke put the white fan back around his waist and turned to look at Apollo who was nailed to the ground.

"What is this guy going to do?" Ace looked down at the chubby blue bird, and let Prometheus fly to Encore.

Encore looked at the blue bird on the ground, then at Marco, the phoenix with infinite flames, and suddenly let out a very malicious smile, "Hey~"

"Fire!!", a rough and furious roar suddenly erupted, and the next second the sound of 'bang bang bang bang' sounded, and the extremely lethal bullets and shells shot towards the only target.

The transparent crystal layer suddenly raised the circular wall, completely protecting the encore inside.The densely packed cannonballs kept hitting the crystal clear crystal, but failed to break the seemingly fragile crystal.

Anke, who was at the center of the explosion, was not worried about his situation. He smiled and looked at the shells that exploded outside the crystal for a while, then stretched out his left index finger and drew a circle, creating bits and pieces of light with the first ability.

The shelling stopped soon, and the pirates stood near the fort with dull expressions, but no one noticed their changes now.

Anke knelt down and looked at Apollo who was nailed to the ground for a while, then reached out and plucked the curled fur on its head, "How about signing a contract and being my pet?"

Apollo shrunk his shortened neck, and tremblingly asked the kind-hearted girl in front of him, "Can I refuse?"

"Impossible~ I still need a lot of combat power~", Anke replied with a smile, stretched out his left index finger to draw a mess of spells in mid-air, and then involuntarily put his index finger on Apollo's forehead, waiting for her When the finger is removed, a small red spot appears on the fuzzy flame.

The short, fat blue bird shrank its neck again timidly. When it found itself free, it turned into a blue flame and escaped from Yan Mo's piercing. It waved its wings but found nothing unusual.

"The natural system is really troublesome!" Quinn impatiently turned into a huge brachiosaurus, stretched his neck and threw it at the crystal protective cover, preparing to smash the crystal protecting the witch.

Just as Quinn put his head down, Marco, who suddenly sprang out from behind, flapped his wings and rushed down, stretched out his bird claws, and kicked the huge dinosaur of dozens of tons down the second floor, "You also go down Bar!"

"Damn it!!!", dozens of tons of heavy Brachiosaurus easily crushed the thick crystal connecting and isolating the first and second floors, and smashed the crystal that could have withstood the Four Emperors BIGMOM before falling to the first floor , and even thumped on all fours for a while before getting up.

When the crystal was broken, Yan Mo, who was still stuck on the ground, also fell down with the broken crystal, and was finally buried under large and small pieces of broken crystal.And Anke had already jumped on Apollo and left. She was not interested in Yan Mo, but she didn't realize that she only carried a scabbard on her back.Marco and Ace have also moved to stand on the railing on the second floor. After discussing with him, Ace left to go to Ayu.

"Catch him!!", almost all the people in the venue on the first floor were infected with the virus, and some of them were slow to attack and could still maintain a little sanity.Now seeing that the culprit who caused them such pain jumped down automatically, it was even more impossible to let him go.

With the idea of ​​dying together, no matter whether it is the samurai or the pirates, they all yelled and rushed towards the huge yellow brachiosaurus, hugging their legs, hugging their tails, trying to make the person who invented the virus Quinn also caught the virus.

Regardless of whether the host is the person who invented it or not, the virus will quickly infect and reproduce as long as it senses living cells, and large pieces of frost-like virus soon appeared on the legs and tail of the giant brachiosaurus.

"Damn it! Go away!" Quinn kicked those ice ghosts away, hooked his neck around the railing on the second floor again and jumped to the safe second floor.As the inventor of the virus, he of course knew the lethality of the ice ghost. It is not a joke to die after an hour of infection.

After a low curse, he quickly took out the only antidote on his body and planned to drink it, but when he was about to unscrew the safety lock, the medicine bottle in his hand disappeared.

"Which bastard snatched it?!", Quinn immediately yelled with his fangs, with a ferocious expression as if he wanted to chop the prisoner into pieces, but he twisted his neck suddenly and found that the antidote was in the hands of a certain Persian cat .

"Since I'm planning to drink it for myself, it must be the real antidote~" Enke, who was standing on the blue bird Apollo, threw the antidote bottle in his hand with a smile, and blinked at Quinn's bloody left eye. Then he led Prometheus who flew over and disappeared in place in front of him.

"You're even more of a pirate than a pirate! After robbing BIGMOM, come and rob me!" Quinn was so angry that he yelled at the air in front of him, and then hurriedly left here to prepare for other things. The antidote, lest I be poisoned to death by the virus I invented.

Of course he could choose to defeat the witch to get the antidote back, but that woman is as cunning as a poisonous snake, so it's not worth it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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