One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 280 The dying warrior general

Chapter 280 The dying warrior general

Seeing that the Four Emperors and the big Kanban had left, Marco shrugged, and waved his wings to sprinkle a lot of flames, "Pineapple Gravel!"

A raging light blue flame appeared on all the ice ghosts on the first floor. The gentle flame relieved the virus that broke out on them, and even made those ice ghosts who had completely lost their minds regain consciousness.

"Ah, it's so doesn't seem to be too hot..." Seeing people who were on fire subconsciously slapped and screamed, but soon realized that this was not an ordinary flame.

The pirates and warriors who regained consciousness quickly distanced themselves, and each occupied a corner to guard each other. Because of the spread of the virus, this also temporarily stopped the war between the two hostile groups.

"I didn't expect that guy Quinn to say that poison is the only antidote, does that guy even want to kill his own people?!", an uninfected pirate growled angrily, and he also called a companion I told others about drinking the antidote but being poisoned to death by the virus.

Coupled with the fact that they haven't seen Quinn now, they are even more convinced that the guy wants to leave them here to die.Their determination to stay with the samurai warriors was also shaken violently. They originally planned to live and die with the Beast Pirates, but they never thought that the big board only regarded them as white mice, and even took their lives as a game. .

The warriors are also divided into those who are infected with the virus and those who are not infected with the virus, so as not to infect each other.Lord Bing, who had completely turned into an ice ghost, was burning with flames all over his body. At this time, he was looking at the gentle and comfortable flames on his body in amazement, "There are so many capable people in the sea. I didn't expect that someone could suppress the virus."

Anke grabbed the chubby blue bird, held the antibody and jumped onto a piece of broken crystal, and immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Of course, what attracted all the attention was the antibody she had grabbed.

"It's really great that everyone has regained consciousness~~" Facing the pirates who were about to snatch the antibody, An Ke smiled, cocked his eyebrows, tilted his head and threw two words, "Kneel down."

"Yes!", the pirates immediately knelt down in unison, bowing their heads in an unusually pious manner.

"!!!!", the uncontrolled warriors almost dropped their jaws to the ground, and looked at the girl with different pupils standing on a high place in disbelief.

"This saves a lot of trouble~", Marco also raised his eyebrows in surprise, and continued to observe the surrounding situation vigilantly.

"Encore!", the little reindeer ran over with tears in his eyes, and quickly received the antibody thrown by the vice-captain with his raised hoof, "Great, if there is no antidote to make a sample, I want to test it within an hour." It would be unrealistic to come up with an antidote."

"Go and save the people you want to save, we are here." Encore patted Apollo on his hand, turning it into a two-meter-long blue bird, "I will take you up to the second floor."

Chopper immediately jumped onto the back of the fluffy blue bird, raised the antibody on his hoof, shook it, and shouted to the people below, "Don't worry, everyone! I will make an antidote for everyone soon!"

"Oh! Then leave the life of the inferior to Mr. Chopper!", the heroic voice of the soldier sounded, and all the warriors watched the little reindeer leave with admiration.

Apollo planted Chopper to the second floor, watched it leave tearfully holding the antidote, and then Anke grabbed the cyan flame pet that he had just obtained, weighed it, and then suddenly turned to look at the half-human Marco standing on the railing in half bird form.

"?" Marco, who was being stared at, froze for a moment, looked at her bright eyes suspiciously for a few seconds, and after a few seconds, he was blessed. He passed the flame-like wings on the left with a funny face, "Here."

"Okay, thank you Lord Marco~~" Encore's eyes lit up, and the chubby blue bird flew over and grabbed a feather in its small beak to start absorbing the flames, murmuring its thanks indistinctly.

Marko's phoenix flame is unique in the world, extremely precious and rare, and the HOMIAS Apollo born from his flame cannot use other flames to make up for it.

A few minutes later, the fully charged Apollo patted his chubby belly with his small wings, spun in mid-air and slowly floated back to Encore, not forgetting to thank him cheerfully, "I'm full, thank you~~ "

"Yes, call me if it's not enough." Marco shook his numb wings, expressing that the fat bird was really not polite at all.

"Okay, then I'll go to the roof to help~" Anke happily hugged the energetic blue bird, jumped onto Prometheus and let it take him to the roof.She didn't plan to intervene at first, but the combination of the two four emperors is still a bit worrying.

"Come on, leave it to me to watch over here." Marco waved his wings, and after watching her leave, he fell into deep thought. After a while, he felt a little emotional, "Now is indeed the age of young people."

There were more than a dozen fur warriors guarding the treatment room on the second floor that had just been cleaned up.

Qiaoba and Dr. Yang rushed here and were about to start antibody deployment immediately, but they didn't expect to find that there was a more urgent thing waiting for them when they came here.

"Doctor Chopper! Something is wrong! Master Momonosuke has an accident!" Seeing that he seemed to see a savior, Shinobu hurriedly told him what had happened.The nurses have given the unconscious Momanosuke a simple oxygen supply device and injected some antitoxin, but the effect is not obvious.Most of the medicines they carried were trauma treatments. After all, those who fell on the battlefield were basically traumas.

"Doctor Yang, go and dilute half of the antibody first and then analyze the components." Chopper was also taken aback by Momonosuke's bruised face, so he had to give the antibody to Doctor Yang first, and ran away by himself. Check out Momanosuke's situation.

But after a simple examination, Chopper who took off the stethoscope felt his heart sink, "Multifunctional organ failure..."

Progressive breathing difficulties, cyanosis, murmurs on auscultation of the lungs, and slight edema has begun to appear in the trunk replacement. Although oxygen has been supplied in time, the situation has not been relieved, and it is obvious that it has entered the third stage of tracheal failure.

"Yes..." Before Chopper came, the fur doctor and nurse also quickly checked. What's worse now is that this temporary treatment room is not equipped for surgery at all.

"Before we rescued Momanosuke-sama, that fellow Quinn injected him with poison, no wonder he let us rescue Momanosuke so easily." Shinobu wiped away her tears, and she felt that there was something wrong under the eyes of the big kanban. It was too easy to succeed in saving people, "He must have confirmed that Momonosuke-sama must die!"

Chopper gritted his teeth. He knew that even with an advanced surgical environment, Momanosuke might not be able to restore health immediately. That guy Quinn must have used the top virus to ensure the death of the enemy general.What's imminent is that there are more than 1 warriors and pirates infected with Ice Ghost waiting for the antidote, and Chopper is now completely at a loss.

And most importantly, if the operation is to start, the estimated time will take three to four hours, which is simply impossible on the battlefield.

He anxiously opened his small backpack and rummaged through various first-aid medicines and appliances, "It is impossible to use conventional treatment methods! Now this island has the ability to restore Momonosuke to a healthy state in a short period of time." State, only Encore and Luo's abilities!"

"Then call them over now! Master Momonosuke is the chief general of Wano Country, so nothing can happen to him!!" Shinobu shouted anxiously, because Momonosuke is the blood of Kozuki Oden, and is Wano country waited 20 years for hope.

"This is impossible. Their time and energy must be devoted to defeating the enemy! They must not be distracted!" No matter how anxious he was, Chopper knew the current battle situation.They don't have an advantage in numbers, and they have to deal with the powerful characters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates with high combat power, and even have the ability to defeat a hundred with one.Anke and Luo do have the ability to save people, but I'm afraid the two of them will not waste their energy to save people. Their task is to deal with enemies whose strength is above the big board.

What's more, there is not only one Four Emperors on this island!
"I have no choice but to suspend his condition to the current situation, so as to ensure that his condition will not deteriorate within two or three hours. After I prepare the antidote for the ice ghost, I will immediately perform an operation on him. You should perform the operation first." The environment is ready." Chopper took out a white porcelain bottle and poured a little potion for Momonosuke, which was the graduation gift he got during those two years of practice. The potion given by the priestess teacher can keep the dying person alive until the end. a little life.

After observing that his condition would not continue to deteriorate, Chopper immediately ran to Dr. Yang to prepare the antidote for the ice ghost, and at the same time told the nurses to draw blood to analyze Momonosuke's current condition.

"Shouldn't Momanosuke's life be the top priority now?!" Shinobu watched Chopper leave quickly in disbelief.

"I will prepare the antidote to relieve the condition at the same time, don't worry. Whether it is the ice ghost outside or Momonosuke, I will save them!" Chopper gave Xiaoren a firm look, and then immediately devoted himself to researching and developing the antidote. medicine.

"Okay..." Shinobu, who couldn't help him, could only anxiously look at the dozens of various reagent bottles around Chopper, hoping that it could quickly develop the antidote.

Hiyori, who had been staying here, saw that she had nothing to help, and after seeing that all urgent matters had been arranged, she quietly left here.

Now those ordinary pirates have basically been brought under control, and the battle in the huge house has stopped a lot, but everyone who is in action is still more vigilant, so as not to be plotted against.

On the first floor of the main stage, the controlled pirates were still kneeling there motionless, like sculptures.The warriors, under the command of Master Bing, surrounded them, and dealt with them on the spot if they had any abnormalities.

Large and small crystals piled up all over the floor, and the broken edges were so sharp that many warriors were accidentally scratched when they passed by.

After finding a secret hole on the first floor and sneaking into the main stage, Hiyori used a large thin cloth to cover his appearance and clothing.After carefully avoiding the sight of the warriors, she estimated the direction and went straight to the crystals piled up in the middle.She saw Yan Mo fall with the broken crystal before, and it should have fallen near there.

[Master Anke should not need Yan Mo anymore, even if their master swordsman uses Qiushui, he will still exert great strength. ], the porcelain-like arm was scratched in many places by the sharp crystal, Hiyori pulled Enma out of the broken crystal, and when he looked at the sharp blade in front of him after many years, he could still clearly recall that when Oden swung his hands The unrestrained appearance at the time of the sword, [Father...]
Soon she wiped away her tears, and then looked at a dead ice ghost nearby. The snow-white and cold virus on his body was still absorbing the last nutrients of the host.

"Find something to tie up all these pirates first, and confiscate their weapons. After the virus is unraveled, we will go to other venues to help!", the soldier who was burning with flames was directing those who also turned into ice ghosts The samurai who were not infected with the "virus" were placed in a slightly safer location.

At this time, those warriors who were not infected with the virus looked at the four ghosts of NUMBERS who fell there with a broken head and blood. They had no memory of how this guy fell down:
"When did the big guy fall?"

"Is there really a human being like this in this world? It's like a monster."

"I've been fighting or avoiding ice ghosts before, and I didn't pay attention to who knocked over this big guy."

"Looks like a rock fell from the ceiling and knocked him out..."

"It's so sloppy and it's gone? I thought these big guys couldn't be beaten to death..."


"Pay attention to whether there is a surprise attack around you! Save your energy now!" Master Bing reminded the others loudly. Suddenly, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a slender figure passing by the corner of his eyes, but there was no one when he looked over. [An illusion or something, it was just now It’s not that someone ran out…]

(End of this chapter)

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