Chapter 329

Rabbit don, mining ground.

Unlike the hopeful bustle of the Capital of Flowers, this place is dead silent.

Even after almost seven days, the pirates who were exhausted by the admiral's ability after the war still looked like they were dying. Even though there was enough food in the quarry, most of them fell powerlessly in the corner and remained motionless .The surviving giant NUMBERS are still skinny like skeletons, and are firmly trapped in the corner by iron chains.

Cadre-level pirates such as Jhin and Quinn were imprisoned in cells and chained up by sea tower stones, but they did not have the strength to move freely now.The guards of Rabbit Don are samurai. It is amazing that Apu and Drake are the main persons in charge here.

"I didn't expect you to be a spy of the navy? No wonder you joined Kaido's side out of nowhere." Apu sat on a rock and looked at Drake who was distributing food to the pirates with a funny face.

"It has nothing to do with you." Drake didn't want to tell other people that he has always been a member of the navy camp, and said coldly, "It should be you who changes the position the fastest. Join the Kaido Pirates first, and then Pretending to be an ally with Kidd and Hawkins. Now you're on the side of the Straw Hat Boys?"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero, I just chose the right backer at the right time~", Apu didn't care, "And don't you think the Straw Hat Boys are very interesting? If the next Four Emperors are going to Among the three captains, Straw Hat is undoubtedly the most promising. After all, not long ago, he was hailed as the fifth emperor of the sea."

"Is this why you temporarily defected on the battlefield?" Drake chatted casually, and honestly he didn't worry too much.

"It's not a big deal, that guy Nicole Robin's words are very convincing." Apu shrugged, recalling a certain scene on the battlefield, he felt creepy, "The witch's ability is getting more and more terrifying , the people who almost controlled the entire island when they retreated. If I guessed correctly, there should not be many normal people in this Wano country."

Speaking of this, he thought of a question, and looked thoughtfully at Drake, who was calmly sharing food, "You have been in contact with the witch before, why do you still maintain your consciousness?"

"This is not something you should care about." Drake paused, and suddenly said, "They are in the cell on the right side of the first floor."

A faint cyan light descended from the sky, and the girl who was covered in a white cloak greeted them in a good mood before walking towards the dark cell.

Near the entrance is Hawkins' cell. When Anke passed by here, he paused and looked sideways at the pirate hiding in a dark corner. "The actual ending is very different from the divination result, isn't it?"

After a few seconds, Hawkins' hoarse voice came, "The divination says that as long as you don't betray Kaido, you will be safe..."

"To a certain extent, it is indeed safe. But wouldn't it be safer to do nothing? Why did you end up fighting Kira again?"

"It's true that nothing can be hidden from you." Hawkins smiled wearily, but he didn't hide his original thoughts, "When I, Kidd and Apu formed an alliance, Kaido fell from the sky. When facing that monster... I clearly felt that I would die, so I became Kaido's men. But Kidd and the others chose to resist him even though they knew they would die. I never thought that they would win , then why do I want to beg for mercy from them now..."

"What a strange persistence." After chatting for a few words, Anke felt bored and continued to move forward.

After the faint lights went away, Hawkins, who was covered by darkness again, just remembered a divination before the war.The result of his divination for himself is that the chance of surviving until tomorrow is 1%...

[It's so sad...], Hawkins closed his eyes, but even if it was only 1%, he survived.

In the cell, everyone was locked up individually, and their limbs were chained by Hailoushi.In the gloomy environment, there was an air of despair.Everyone is several times thinner than before.Quinn's changes were even more obvious. The originally plump balloon body became as thin as a bamboo pole.

The sound of light footsteps came, and An Ke, who was standing in front of Jin's cage, took off his hat, tilted his head and looked at the person sitting against the wall, "The wings are gone."

"Pfft," Quinn's hoarse and weak sneer came from the cell next door, "They say they won't let you go, after all, you are a survivor of the rare Lunaria tribe. Just tell the World Government the information, There is a bonus of [-] million, let alone sending you there alive."

"The Lunaria tribe, the natives of the 'God's Kingdom', with white hair, brown skin, and wings." Anke slowly looked Jhin up and down, and then said indifferently, "But it's meaningless to report now. The Lunaria family has been researched as a test item."

"Hmph, Baker Punk's masterpiece." Quinn cursed in a low voice, and after glancing at her, he still couldn't help asking the question he had been worrying about all along, "Witch, is Brother Kaido still alive?"

"Who knows, maybe she was packed away by Lord Perospero together with Lord Lingling, or maybe they disappeared after soaking in the magma." They didn't go there, and they didn't investigate the intelligence of overseas.

Jhin slightly opened his eyes to look at her, and said in a low voice, "What is your purpose for coming here?"

"Let's talk about a deal~" Anke smiled and gave two choices, "Do you want to be taken to the submarine prison by the admiral, or stay in Wano to make up for your mistakes~"

"Huh?!" Quinn's loud voice came again, "Both options are dead! Let's not talk about the navy, just Wano Kuni and the gang are eager to tear us apart! "

"You just need to make a choice~" Anke persuaded earnestly, with an expression of worrying about the country and the people, "The Wano country is waiting to be rebuilt, and it is the time when people are needed."

"..." The cell was suddenly quiet, and Quinn's dry voice came after a while, "Let's get straight to the point, your expression is too scary..."

"It's very simple, I need the remaining members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates to stay in Wano Country to complete other plans." Anke paused, chuckled and said, "Unless you want to regroup under Yamato's leadership , follow her orders."

There was a sudden silence in the cell.

"Wono Country is an important weapons factory and sea building stone factory. In the past 20 years, you have also traded weapons with various forces. You are familiar with this aspect~" Anke thought about the serious pollution in Wano Country, and smiled. He added, "Of course, for the sake of Wano's environment. The number of factories has to be reduced~"

Quinn wrinkled his wrinkled face, and was confused when he heard it, "You defeated us, didn't you want Momonosuke to become the general of Wano country? Didn't you want to return Wano country to him? Why listen now, You are the ones who took over the country."

"Shh~", An Ke stretched out his index finger to touch his lips, but he couldn't suppress the corners of his lips, "I'm not the one who really takes over, it's someone more dangerous~"

"You have a share too," Quinn rolled his eyes.

Jhin said at this time, "Is Lord Kaido still alive?"

"I'm alive, probably my limbs need to be amputated, because the magma is very dangerous..." Encore's voice was a bit ethereal at the end, but he quickly regained his composure, "Overall, he's still alive."

"Then I agree to your request." After finishing speaking, Jhin closed his eyes and said no more.

"Tsk!" Quinn cursed again, and asked angrily, "What about those Wano guys?"

"It's their fault for not keeping up with the changes of the times. It's their fault for only waiting to be rescued for 20 years. It's their fault for the general's cowardice and incompetence." After the meeting, he murmured to himself with a little confusion, "It seems that you can't say that, you have to be more humane, and pay attention to your expressions and words..."

Muttering softly, she put on her hat and disappeared into the darkness without a sound, "Be like a human being..."

It wasn't until he couldn't feel her that Quinn realized that he was covered in cold sweat, "What's the matter with that bastard witch? I felt like a ghost just now."

"Human Dao is like a human being but not human. She should still be in the ability of Human Dao, which is the most dangerous state." Jhin thought for a while and explained simply, "You can treat her as someone who can't even speak human words. A weapon that doesn't understand, and can only act as it pleases."

"Didn't she still have a good chat with us just now? What she said is well-founded." Quinn was a little speechless, "Although it was like getting stuck in the end."

"This can only show that she has completed the ability to master that eye, otherwise when she uses the fifth ability, she will directly slaughter Wano Country because she doesn't like this country."

"This is too scary," Quinn trembled, and asked in a low voice after a while, "Do you really want to agree to the witch's request and stay here?"


"If Yamato is going to be in charge of the old department of the Hundred Beasts Pirates next, you two will probably have a fight."


"If I have to choose between the witch and Yamato, I'd better choose the witch, at least the witch looks like a normal person." After recovering a lot of energy, Quinn began to complain Stop, "If it weren't for Brother Kaito, I wouldn't bother to talk to that crazy guy. Do you think that guy Yamato was possessed by an Oda ghost 20 years ago? Just like those supernatural novels, being blamed The spirit has been taken away or something."

"...You are a scientist, read some normal and realistic books." Jhin was a little speechless, and decided to ignore him.

"Otherwise, it doesn't make sense at all. Brother Kaito may also have some problems. He can teach his own children to be the reincarnation of the enemy. Even the fruit of Yamato is the patron saint of Wano country!"

"To shut up."



Taoyuan Township.

When Momanosuke, who became a giant dragon, brought Yamato here, he found that the entire Taoyuan Township was surrounded by forests, and it was difficult to find the location of Taoyuan Township among the lush greenery.

And on the wasteland in front of Taoyuan Township, the green cow with a cigarette in his mouth was lying bored on the branch of a big tree. When he saw them appearing in a mighty way, he laughed and sat up.

"You are still staying in Wano country?!" Yamato, who had already regarded the green bull as an enemy, jumped up from the dragon's head and smashed it with a mace.

"Hey, hey!!", the green bull immediately moved to another tree, avoided the attack and rolled his eyes angrily, "If you have something to say, just come over with a stick without saying hello, it's too scary .”

"I have nothing to say to people like you! As a navy, why do you still stay here?!" Yamato fell to the ground and swung the iron rod to break the stabbing vines.

"Don't be so brazen, I've been waiting for you here, but you all let your guard down, so there's nothing I can do about it." Green Bull shrugged, and he didn't want to stay in this backward country forever.

The pink dragon flying in mid-air couldn't help trembling its limbs, but still worked hard to muster up the courage to shout, "There is nothing in Wano country now, please... please leave the country below!"

"Your country? Hahahahaha!!!", Green Bull laughed out loud as if he had heard some big joke, and almost burst into tears, "Don't be stupid, fool! What do you think you are? Son of Kozuki Oden, is the whole world going to revolve around you?!"

"I don't think so!" Momonosuke blushed with anger, trying to argue for himself, "I'm going to be the general of Wano, I know you're a navy, but if you want to go the right way If you fly them or Wano country is disadvantaged, I will fight for my country!"

"Yeah, fight for your own country~", the green bull seemed to remember something, and laughed out loud again the next second, "Hahahaha!! The straw hat boy was defeated by Kaido in one round, the first You're the one who's clamoring to surrender?"

"Momonosuke is still an eight-year-old kid! Don't ask too much from him!" Yamato, who was protecting the calf, stepped forward immediately, "Stop talking nonsense with him, Momanosuke! This guy must have another purpose, no matter what he says or Don’t say it, we must let him leave Wano Country!”

"I... I know!", the fruit ability seems to have given Momonosuke a lot of confidence, and he, who has always been cowardly and timid, decided to fight, "I will not lose!"


"Wow! It's finally fighting!" On the fence in Taoyuan Township, which is covered by the forest, B is squatting there with a telescope, watching the battle while gnawing on an apple, "This is the first time I've seen a green cow As for the battle, I hope he won't ruin this place. The admiral selected by conscription must have two brushes."

"Hmm." A looked at the wanton forest in the distance, silently calculating the range of the forest.

"However, the fruit of General Green Bull is really suitable for greening the environment. It's just right to stay in the heavily polluted Wano country as a coolie." B threw away the apple core, and couldn't help but squawk while looking at the lush green forest in the distance Baba non-stop, "I haven't seen such a weird nature, but the ability to create a natural forest seems to be quite natural. Or is he a vegetative in a superhuman or some kind of phantom beast?"

A is used to his shocking words, and just calmly echoed, "That's quite vivid."

"Because everything can be a phantom beast~"


The sky not far away.

A huge chubby blue bird flew over, and the beautiful turquoise flame flew across the night sky like a shooting star.In front of and below the blue bird, there is a small golden sun flying to lead the way.When passing over the battle area between Green Bull, Yamato, and Momonosuke, three small heads popped out from Aoto's back at the same time, and three similar pairs of eyes stared at the battle below.

"We're fighting." Yihua

"Yes, we're fighting.", Sanhua
"Do you want to take the opportunity to kill them?" Sihua
"We can't win." Yihua

"Yes, we can't win.", Sanhua
"Then the Lord came over and wiped them out?" Sihua said.
"Good idea!" The three little ones nodded immediately.

"Absolutely not! Lord Encore will kill me first!" Apollo quickly wrapped the three of them in flames, and flew towards Taoyuan Township at a faster speed, while reminding the little sun below who slowed down because of watching the excitement , "Prometheus, let's send people to the place first."

"I see, really." Little Sun continued to lead the way cursing, "I just think the forest below is easy to catch fire."


When he saw A and B waiting on the outer wall of Taoyuan Township, Apollo breathed a sigh of relief, "I brought them here."

"Thank you~", B put down the binoculars, and picked up the machete, "We'll just take them in later."

"Then Apollo and I will leave first." Prometheus, who successfully completed the task, didn't ask about other things, and followed the blue bird Apollo to the rabbit coast while discussing whether to burn the large forest of the green cow .

A looked at the three little ones with very calm expressions, and suddenly found that they didn't seem to be angry with him at all, even though they had only fought each other more than ten days ago, two little ones even died tragically under the arrows.

"Did the three of them really feel nothing at all? We were still enemies before," B asked carelessly, rubbing the handle of the knife with his right thumb.

"?" Yihua tilted her head and asked calmly, "Are you talking about the deaths of the other two? How should we feel?"

"The possibility of the weak surviving is very low, which is very natural." Sanhua stated calmly.

"You may have forgotten that we are all artificial humans made according to the master's template and the eyes of the master." Sihua blinked the pair of different pupils, "Just treat us as machines that can talk .”

"Human beings are really strange." Shaking his head maturely, he took the lead towards the entrance of Taoyuan Township.

"Yes, human beings are very strange." Sanhua also shook her head steadily, and followed Yihua.

"Strange human being." Sihua nodded in agreement, raised her legs and followed.

"It's strange that you..." B twitched the corner of his mouth, and decided to ignore the three little ones and continue watching the show.


Rabbit bowl, somewhere in the desert where no one is seen.

Encore who ran here casually lay on his back on a rock, his snow-white cloak thrown aside.The bandages on her body were also loosely torn, scarlet scars passing over the uncovered skin from time to time.

The desolate moonlight shone on this dead land, and with her eyes closed, she seemed to have found peace only now.

But soon, the sound of rattling footsteps rushed over from far and near.

Anke still lay there defenseless as if he had fallen into a deep sleep, and his expression even relaxed a little.

"Hey!" The straw hat captain who jumped up blinked his eyes, stretched out his hand to put her loose long hair together and then lay down.After a while, she realized that something was missing, and after holding her left hand that was placed aside, she smirked in satisfaction, "Enke, it's really quiet here."

"Well," Anke moved her body slightly and leaned her head on his shoulder, "You are so quiet..."

"Wooooow! (Then I will stop talking.)", the captain of the straw hat suddenly realized, puffing up his cheeks and trying not to speak.

"It's not that you really don't talk," Anke smiled lightly, the familiar and warm body temperature made her drowsy rarely.The temporarily unstoppable fifth ability always made her restless, and she felt much calmer after staying away from the crowd.

As expected, Luffy will find her.As expected, his clean heart always easily calmed her down.

After a small yawn, she rubbed his shoulder and whispered, "Luffy, do we want to chat?"

"Okay," Luffy turned sideways and adjusted his posture, stretched out his hand to hug the skinny girl in his arms, and then tried to think about the topic, "Then, is Anke coming over here to sleep?"

"No, I'm basking in the moonlight." The more and more sleepy Persian cat replied vaguely.

"Yeah, moonlight is really comfortable~" Luffy smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"I wasn't sleepy at first, but I was sleepy because Luffy came over..." The last voice was so blurred that it could not be seen, and the girl's breathing soon became soothing.

"Then I will find Encore sooner next time~" Luffy looked down at the red marks swimming across her pale face, and said good night softly, "Encore, sleep well~"


(End of this chapter)

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