One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 330 The Secret of Wano Country

Chapter 330 The Secret of Wano Country

In the secret dungeon of the General's Mansion in the Capital of Flowers.

Robin has been searching in the dungeon for a long time, but has not found the information he wants.There are some ancient texts engraved on several stone walls in the dungeon, but the content does not have much reference value.

[According to the historical text of Alabasta, the ancient weapon 'Pluto' should be in the Wano country.But I have been searching for seven days, but there is still no clue], Robin's fingers slid across the mossy mottled stone wall, biting his lower lip anxiously, [I will leave Wano country tomorrow, unfortunately Ann But Miss is not feeling well, otherwise you can ask her for help. ]
"Have you not found the information you want?" Unexpectedly, Luo walked over slowly and looked at the ancient writing on the nearby wall. "There are a lot of records on it."

"It's just some history of Wano country, such as which year the turmoil occurred, and which year the general was changed," Robin was a little helpless, she didn't want to know these innocuous things.

"Is there no information about the D family?" Luo also frowned slightly. He came here just to know what D means.It is rumored that the historical texts scattered all over the place were forged by craftsmen of Wano country, and this birthplace will definitely have an answer.

"No." Robin shook her head. She knew what answer Luo wanted to find. They had a short chat in Dressrosa. At that time, Robin knew that Luo was also from the D family, and he Wondering what D means, since that's something his savior cared about too.

"The person in charge of Encore said that this guy can give you the answer." Luo turned slightly to the side, raised his chin to signal the blue afro who was following behind.

"Your Excellency the Kang family??" Robin couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise when he recognized him, "You're still alive???"

She knew that after the Kang family was rescued from the execution ground by Anke, they participated in the battle on the ghost island together, and there was no further information after that. She thought that the Kang family had already been buried in the ghost island.

"Hahahaha I also find it amazing hahaha," the Kang family, who was covered in bandages, scratched his head embarrassingly, feeling embarrassed that he couldn't help him in the final battle, "My strength is not good, I just defeated a few The pirate was severely injured to the end. Fortunately, fellow warriors did not give up, and rescued him at the end hahaha."

"That's quite powerful," Robin smiled and narrowed his eyes, and he was lucky to be able to survive that kind of melee.

"No, no, no, when you play high-level cadres, you are the ones who contribute." The Kang family did not dare to accept the praise of Wano's benefactors, and quickly waved their hands, "Wano is obviously a powerful country of warriors, but In the end, I can only beat the trash, and the inferior people feel ashamed."

"It's a blessing for Wano Country that the Kang family is still alive. Now Wano Country needs people like you to restore the country to normal."

"No, I'm not talented, I can only give some immature suggestions to the future general." The Kang family smiled and said, "What's more, Wano Country has not yet decided on the future general candidate."

Robin already knew this, but still pretended to be surprised, "Ah, I thought it would be Momoko. He is Kozuki Oden's only son, the savior that people in Wano have been waiting for for 20 years."

"After all, he is only an 8-year-old child. And everyone is very dissatisfied with the scene of him surrendering during the battle. As the son of the strongest samurai in Wano, but without the pride of a samurai, it is really embarrassing.", Kang The family shook their heads in disappointment, and then pointed out what people really think now, "And now everyone in Wano knows one thing, the savior who has been waiting for 20 years is Lord Luffy who defeated Kaido!"

"The country was devastated by pirates, but it was saved by pirates in the end. Everyone in Wano Country really has a pair of eyesight, and can distinguish right from wrong." Robin boasted without a trace, and then began to formally Topic, "Speaking of which, Ms. Anke said that you know the answer. What's going on? According to my investigation, only the inheritors of the general's line in Wano Kingdom know the secrets of Wano Kingdom."

"Yes, but Hiyori-sama and Momonosuke-sama were too young back then, Mida-sama didn't have time to teach them the real secrets and historical texts." The Kang family sighed and looked up at the mottled stone wall. Some words in the text, "I am not clear, but before the old general Kozuki Sukiyaki died of illness, I may have guessed the future fate of Wano country. So pass some information to me, let me wait for Wano country It is because of this that I have kept this life regardless of all costs, and I have survived to this day."

"I see," Robin nodded in admiration. Under Orochi and Kaido's joint strangling, the Yasushi family, the confidants of the old general Sukiyaki, tried hard to remain anonymous for 20 years. This was also due to strong confidence. and hope.

"I heard that you are leaving Wano country tomorrow, so I will try my best to help you benefactors to answer your doubts." The Kang family walked to a corner and said with a smile while carefully counting the bricks on the wall , "My lord princess... ah no, I mean Your Excellency Encore hahaha! I still can't change my words. This is also Your Excellency Encore's request, so I will not hide anything."

"You guys are quite relieved to tell others the secret of Wano Kingdom." Luo said flatly.

"According to my understanding, Lord Oda said before his execution that an important person will appear in 20 years, and Wano Country will help him with all his strength at that time. This year happens to be 20 years, and I believe that that person will be among you. room." The Kang family pressed the three bricks on the wall, and when the secret door was raised, they smiled brightly and said, "Of course, I hope that the adult is Your Excellency Luffy hahaha!"

After the secret door was raised, a downward staircase appeared, as if the endless staircase disappeared into the darkness at the end, and the floor that had not been visited by anyone for more than 20 years had begun to mold.

"I have never been down there personally, but I heard that there is light below. But you still have to be careful." The Kang family distributed the oil lamps they had prepared in advance, and walked to the front to lead the way, "Your Excellencies, please be careful when walking. , the floor was moldy. Neither Kaido nor Orochi knew about this secret passage. The old general Sukiyaki didn’t reveal anything to Orochi even before he died of illness. However, because the enemy’s "drought" Jack is a murloc, So the text of the history was still discovered by them.”

"Murloc?" Robin was a little puzzled, but she paused to ask the question because she knew that there would be an answer soon.

After walking a long distance, Luo Cai couldn't help asking, "How long are we going to go down?"

The Kang family could only shake their heads, and explained while continuing to walk down, "I don't know haha, according to the old general, this road leads to Wano Kingdom hundreds of years ago."

After walking down the stairs for nearly an hour, and climbing through some tunnels, they finally reached the end.

There is no darkness under the ground as imagined, the outer wall is embedded with glass blocks, and the faint light from outside can shine in.It's not very bright, but you can see the surroundings clearly after your eyes get used to it.

Through the glass blocks, you can clearly see the ancient buildings of Wano Country immersed in the water outside, and you can vaguely see various fish swimming around in the dilapidated buildings.

Seeing this scene, even the well-informed Robin and Luo couldn't help but widen their eyes in surprise, "Is the Wano country underwater?"

"It's unbelievable, there is really a Wano country down there hahaha!" The Kang family, who came here for the first time, couldn't help laughing out loud in surprise. They looked around curiously before continuing to explain, "According to the old According to the shogun, it was another Wano country about 800 years ago."

"800 years ago?!" Upon hearing this, surprise flashed across Robin's face.

"The former Wano country was located at the foot of a huge mountain, but at a certain time, a huge wall surrounded the entire country around the island. After that, the rainwater gradually accumulated and formed a bottomless lake. So people struggled to survive. , Abandoned the unlivable foot of the mountain. And opened up the land on the mountainside, established a new country, which is now the country of Wano Ha ha ha ha ha.”, the Kang family tried hard to recall the news 20 years ago, explaining and using hands and feet After seeing the current terrain of the country, he continued to lead them forward to the end, "Wait a minute, I remember that the mechanism here seems to be... where did it come from..."

The Kang family frowned and slapped on the wall full of mold. After a while, they found the secret door and opened it.

What emerged before the crowd was a stately darkroom, with massive wooden posts supporting the ceiling, and huge knots hanging from it.

In the middle is an enclosed altar, but there is nothing in the enclosure.

"According to the old general, there are extremely precious cultural relics here, like a piece of red stone called 'Roadmark History Text'." After completing the task, the Kang family finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I don't know What that stone looks like can only be explored by the two Your Excellencies."

The room is not big, and you can see the end at a glance, but the dialect used to have no historical text except for wooden beams and worn-out knots.

Luo and Robin checked the entire room quickly and carefully, but they didn't see any mechanism.

When they carefully inspected the altar that should be surrounded by things but was empty, they found that the dust accumulation was abnormal.

"Judging from the shape, there was indeed a square thing here. It should be the historical text of Wano Kingdom." Luo frowned tightly, "But isn't this a secret of Wano Kingdom? Who else knows and has Ability to move the text of history away?"

Robin stands outside the fence and hears that this has been answered, [tiger shark…]
"Lord Robin has finally found this place. I've been waiting until the flowers are about to wither..." Suddenly, an aggrieved voice came from behind the dim wooden beam, and soon a dirty little flower bloomed. White clouds floated out.

Luo subconsciously clenched the knife, but didn't do it immediately because of the familiarity of the cloud.

Robin is not very surprised now, "Dodo?"

"Yeah, I'm here to inform you that the signpost here has been removed." Duo Duo shook the dust on the white clouds, opened her big black eyes and replied obediently, "Now it's time to Shipped by CP0 to Marie Gioia."

"!!!", the faces of the two pirates were immediately full of solemnity, while the Kang family, who did not know the situation in the open sea, could only keep silent.

"That is to say, if you want to go to the final island, you have to go to Marie Gioia to grab the piece of history text?" Robin frowned and smiled angrily, "It's really a good plan! In this way, it will pinch the throats of those who want to find the truth!"

"Right!" Duoduo floated up triumphantly, and couldn't help complaining happily, "I don't know what Mary Qiaoya and his gang have been doing for hundreds of years. Not only did they not supervise the fruit of Nika, they even didn't even have a piece of history. I can’t even find the text! As long as you control the historical text, you can control whether it’s a 100-year blank or the information on the final island!”

"No matter how you hide it, one day the world will know the truth!" Robin said in a deep voice, his eyes staring at it without any wavering or giving up, "I will not give up finding the truth that has been blank for 100 years, even if you hide the text of history In hell, I will find it too!"

"The persistence of historians is really scary sometimes." Duoduo shook her head helplessly without being affected, shook her white Yunduo violently, and then three stacked rubbings fell out, "This is Rubbings of Wano country's historical text of the signpost stone, it's genuine, no one can deceive you~"

"?" Robin was stunned for a moment, but remained vigilant, "What is your goal this time?"

"I'm just here to give a thank you gift~", Dodo expressed her innocence, as she just subconsciously praised her boss's cunning.

"Since you can come here," Luo paused for a moment, raised his eyebrows and asked back, "you should have found other things, right?"

"Are you talking about Pluto? Just that ancient weapon?" Dodo turned around in mid-air, shaking in a daze, "I don't know these things, but you can ask the witch, she knows everything ~"

"Know everything?" Luo repeated, but subconsciously frowned.

"Yes, she knows everything. But she can't say anything~" Duo Duo continued to turn around in mid-air, staring at them with dark eyes, "Your problems, you have to find them yourself The answer, this is your life. The witch herself is in deep trouble, so don't bother her with such trivial matters~"

"What do you mean?" Robin always felt that there was something in his words.

"I don't know, I'm just here to give gifts~" Dodo shook her body, and flew towards the exit to leave here, "Also don't worry too much about Pluto. Its core was cut in half It's gone. Unless the kernel is complete, no one can start it. Bye~"

"...", Robin clenched his fist tightly, but he didn't stop it from flying away.After a while, he relaxed his body slightly and analyzed the words Dodo said before he left, [The ancient weapon Pluto is a battleship, which means that Pluto has been found now.The core was divided into two, so Miss Encore should get half, and the other half is with Tiger Shark... Although it is a bit unbelievable, it does ensure that no one in this world can activate Pluto.Unless that person defeats both Tiger Shark and Miss Encore...]
Thinking of the tiny possibility, Robin suddenly felt relieved, [If such a person really exists, then it is estimated that his combat power can destroy an island with one blow. ]
Luo, who was nearby, also observed the changes in her expression, thoughtfully recalled all that Dodo had said, and came to a conclusion similar to that of Robin.

"After the analysis, it seems that there are not many disadvantages. Let's divide the extension first." Robin stepped forward with a smile, put away one copy and handed the remaining two copies to Luo, "Please give the other copy. Leave it to Mr. Kidd. Three captains, one for each is just right~"

"I see." Luo nodded and reached out to take the two rubbings.

Robin looked down at the history text in his hand, couldn't help but smiled and thought, [This is the third landmark stone history text, find the last stone, and we can all go to Ralph Drew! ]
After seeing their conversation come to an end, the Kang family, who had been trying to keep quiet, carefully mentioned the information they knew about the ancient weapons, "The ancient weapons are indeed sleeping in Wano Country tomorrow night, but I don't know where they are, old general No specific location was mentioned, so I couldn’t help you either.”

"Don't worry, our main purpose of coming here is to get the historical text of the signpost stone." Robin smiled, not very obsessed with the whereabouts of the ancient weapons.

What she has been pursuing is the truth of history.

"Didn't you mention that the Wano country is surrounded by huge walls?" Kang Jia scratched his exploding head and continued, "And if you want to take out the ancient weapon [Pluto], you must first remove the walls. In other words, 'founding the country' means destroying Wano's defensive barriers and liberating ancient weapons!"

"The founding of the country means the liberation of ancient weapons? Why did Kozuki Oden know such a thing 20 years ago..." Robin felt incredible, and now she is curious about what Kozuki Oden saw in the final island.

"I don't know these things anymore, and this is all the things that the old general Kozuki Sukiyaki told me. Other than that, you can only find out the truth by yourself." Kang Jiaai shook his head helplessly, But I believe that they can find the answer by themselves, "His Royal Highness has not succeeded the general at that time, and he probably doesn't know the secrets passed down from generation to generation by the general's family. He should know the relevant information from overseas. I believe that you will be able to find it. answer."

Robin and Luo looked at each other, and then at the same time they looked at the rubbings of the historical text in their hands.

All the answers are in the final island, Ralph Drew!

(End of this chapter)

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