One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 323 Four Emperor Candidates

Chapter 323 Four Emperor Candidates
"Wh... what?", the green cow would not be able to react for a while, looking at the crystal fragments all around him and then at the remaining green plants a few meters around him.

"The most important thing," Anke pointed out with a chuckle, "you came here to wreak havoc without asking the owner of Wano Country for his opinion. It doesn't seem to be in line with the etiquette of visiting."

"Where did the master of Wano come from? Do you mean the general chosen by these samurai? Why do I want to look at the face of the master of Wano..." Green Bull retorted with a look of disdain, but he talked about his own His complexion became more and more strange, and when he recalled his other missions here, he screamed out without image, "Ah??!!!!!!"

"In addition, I also know that if there is no reason, I can't let Mr. Green Bull leave directly. So," Enke paused for a while and slowly raised his right hand, the little daisy swaying in the wind faced the innocent white cloud nearby, " I have a hostage in my hands, so please Lord Green Bull stop chasing and killing us pirates, otherwise I will ruthlessly tear up my tickets."

"Hostage...", the green cow stared at the white cloud, but a drop of frightened cold sweat slowly flowed down his face.

He seems to understand something... he's finished...

The "hostage" Bai Yunduo's big black eyes blinked, and after a few seconds of staring at the bewildered green cow in the distance, he suddenly realized, and immediately moved closer to the little daisy, leaning against the little daisy dying After confirming the fact that it was kidnapped by Encore, he burst into tears and cried instantly, "Woooooooo's so scary!"

In order to strengthen the credibility, Dodo also squeezed out two tears that could not be shed.

"..." Many people were ashamed after witnessing her words and seeing Bai Yun Duoduo's flamboyant acting skills.

Fortunately, there are still people who clearly know that the opponent is an enemy, and Yamato is the first to retort, "How can the enemy believe in such acting skills?!"

However, something that shocked them even more happened.

"That can't be helped." Miraculously, the Green Bull bought it, and raised his hands helplessly and said, "I'm not here in Wano to hunt down the Straw Hat Pirates, the Kidd Pirates, and the Heart Pirates." Is the regiment ready? Hand over the hostages safely..."

At the same time, he seemed to have thought of something, and the surrounding verdant forest quickly withered and died, returning to its previous lifeless appearance.

"Deal," Enke put the little daisy on Duoduo's body indifferently, "A small gift for your master~"

"Okay~", Duoduo grabbed the little daisy with a cloud, and then flew towards the green bull with a loveless face.

"No! Who is that shirtless guy in the distance?!! Is that Portgas... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!" The guy in front of him was covered by a white cloud before he could explode. He was almost suffocated and could only gesture and sob in pain and excitement.

"I feel the life-saving grace of Mr. Green Bull, I will let the master repay you..." Although she said pitifully that no one believed it, Duo Duo directly turned into a big cloud and swallowed the green cow. Into the depths of the clouds, and then quickly flew towards Taoyuan Township.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!", the green bull with only two legs left kicked its legs in pain, but couldn't break free from the confinement.

"..." The people who didn't know the truth could only watch the dignified general's legs struggling continuously, and finally he twitched a few times and stood upright on the clouds in a daze.

After ensuring that nothing happened in the next few days, Enke let out a breath, and fell back as soon as he closed his eyes.

Frankie, who was nearby, subconsciously picked her up, and was immediately frightened out of his wits, "Little baby??????"


After a while, Jiuli Taoyuan Township.

The current Taoyuan Township is relatively peaceful, and the news of Kaido's defeat has not yet spread here, but after that, Taoyuan Township will become a free food source for the entire Wano Kingdom.

But at this time, in the living room on the second floor of the exquisite building, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Sitting cross-legged on the tatami mat, the green bull's eyes are watching the nose and the heart, and his posture is very cute.There was also a cup of smoking green tea in front of him, the tea stems were floating vertically in the middle of the tea.

The tiger shark leaned lazily against a cloud of white flowers, and slowly twirled a small daisy with its slender fingers.

The green cow was drenched in cold sweat, and regretted not bringing a few pads with him.

"I heard," Tiger Shark thought about his words, his brows and eyes relaxed and showed a kind smile of doing good deeds, "you who help the weak, gentle and honest, and generous to help the public are so polluted, the land is barren, and the land is thousands of miles away. Wano Country, where the five grains are not growing, has created a vibrant, lush, dense green forest for free, instantly turning the capital of flowers into a livable place with thousands of miles of fertile fields, beautiful environment, and rich ecology, isn't it~"

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no again!" The sweating green cow quickly waved his hand to explain, "That forest has drained the underground river in the capital of flowers! Guaranteed that the vegetation will die there soon and no grass will grow!! Not a single bit plant!"

"That forest~" Tiger Shark raised his eyebrows and let out a faint laugh, "Heh."

"There is no forest! I didn't even leave a blade of grass there!" Green Bull hurriedly explained that all the plants that had grown had withered. When he left the Flower City, he drained all the underground rivers in the Flower City.

After explaining excitedly, colorful wild flowers and grasses began to grow on the wooden boards around the green cow.

The tiger shark lowered its eyes to look at the plants growing wantonly, and suddenly smiled in a good mood.


"When do you think Uncle was beaten?" B squatted on the pillar boredly, swinging the machete back and forth with one hand.

"Soon." A had already dug a puddle ahead of time, and was standing beside the puddle full of water with a shovel in hand.

"Now that Kaido and Orochi have been defeated, the residents of Wano Country will come here to get food soon, do we really want to stay here?" B curled his lips, "It must be super noisy at that time."

"Roren has already completed the illusion deployment, they will only use half of Taoyuan Township."

"I always feel that I will see crowds like locusts coming..." Yi curled his lips, hoping that Wano's 'new general' would consider the problem of limited food.

Soon there was the sound of windows breaking on the second floor, and then a tall figure plunged straight into the puddle, splashing water several meters high.

After the splash had subsided a bit, someone could be seen head-down in the puddle with only the soles of their boots just above the water.

A raised the shovel in his hand and tapped the sole of his shoe, knocking him into the water thoroughly, "There is a small error, next time we need to consider the quality of the soil.",
"It would be nice to just dig a few tens of meters." B looked at the guy under the water with disgust, "Who told him to come here for free greening."


After the chaotic battle, everyone forgot that there was a news bird present all the time. After taking countless precious battle photos, he immediately rushed back to his newspaper office, urging the equally excited members to rush out the latest edition of the newspaper.

It is also rare to see photos and videos of the defeat of the two emperors, and the members of the commune are also rushing to work on the newspaper and talking about it emotionally.

"Print the photo of Straw Hat's ability awakening on the front page!! Use two pages to introduce this battle, focusing on Straw Hat and Kaido, Trafalgar and Eustace Kidd and BIGMOM The two battles! The duel of the key cadres is also a brief summary, and I am using a panel to introduce the background!" Morgans held a lot of photos in his wings, and from time to time he selected the most amazing and shocking photos of the battle scenes and distributed them to those in charge of writing News employees, "Don't waste the rest of these photos! Make it into a weekly magazine! At the same time, two four emperors fell from the throne! This is much more interesting than the messy things at the World Conference!! This is definitely the most interesting thing in decades. Shocking news!!"

"Is the Straw Hat a giant now??", an employee glanced at the giant in the photo, and was stunned for a moment.

"Don't be dumb! It's the professional ethics of our journalists to tell the most authentic news to the world!" Morgans immediately smashed a stack of photos in the past, and when he saw the photo in the hand of an employee with sharp eyes, he immediately screamed He snatched it over, "These won't do! The latest edition of the news can only include the ones where the Handeng Witch was beaten badly!"

"No one really believes that she will be beaten like that...", the employee put down the photo obediently, but still couldn't help asking curiously, "Are these photos real?"

"I was punched directly into the wall by BIGMOM, and the witch's opponent this time is one of the Four Emperors!" Morgans rolled his eyes, and slapped his head on the next second, "Of course! Lao Tzu's newspaper Only exaggerating the facts, not deceiving!"

"I'm sorry!!", the employee immediately bowed ninety degrees to apologize, and rushed to typesetting with the photos that had been reviewed by the president.

After the newspaper office rushed out the newspapers in full swing, Morgans ordered the newsbird to bring the newspapers to every corner of the world after checking them at a glance, "Hurry up and send this newspaper to the whole world! The world is about to have a huge impact. It's changed!"


After urging the staff to continue copying the newspaper, Morgans finally had time to relax and looked at the huge photo on the front page with satisfaction, "Four emperors and two have fallen. Besides the straw hat boy, who else is in the pirate force?" Can you ascend to the remaining throne?"


(End of this chapter)

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