Chapter 324

three days later.

In a spacious square in the Capital of Flowers,

In the corner, Chopper and Dr. Yang are doing a free clinic.Because they witnessed their battle with their own eyes, everyone also believed that these pirates were different from Kaido.Many people in Jianlou Village where the Kang family lives have seen these young pirates, so they believe that they are not malicious.

When they heard that they held free free clinics for the sick, they came to support them. What's more, more than ten years of hunger and poverty made them sick and had no money to go to the doctor.

Xia Qi and Pei Gang happened to come over and put down two baskets of herbs.Xia Qi said angrily, "Hey little civet cat, we brought the medicinal materials here by the way."

"The city is in chaos now, and those profiteers are usually liquidated. Those warriors heard that there is a free clinic here, so they asked us to send the medicinal materials." Pei Jin rolled his eyes, and they just wanted to take advantage of this time to wander around It was just a stroll, but people watched and thanked them every now and then, "Do they know that we are two different pirate groups?"

"That's right!" Bepo, who was wearing a wreath all over his body, suddenly appeared and shouted angrily, "And I'm not some kind of mascot! I'm a pirate!!"

Soon, a group of little ones with flowers of various colors popped up. When they found Bebo, they rushed up with glowing eyes, "I found a talking bear! Let's play peek-a-boo together~~"

"Let's go quickly." Xia Qi and Pei Jin, who found out that something was wrong, immediately wanted to run away, but they were quickly caught by Bebo.

Putting one hand on a person's shoulders, Beppo used his weight to press them down, while smiling sinisterly, "Since I can't escape, you don't want to run either~~"

"Do not!!!"

"..." Luo, who came over here, watched his companions being dragged away by a group of little kids speechlessly, and after ignoring their sights asking for help, he just winked at Qiaoba who was in the free clinic.

"Doctor Yang, I'll go back and change the medicines of my friends, and I'll leave it to you first." After receiving the hint, Chopper first handed over the work to Doctor Yang, and left here with a small backpack.

In the bookstall not far away, Robin was surrounded by a dozen children. He was introducing overseas scenery to them with a gentle smile. The children also carefully passed some magazine scenery photos among them, and at the same time chatted curiously. by:

"Is there an island in the sky in this world? There are houses, forests and people on the clouds??"

"These are giants? And dinosaurs? Are they also Kaido's subordinates?"

"There are palm-sized little humans? They are so cute!"


"Yeah, the world is huge." Robin explained with a smile, introducing them to the scenery on those delicate pictures softly.

Now the people in Flower City regard them as benefactors of the pirates who defeated the two four emperors. She just went out a few days ago and saw curious children gathered in front of the house, in order to prevent them from disturbing the wounded companions , she promised to tell them the story of the sea.Originally I wanted to bring the nautical photo album on the ship, but after thinking about it, I brought some landscape magazines.

But I have never seen such a realistic and real photo, and the children's eyes are full of yearning light while they are curious.

The adults nearby also looked over curiously from time to time, but because they still have things to do, they can only look at those photos when they are free.

Robin looked at their beaming faces with his face propped up, and then looked at the Shogun's Castle not far away under Banyue Matsushita, and somewhat remembered the declaration Momonosuke made as General of Wano Country after the battle.

Like all politicians, he promised Wano an extremely bright future, as if they could easily overcome the current difficulties.It seems that Wano country's factory pollution, grain failure, people's hunger and cold, the country's financial difficulties and the difficulties of weak national guards do not exist.

It is difficult for the current Wano country to revive and become a prosperous and livable country.

Not to mention, none of Wano's shoguns seemed capable of political leadership.

The ups and downs from childhood to adulthood made Robin very clear about many things, which also made her very clear about the cruel nature of many things.Defeating the enemy can rely solely on strength, but leading a country does not rely on fists.

The most important thing is that there is a shark eyeing the tiger in this country~
Robin's smile deepened, and she became more and more interested in Wano Country's next story.


The Straw Hat Pirates stayed in Denjiro's house for the time being, but the owner of the house was always with Hiyori, which made this house only live with a nest of pirates.

But I don't know when the news leaked out. People who knew that the benefactor was training here sent some small gifts from time to time.However, due to the current predicament of Wano Country, most of the sent over were just gorgeous cherry blossoms and thank you notes tied on the branches of the cherry blossoms.

When Luo came here with Chopper, he was not surprised that the door was full of small gifts, and the house where the pirates rested was similar.


Luo's gaze moved to a person kneeling with hands clasped together, head bowed and eyes closed piously praying more than ten meters away from the door. The unique horns on the other's head showed her identity.But Luo was quite speechless at this time, "What is she doing?"

"We said we were praying for Luffy, but we didn't listen to any persuasion..." Chopper was also very embarrassed, because she kept kneeling there unmoved, which caused their wayward deputy captain to explode, and made her unable to rest in peace. .

In desperation, all the sober members mobilized but couldn't dissuade Yamato. They could only move the Buddha to a certain position, and at the same time let Ace and Jinbe guard the door, lest a certain Persian cat rush out and beat people away. .

"If I remember correctly, she is Kaido's own son..." Luo, who came here for the first time, was a little speechless, trying to find a reasonable explanation for her actions, "She is also complaining about the person who fell into the magma. Kaido praying?"

"No, she said she was 100% for Luffy." Chopper couldn't understand the complicated relationship between humans, so he walked in with a small backpack on his back, "Let's hurry up,"

But just as he opened the door to look, he saw Anke on the window sill on the second floor was pushing open the window with one hand and holding up a white porcelain bowl with the other.

The girl who lost a lot of weight had waist-length black hair loose, her left eye and most of her face were bandaged, and her hands and neck exposed by the loose clothes were also bandaged.

"Encore!!!!" Chopper, who was furious, yelled, "Drink the medicine!! This is the first time I've caught you!!"

"Tsk," Anke pouted, and Ace carried the bowl back with him in the next second.

"Really! They say you can't move around!" Chopper gritted his teeth fiercely. He was shocked when he checked her injuries a few days ago.When he heard where the real wound was, as the ship's doctor, he was even more helpless.

However, the injured person himself didn't take it seriously, jumping up and down every day trying to escape from taking medicine.

According to the results of her own diagnosis, the wound on her heart had appeared for nearly two weeks, but she kept silent.

[No, at that time someone knew and healed her. ], Chopper’s hooves gripped the straps of his backpack, [I still need to learn more medicine! ]
"Traman, are you here?" Sanji, who came out with a basin of hot water, was not surprised when he saw him, but Cece motioned him to follow him, "Please hurry up, cutie these days Can't eat anything."

"What a bad patient." Luo was a little helpless, but he and Chopper followed quickly.

Not long after, Frankie and Brook, both in armor, emerged from the east and west sides. After successfully joining forces and confirming that there was no enemy situation around them, they decided to wait for the diagnosis results first.

Since half of the members on board fell, and the admiral came to Wano country inexplicably, this made them tense for the past few days, especially when they heard that the green bull was still staying in Wano country.


The largest brothel in the capital of flowers has now been delisted and has become a shelter for the geisha rescued from the island of ghosts.After the war, Hiyori did not follow Momanosuke-sama to the Shogun's Castle, but recuperated in the brothel.

Denjiro naturally followed her nearby to protect her, and Ashura Doji unexpectedly did not follow Momonosuke, the reason being that he was not used to living in the Shogun's Mansion after being a bandit for more than ten years.

After re-bandaging the severed arm, Hiyori did not stay idle, but tried to lead everyone to collect the corpses of the samurai who died in battle.Before going to the Ghost Island, Anke sorted out the list of all the samurai who went to the Ghost Island to fight and handed it to her, saying that it was for her to count the number of people later.

In the past few days, there are people coming and going in the brothel, looking in a hurry.The geisha and the women of the Flower City were busy weaving cloth, and the strong men who came and went came here from time to time to take away the cloth to wrap the dead body of their companions, or to confirm the names of the people on the list with Hiyori.Carpenters with extraordinary craftsmanship are also busy making tombstones for the sick warriors, in order to hold a decent funeral for them later.

In the past three days, Hiyori has used a brush to scratch out hundreds of names in red ink. There are names she is familiar with such as Kin'emon, Oju, and others, as well as names of samurai that she has never seen before.But in any case, that means the fall of a powerful warrior.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the day's search came to an end.

Denjiro and Ashura Doji, who were covered in dust, returned to the brothel. Denjiro handed her a few pieces of paper with a heavy expression, "My lord princess! I have found hundreds of comrades today. Dear friends Most of the names have been recognized by the villagers and elders.”

"Some of them were smashed to pieces, and you can only recognize them as soldiers from the Wano country by their clothes." The Asura boy was full of grief. Although he knew that this was the cruelty of the battle, he still felt it when he dug up his companion's corpse with his own hands. Very sad.

Hiyori's pale left hand traced the names one by one, and said softly, "Master Anke prayed for all the soldiers before the battle. After she is in good health, go and ask her if she can recognize these comrades."

"Yes." Denjiro lowered his head to answer, and then remembered something, "Princess, Momanosuke-sama wants to bury the corpses of the samurai behind Rei, which is supposed to be the place where the heroic samurai returned. He heard that Asking for your opinion."

Hiyori stood up and walked to the window. Outside, the festival lights and ribbons on the day of the fire festival had not been removed, and people came and went under the faint lights at night.A gust of wind blows, and the cherry blossoms in the capital of flowers flutter in the air with the wind.

Hiyori was silent for a while, then whispered, "No, let's build a cemetery where the Oni Island fell."

Denjiro and Asura Doji were stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at each other, seeing the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

"They have experienced 20 years of darkness and cold, and they should not be buried behind the icy and snowy Ling.", Rihe stretched out her white left hand and grabbed a pink petal, and the breeze blew her empty right sleeve, " At the time of the funeral, please bring a cherry blossom tree from all over the country. They died before dawn, so let the warm cherry blossoms bloom around them forever."

Denjiro and Asura Doji, who had witnessed the darkness of Wano Country for 20 years with their own eyes, were so excited that they almost subconsciously knelt down on one knee in front of their princess, "Yes."


In the evening, a surprising guest came to the house.

The president of the World Economic News, Morgans, witnessed the defeat of the two emperors and released the shocking news to the world in time. Suddenly, a stone shocked thousands of waves, shocking the world.

After quickly sorting out the work of the newspaper office, he excitedly brought the newspapers of the past few weeks to Wano Country, preparing to formally thank him.

But the Persian cat nestled in the bed only saw an empty-handed news bird.

"This..." Morgans, who had come all the way, cast a guilty glance and explained cautiously, "I brought the newspapers of the past few weeks to the island, but when I first set foot on Wano Country, the World Government Those guys stole it."

"?", Anke tilted his head, wondering what that guy who listened to all directions and watched all directions was doing with those old newspapers.She just wanted to know the changes in the world after the World Conference, and she wouldn't go to Marie Gioia to stab the Five Old Stars a few times.

"It is said that it is to seek justice for the kidnapped Bai Yunduoduo, and then if you want to read the newspaper, you have to go there in person..." Morgans explained a little cowardly, unable to tell whether Encore's expression was good or bad. Express your opinion quickly, "But I have a photographic memory! I will never forget the reports and information I heard! I can briefly describe all the things that happened a month ago to now!"

"Don't be so troublesome, I just want to find some newspapers to pass the time. It's too boring during the recovery period." An Ke explained with a smile that didn't care much. To be honest, she didn't expect the president of the World Economic News to come over in person. Delivering newspapers, "I believe Lord Morgans is also very busy during this period. The World Conference and the defeat of the two Four Emperors this time will definitely bring interesting news to the world one after another."

"Yes!" Speaking of this, Morgans' eyes lit up, and he flapped his wings and said excitedly, "The biggest news of the World Conference is that the Shichibukai system has been disbanded! Now the navy is busy chasing the former Shichibukai everywhere. ! And during the World Conference, the revolutionary army made a big fuss about Marie Gioia!"

"Don't reveal the secret so early, it's my pleasure to read the newspaper~", Anke smiled and stopped him from continuing, she didn't plan to plan too much in the past few days.

"But this kind of time is the most suitable time to make a move. I heard that many forces are mobilized, and they all want to get a piece of the action." Morgans was a little afraid that she would not be interested, so he quickly added, "I heard that Blackbeard is also full of people. It's dispatched! It is said that it is going to snatch a very important thing!"

"Hmm~ This is indeed a bit interesting~" Anke tilted his head, slightly squinting his right eye that was not wrapped in bandages, "But don't worry, he can't take it away yet."

"You have already guessed what he wants to do??" Morgans doubled his admiration for her, subconsciously wanting to inquire but rationally suppressed his heart of gossip.After the purpose of coming here was almost finished, Morgans also planned to leave in a sensible way, but he was still a little worried that he would be stopped, "If I leave now, will I be silenced?"

"Maybe Mr. Green Bull needs you to provide nourishment~", Anke replied with a smile, and saw a petrified news bird in the next second.

Before his little heart was scared to stop, Anke kindly reminded, "Walk slowly~"

"I'm here to see off the guests~", the blue bird Apollo flew in, picked up the petrified news bird and flew away.

After a while, a throat-torn scream came from a distant place, "Why is Admiral Admiral here!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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