One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 322 Admiral Green Bull

Chapter 322 Admiral Green Bull
"I don't know if it's an illusion or something, I always feel that someone is talking about me..." Anke hid in the spacious shadow of Jinping, and now she doesn't want to see the light like a ghost.

"I'm probably curious about your abilities," Ace just reached out and pressed her straw hat, and then looked at Shidu not far away, "The two pirate groups are still here."

"It's not surprising, they should have felt it too." Anke suddenly took a breath of cool air and shrank his body slightly.

"!!!", Momonosuke heard the harsh and noisy voice again in the distance, and rolled on the ground in pain again.

"...", Anke silently rolled her eyes and tried to control her uncontrollable abilities. She no longer understood what magical abilities that cowardly little devil had.

"Ace, we have tied up all the pirates~", Ayu ran over with Speed.

"It was a great help," Ace smiled and picked her up, then looked at those SMILE users, "Ayu, how long can you control those pirates?"

"They will regain their freedom when they see the same moon phase again." Hearing this, Ayu remembered that no one seemed to know the specific information about her ability, so she explained with a smile, "I used to give animals After eating dumplings, some animals will leave angrily after regaining consciousness, and some will stay with me, just like Komachiyo~"

Thinking of the Koma dog that was killed by the enemy's Ulti, Ayu couldn't help shedding tears, but still tried to be strong and said with a smile, "But Koma Chiyo must be very happy that we all won, so that everyone doesn't have to starve .”

"Well, I believe it won't be hungry again in heaven." Ace reached out to wipe her tears.

Those wandering girls from Ghost Island still gathered together, not daring to casually contact those warriors.After hesitating for a while, they still chose to believe in Sanji who had defeated Quinn, and pushed each other hesitantly forward, "Well, excuse me...",
"A lot of beautiful young ladies~~", Sanji became excited again because of the beauties all over his eyes, and kept spinning with caution.

"?", Anke popped up a small head from behind Jinbe again, and after recognizing the wandering girls who helped Sanji, he raised his long sleeves and pointed at Hiyori, "Do you know Hiyori-sama? Is it? She will arrange your basic necessities next~"

"Loir Oiran? Ah no, is it Princess Princess?" The girls looked at each other, but still chose to believe her and walked towards Hiyori.

Sanji looked at Anke but saw that she was just bowing to her sleeves, and immediately happily spun into a twist and followed, "I'll escort you all~"

After more than two hours of searching by the samurai and civilians, they basically moved out the dead bodies. The samurai and pirates were separated, and some were smashed beyond recognition by falling stones and wood. .After determining the number of people, basically all the warriors who can participate in the battle have been found.

At this time, the sky also began to brighten, and the wreckage after a night of fighting was completely exposed to the light.

"I've brought a new dandelion~" Duo Duo flew over with a few big sacks, put down on the ground and asked her for credit with blinking black eyes, "how is it? Steal over there~"

"Aha~", Anke looked up and down the basketball-sized white clouds, and suddenly had a good idea.

"Here we come." Ace put Ayu down and patted her on the head, and Speed, who was waiting nearby, immediately took Ayu to a place behind.

"A very powerful enemy is coming!" Momonosuke also felt the sudden hostility nearby, and was so frightened that he immediately turned into a peachy dragon.

"Master Momonosuke???", the civilians already knew from the previous light painting that this was Momonosuke, but they were still pale with fright when they saw the giant dragon that looked like Kaido.

"Everyone, take the wounded and evacuate to the Flower City! A powerful enemy is coming!!" Momonosuke continued to yell. Although he was so scared that he wanted to retreat, he still tried his best to fly to the open space in front of him.

The people who came back to their senses quickly carried the wounded back to the capital of flowers, and the pirates who were seized with weapons and tied up were also taken there.Momonosuke led the remaining red-scabbard warriors to the forefront of the hostility, and the remaining warriors who were still fighting followed closely behind under the leadership of the soldier.

"The weather is good today~", Anke slightly raised his head to look at the morning light in the sky, and lowered his head before the light hit his face.

"This guy is tricky." Jinbe said in a deep voice, and the surrounding partners also nodded solemnly in agreement.

Seeing that Luo Qiang stood up but almost fell down, Bei Bo hurriedly supported him with his companions around him, "Captain! Do you want to continue fighting?!"

"The visitor is not kind, that guy is not from our side." Luo's face was heavy. If there were enemies again at this time, they would most likely be wiped out.

"Damn it! Who would pick up the leak at a time like this?!" Kidd gritted his teeth, and found that he was almost unable to use his abilities due to exhaustion.

However, before everyone could think of a solution, green grass, bushes, forests and even colorful flowers suddenly grew on the desolate and yellow ground.In the next second, thick trees also grew, and a large number of thick vines rose from the ground, mercilessly stabbing the warriors, tied pirates and even innocent civilians.

The samurai at the front and the pirates a little later were almost all pierced by vines, and those active vines seemed to be absorbing their essence, and the entangled people also became thin and shriveled. It was as if all the fluid in his body had been sucked away.

"Damn it! Take the captain away!" Bepo and Kira tried their best to cut off the stabbing vines so that the other companions could take their respective captains away.

Encore and the others were much more relaxed. The growing vines were turned into crystals before they got close.Ayu, who was hiding not far away, hugged Speed ​​and trembled, and the bone musician who quietly appeared nearby held a sword and was about to cut off the stabbing vine.

"Raizou!! Everyone!!" Momonosuke, who was flying in mid-air, escaped, but when he turned around, he saw the dry and aging people among the vines everywhere.At his wit's end, he saw the vines approaching the fleeing civilians in the Flower City, and immediately flew up with all his strength, "Stop!! They are all innocent!!"

But the vines several meters thick jumped up suddenly and wrapped around the dragon's body, binding him tightly into several sections.

A wall of fire suddenly sprang up on the ground to separate the crazily growing vines from the fleeing civilians, and several vines that were about to stab them were kicked off by Sanji who rushed over.

"Everyone go back to the capital of flowers to take refuge first, and we will cover you." Ace turned his head and said to the frightened civilians while controlling the firewall with his left hand.

"Just run as hard as you can, don't look back." Sanji, who had just landed on the ground, raised his leg and squashed a growing vine, and in the next second he flew forward and kicked the vines that kept coming out.

"Thank you, thank you!!!", the rescued people kept thanking them, and carrying the wounded, they desperately rushed towards the slightly safer Flower City.

"Damn it! Even the three disasters of the Beasts Pirates have been recruited! They have become like zombies!" Franky gritted his teeth and kept firing shells at the tens of meters long vines to interrupt them, " And what kind of ability is this? Is it an illusion?"

"No, it's a real plant." Encore exhaled lightly, and the crystals spreading around in the next moment condensed all the vines that grew into transparent crystals, and after breaking it, they also rescued the people who were entangled by the vines.The Red Heart Pirates and Kidd Pirates, who had been overwhelmed by themselves, got out of trouble. The thick crystals covering the ground prevented the growth of plants.

However, the next second, the ground began to vibrate faintly, as if there were countless creatures trying to rush out from under the crystal.Anke frowned slightly, and suddenly withdrew the control of the crystal. Almost at the same time, the surrounding area turned into an extremely lush forest. Trees several meters wide can be seen everywhere, and vines tens of meters long and several meters wide can be found everywhere.

Endless wildflowers bloomed on the ground, and the faint scent of flowers and woods filled the rotten and dry air.The dead ground that was originally lifeless turned into a vibrant Wizard of Oz in an instant.

The people who were fleeing to the capital of flowers couldn't help turning their heads because of the scent of flowers, and their eyes widened in shock when they saw the miraculous green shade, "Forest??"

You must know that in this Wano country, there is no such a good green forest!
Seeing the flowers in front of him, Anke bent down and picked a small white daisy swaying in the wind through his sleeve, and turned it in a good mood.

"Huh?" Bai Yunduoduo, who was not flustered by the enemy's attack at all, just sorted out the healing dandelions that he brought over, and after seeing the drastically changed environment around him, he approached those patches of wild flowers curiously, "party wants Have you started yet?"

The thick trees gradually turned into huge fists and surrounded everyone tightly. Only after the trees automatically lined up in two rows did everyone see a giant vegetative person at the end.

Literally a vegetable.

"Master Momonosuke, we are here to help!" After breaking free from the vines, the extraordinary Raizo, Denjiro, Shinobu, Izo, Inuarashi, Momomushi, and Asura Doji immediately cut off the vines that trapped Momoko. Help's vines, and follow him to the forefront to face the enemy.

"I'm here to help too!", Yamato, full of energy, rushed up with an iron rod, knowing that he would shine for Wano like Kozuki Oden.

Kidd, who was brought to the crystal by his friends in the distance, saw the coat that the man was wearing, and his face changed drastically, "Navy?? Why is the navy here now?! They have been waiting for us and Kaido BIGMOM to lose both. , come to clean us up?"

"Why is their information so accurate?!", Luo couldn't help but gritted his teeth, but suddenly his heart sank when he thought of Wano's history, [Oops, the head of Robin's family is also here!Are they ordered to take away the only person in this world who can read the text of history? ? ]
Then he subconsciously looked in the direction of Anke, but the lush green shade blocked his figure.

"Admiral, Green Bull." Anke just twirled the little daisy in his hand, please laughed, "Heh~"

Franky showed his muzzles all over his body, and circled around her like a mobile arsenal, afraid that something strange would come out, "Be careful of the opponent's tricks, little doll! That guy is the post-conscription soldier of the world. The new general who came up by relying on strength, who knows if he will have some strange weapons specifically aimed at you!"

Momonosuke also mustered up his courage now, and shouted, "You...who are you??...What do you want to do?!"

The Green Bull looked around at the people around him, and proposed one of his goals for coming here, "It's very simple, I want the straw hat boy Luffy, Captain Kidd, death surgeon Trafalgar and the heads of the witch, and The living Nicole-Robin. I can spare the others generously."

"You are dreaming!!", the three members of the pirate group who were named retorted in unison, and they all showed their weapons and prepared to fight each other to the death!

"Looking at his clothes, he should be a navy, and he is the enemy of Lord Luffy and the others overseas!"

"I... I will not hand over Luffy and the others! They just defeated Kaido and BIGMOM, and they are all scarred!!" Momonosuke also tried hard to protest, but he didn't know that he accidentally revealed that other people were seriously injured intelligence.

"Isn't that just right? If you hand them over, you won't die!" The green cow sneered, and then countless huge tree fists hit the warriors blocking there, ready to forcefully break through and capture those nasty sea creatures Thief, "This country has not joined the world government! Then no matter how many people I kill to catch the Straw Hat Boy, it will not break the law!"

"This country has finally escaped from the darkness of 20 years! Before you have time to enjoy freedom and hope, you want to come here and slaughter people???" Yamato was the first to get angry, and he raised his mace and began to attack, entangled The fierce domineering and lightning shock wave knocked the head of the green bull not far away, "Your actions are all unforgivable!!"

"!!! It hurts, this guy's arrogance is really strong..." The green bull grinned in pain, and the clenched fists of the surrounding trees began to attack mercilessly and indiscriminately, knocking away the warriors who were still on the ground, " But don’t think that you can hurt me just like that, I’m an admiral of the navy!”

But soon he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and looked down to see the pink dragon biting the shoulder of the tree, but the green bull felt no pain, "Huh?"

"Get out of here! Don't hurt your subjects!! Everyone shouldn't feel uneasy anymore!!", Momonosuke seemed to have strengthened his determination to protect everyone, and rarely flinched but confronted the enemy directly.

"Pink dragon? I've never heard of such a strange ability." The green bull knocked him into the air with tree fists indifferently, and at the same time, the thick vines growing from the ground tied the dragon into several sections, " Get in the way!!"

"Momonosuke!!" Seeing the samurai master being bullied, Yamato immediately felt aggrieved and wanted to join the battle.

"Yamato! You can't take part in the battle!!" Momonosuke, who was entangled by the vines and couldn't move, yelled to stop her, while trying to break free from the vines in embarrassment.

This is his country and he should fight for his country!


After watching the battle ahead for a while, Anke suddenly called out to his companions nearby softly, "Frankie."

"Huh?" Franky turned around and found that her expression was still very calm.

"To be honest, I feel like I'm going to faint." Anke said words that didn't match his calm expression, "So, if someone wants to snatch me away later, please blow him into a brush~"

"Understood, vice-captain." Franky's expression became serious in an instant, he controlled the weapons all over his body and even prepared the laser cannon.

An Keke didn't care what Momonosuke wanted to do or what kind of consciousness broke out, she only knew that she needed to rest for a while, and more importantly, she needed to ensure that her seriously injured partners got a safe rest and treatment.

"Crystal City!", the lush forest instantly faded and turned into transparent crystals, and then disintegrated and shattered and piled up on the ground.

"What??!", the horrific and cruel killing intent chilled everyone's hearts, and they subconsciously distanced themselves from each other and tensed their nerves.

Momonosuke, who was frightened out of his wits, turned back into a human form with a bang, and sat slumped on the ground in embarrassment, his body trembling uncontrollably from the terrifying killing intent.

The people in the forest were not accidentally injured, and the green plants several meters around the green cow that turned into a huge vegetative person survived.

Green Bull also unlocked his ability, biting the cigarette in his mouth and staring fiercely at the girl who was not far away, "Witch..."

"Respected Admiral Lvniu, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters~~~", Anke looked at the endless green forest, showing a gentle smile of doing good deeds, "Are you here to do greening?"


(End of this chapter)

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