One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 332 Leaving Wano Country, a new adventure begins

Chapter 332 Leaving Wano Country, a new adventure begins
Unlike the red-haired pirates who left Wano Country in a cheerful atmosphere, the three who remained in Taoyuan Township were still hostile to each other.

When they were about to start fighting again, Hiyori brought a group of red-scabbard warriors belatedly, ready to reconcile.

After realizing that the red-haired pirates came near Wano country, Marco also bid farewell to Izo, who was determined to stay in Wano country. After saying goodbye to Luffy and the others, he turned into a phoenix and flew away, preparing to take Shank Si's pirate ship leaves here.

At dawn, the Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, and the Kidd Pirates began to leave for the Shōdon coast, preparing to leave Wano at the same time.

And after hearing that the benefactors were leaving, many people from Wano Country came to see them off with big bags and small bags, and the originally deserted coast was suddenly crowded with people...

When several pirate groups had stored food and fresh water, and the members were all ready to go, Momonosuke and the others hurried over and told Luffy the final result of the discussion.

"Hey?? Is the future general your sister?!" Hearing their final decision, Luffy was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out, but he accepted it suddenly in the next second, "But it's not Strange, your sister isn't a crybaby coward like you! She's amazing! Encore thinks highly of your sister."

"This sentence is too much! I just lack of exercise!" Momonosuke immediately complained dissatisfied.

But he also had to admit that the influence of these 20 years on a person is very important, so important that the little girl who used to be big or small dares to go to the enemy's base camp alone to be someone else's stand-in.

For Kozuki Momonosuke, only a few months have passed, and the tragic images of family ruin and the terror of the enemy seem like yesterday.

But for Kozuki Hiyori, 20 years have passed, and everything has changed.

"Hahaha! Because your sister is so courageous hahaha!" Luffy was also amused by Momonosuke's courage being inferior to a woman, and said with a big smile, "I haven't seen anyone who dares to appear in place of Encore Hahaha in front of the enemy!"

"This is too rude! I'm actually only eight years old!" Momonosuke corrected angrily.

"Hahahaha, this is too low!!", Luffy still couldn't help laughing, and the next second he left Momonosuke with bright eyes, "Ace~~~"

"Don't ignore me!" Momonosuke gritted his teeth angrily, but he could only kick the ground angrily, "Really, I finally fought against the admiral!"

Ace on the other side was almost knocked into the air by his enthusiastic younger brother. He stood up and supported him funnyly, "I'm going to become a big pirate who dominates one side, why are you so reckless?"

"Because you said you wouldn't go out to sea with us for the time being, and you said you would go on an adventure with us the next time we meet in Fishman Island." Luffy puffed up his face dissatisfied, "Ace, do you really want to go to sea with us?" Will you stay in the country for a while? Won't you join us in the adventure?"

"Ayu said that her fruit ability is only valid for one month, and she is worried that those pirates will hurt the people of Wano after they are free. She is very worried about the friends of Wano, so she decided to wait until the remnants of the Hundred Beasts Pirates are confirmed. She will be relieved after she is harmless to Wano Country." Ace patted his head angrily, and said with a smile, "And I promised to take her out to sea, after the matter of the Beasts Pirates is settled. , we estimate that we can leave in a month."

"Remember to come to us when the time comes!", Luffy could only accept his choice, and then he saw Ayu poking around in the crowd, as if looking for someone, "Ayu, are you looking for Encore?"

"Hmm~", Ayu, who was taken aback, wanted to hide the photo behind her back, but still handed it to Luffy embarrassedly, "I...I want her autograph~"

Those are portraits of benefactors created by Wano country's painters, and the portraits are very popular.And Usopp and Chopper, who have been practicing signatures for a long time, finally fulfilled their little wish in Chambord Islands.

"It's amazing that there is a portrait of Encore!" Lu Fei's eyes lit up, and he looked at the painting in her hand eagerly.

"I brought you an extra portrait!" Ayu, who had planned for a long time, gave him another portrait, and successfully changed to the current position of a certain Persian cat.

Luffy originally planned to follow them back to the boat, but he saw Miss Rabbit who was stunned, "Carrot, what's wrong with you?"

"Boss Cat and Boss Dog want to stay in Wano Country, and they said they want me to be the king of the Furry Kingdom..." Miss Rabbit complained aggrievedly, shaking her fists angrily and shouted, "Of course I refused But the two of them are very persistent, and other members of the guard team also said they support the plan of the two bosses!"

"What?? Carlot, you are already the king now??", Luffy was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out again, that so many changes have taken place during his drowsy week.

Carlot protested angrily, "I refused! I originally wanted to continue going out to sea with you and continue to learn from Master Encore!"

"This is impossible! You are now the king recommended by everyone~" Wanda quickly rushed forward with fur warriors to fight off their future Tutu King, a group of furry people smiled Surrounding Kailot, "We're watching you [-]/[-] this time, don't try to sneak onto Luffy's ship like last time!"

"Luffy!" Yamato, who was covered in bandages, rushed over happily and gave him a bear hug, then patted him on the shoulder vigorously and said, "I decided to stay in Wano country temporarily and not board your ship for the time being. Already!"

"I didn't agree either..." Luffy staggered when she slapped him, but he still asked the reason, "Why did he suddenly choose to stay?"

"Because those nasty guys can't drive away!" Da He complained angrily, waving the iron rod in his hand angrily, "I haven't defeated that bodyguard after fighting for so long. I only found out in the morning There are even more troublesome guys in Taoyuan Township! I will drive them all out of Wano Country before leaving!"

"So that's the case, remember to come and play with us after you go out to sea!", Luffy didn't ask too much, continued to chat for a few words, and then ran away again.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!", Snow Leopard Baozi, who had been left behind by the Straw Hat Pirates for a week or two, galloped all the way over. I haven't seen him for a long time. It has grown to a height of half a meter, with smooth fur and a strong figure.

"Bun! I haven't touched it for a long time!" Usopp, who was at the front, just squatted down and tried to pick it up like before, but was hit by the bun that was like a small cannonball and flew to the ground.

Robin and Nami, who were a little behind, originally wanted to hug the fluffy snow leopard, but when they saw this, they immediately stood aside wittily and greeted with a smile, "Good afternoon, Baozi~"

"Wow~", Baozi who passed by them responded happily, and then continued to rush onto the boat to find his master.

At this time, many people from Wano Country came to see them off with gifts, and many members of the Straw Hat Pirates were surrounded by groups.However, none of the Kidd Pirates and the Heart Pirates disembarked, and two repaired pirate ships were waiting not far away.Obviously, these two pirate groups are not used to the happy atmosphere with the civilians.

Luffy quickly ran to the distant rock by himself, jumped onto the rock and looked at the lively crowd on the shore, and when he looked back at the desolate wilderness where there was no grass growing, he asked, "After that, Will everyone in Wano country have enough to eat?"

In the shadow of the rock, the tiger shark is leaning on the rock wall, throwing a red apple one after another, "I don't have a hobby of abusing civilians. Only when the people have no worries about food, clothing and safety can a country develop more smoothly." quick."

"I don't know how to manage a country, and I don't know how to make a country better. I just hope that no one will die for no reason, and no one will go hungry." Luffy sat on a rock On the beach, looking at the happy and laughing people on the shore while dangling their legs.

"Then your requirements are quite low," Tiger Shark caught the falling red apple, looking down at the mouth-watering plump fruit.

Luffy didn't speak, and after a while he calmly said, "I really hate you."

"each other~"

Luffy pursed his lips, but still whispered, "But I believe you are not lying, and Encore believes you too."

"Miss Little Witch and I have a good and harmonious mutual cooperation and mutual utilization relationship~", Tiger Shark still smiled happily and harmlessly, "In this world, there are very few interesting people like her~ "

"But it's easy for Encore to trust you and rely on you. That's what makes me angry." Luffy looked unhappy, and after confirming Tiger Shark's attitude towards Wano Country, he jumped off the rock and left here quickly.

"Ah, you just found out now?" Tiger Shark pretended to be surprised, and then continued to talk to himself, "Take care of Miss Witch, no one is capable of saving her in the next journey His life was lost."

"I know, you protect Noah too." Luffy raised his hand and put on the straw hat, and continued to leave here without looking back.

"Help her with a small gift," Hu Sha threw back the red apple he had been holding and set off to go back to Taoyuan Township.

"Yeah." Luffy took it backhanded, looked down at the bright red and translucent apple, put it in his trouser pocket, and trotted back to the shore.

Seeing him running back, Hiyori, who had been looking for him, hurried up to meet him, "Your Excellency Luffy!"

"Huh? I remember you are..." Luffy, who has always been unable to remember people, got stuck unexpectedly. After thinking hard for a while, he remembered her real name, "Hiyo! Taozi's younger sister, who will soon become He The people of the general of the country!"

"Thank you, Lord Lu Fei, for remembering the little girl's name. I am also indebted to the trust of my elder brother and all the warriors to take over this important task." Hiyori smiled a little embarrassedly, and was still a little uneasy when talking about it, "Hezhi There has never been a female ruler in the history of the country, especially on the premise that the eldest son is still alive, it is unprecedented for me to take office rashly now."

"What are you talking about, there are a lot of powerful kings out there who are women!" Luffy interrupted her worry angrily, and said bluntly, "And you are much more powerful than Taozi's crying coward, Thanks to your help before, Enke was able to recuperate well."

"I heard it!" Momonosuke, who was tall and strong, immediately pushed away from the crowd, and retorted dissatisfiedly, "I am now considered an adult, and I won't be a crybaby in the future!"

"Because your sister is indeed much bolder than you. I haven't seen anyone who dares to pretend to be an encore and go to the enemy's camp."

"I..." Momonosuke paused, and when he thought of the previous power of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, he immediately faltered, "I really don't dare..."

Hiyori just smiled gently, and then brought up the business, "Your Excellency Luffy, can you give a pirate flag from the Straw Hat Pirates to Wano Country?"

"If you want it, I don't care." Lu Fei scratched his head, not forgetting this country's rejection of pirates, "But don't your country hate pirates? Why do you want our Pirate Flag all of a sudden? ?”

"The whole country of Wano has witnessed your battles, your words and deeds with your own eyes. Even if you were cornered by a powerful enemy, you never gave up, you still stood up and resisted, and never surrendered. Everyone is impressed by your fighting spirit. Feeling. What’s more, Wano country is called the country of samurai. But after 20 years of oppression by Kaido and Orochi, our samurai souls have almost disappeared. After the battle, everyone was worried that everyone would Continue to kill and oppress the people of Wano country like Kaido. But you don’t have it. Instead, you try your best to help the people of Wano country while recuperating. Like Sanji-dono, you teach the girls to learn a skill, and Chopper-dono does it for free. Patient consultation, etc. Although it is only a short period of seven days, everyone has seen it for all to see, I believe that you are different from Kaido and other pirates. You are true navigators, enjoy adventures and do not easily hurt innocent people.", speaking In the meantime, Hiyori couldn't help the tears in his eyes, "Your Excellencies' battle not only liberated Wano Country, but also liberated the souls of Wano Country that had been oppressed for 20 years and dared not resist."

"That's right!" Lei Zang came out of nowhere, and said seriously, "For me, it's only been a few months since I left Wano Country, and I can't imagine how everyone has spent these 20 years. Yes. But after returning, the despair is empathetic. So I am very grateful to Lord Luffy for defeating Kaido and saving Wano Country!"

Denjiro, who came to see him off, also responded, "The future Wano country will open at the right time, and there will definitely be pirates coming to make trouble. If you can get the blessing of Lord Luffy's pirate flag, it will be great for Wano country. It's a great blessing!"

Inulan also came to persuade, "After careful consideration, everyone chose to believe in Luffy's ability and character, so I want to ask you to donate a pirate flag to protect Wano country."

"That's right, meow." The chubby cat Viper emerged from behind Luffy, and the whole cat lay on top of Luffy, and said with a smile while holding a cigar in its mouth, "It's a good idea to make Wano your territory." Alright, now your pirate flag can protect the entire country. We can also safely revive Wano Nyan~"

"It's so heavy!" Luffy, who was stuck by the big cat, couldn't move, and couldn't help roaring his fangs, "The soot is falling!"

"That's right, that's right!" The surrounding people also gathered around and said with glowing eyes, "We all know about this, and we all agree to use Lord Luffy's pirate flag to protect us!"

"It's so troublesome!" Asura Boy, who was born as a bandit and has been a bandit for several years, couldn't hide his anger. He looked at the black pirate flag flying on the Qianyang, "Isn't there a sea pirate flag floating there?" A thief flag? Just grab it and grab it!"

"The way of the samurai is the way of the samurai." Many samurai with swords on their sides were very calm, but their eyes collectively looked at the pirate flag on the main mast of the Qianyang.

"I got it, I got it! I'll send you a pirate flag..." Luffy, who was carrying a big cat, suddenly saw that they were about to move, so he could only yell to stop him from getting on the boat to snatch the pirates at any time Flag warriors.

"It's so good. This matter has a happy result." Many warriors became elegant in an instant, and silently stopped their steps to rush to the boat at any time.

"The pirate flag is ready~" Long Nose, who had been prepared for a long time, handed a folded black pirate flag to Luffy, and introduced it triumphantly, "I guarantee that it will not be blown by rain or wind, or exposed to the sun. damage!"

"Thank you Usopp-sama~" Hiyori quickly took it over, and happily held it up for everyone to see, "Everyone, Wano Country has Luffy-dono's pirate flag~"


On the boat, Sauron leaning against the side of the boat was watching the fun with a bottle of wine, "This is the first time I have seen such a country actively becoming a pirate territory..."

"Because that's Luffy~" Robin said with a smile when he was passing him with a box of books, "65-degree brandy, I will tell Miss Encore the truth~"

"There's water inside!!! Water!!!", Sauron immediately explained with fangs, but in the end he helped Robin move the books in exchange for her not reporting to Encore.

In the aquarium, Enke, who was still wrapped in a lot of bandages, was lying on a turquoise flame and flipping through an old book.The little sun Prometheus in a red bow tie is counting the fish in the aquarium and talking about how to roast them.

Baozi was squatting under the flames, curiously stretching out his paws, constantly pouncing at the scattered sparks.And Apollo, carrying the Encore, floated steadily in mid-air, and sometimes patiently sprayed a lot of sparks at the buns.

After running to the boat, Ayu hesitated for a while, then knocked on the door cautiously and came in, hiding the portrait behind her, not knowing how to speak.

Anke, who was reading with his face propped up on his left hand, looked at her from the pages of the book, looked at her calmly for a while, and then suddenly stretched out his bandaged right hand towards her.Soon, a blooming snow-white epiphyllum appeared in her hand, "Here you are."

"Huh?" Ayu was stunned for a moment, and after reacting for a while, he happily reached out and took the flower.

"When you can make exactly the same flowers, I'll teach you more interesting abilities~" Anke smiled slightly, and his right eye, which was not covered by the bandage, bent a friendly arc, "Come on~"

"Yes!!" Ayu, who was so happy that he forgot the reason for coming, nodded vigorously, bowed deeply to her, and left here cheering.

An Ke looked at her back, and quickly returned to the pages of the book.

To be honest, in the entire Wano country, there are almost only a handful of brave and intelligent people like Ayu.Especially against the backdrop of a certain peer, Ayu is even more outstanding.This is why Anke is more optimistic about her.

After a while, Ace walked in, looking at the sluggish Enke with some worry, "Anke, do you feel better now?"

"If you want to tell the truth, it's really annoying." Anke calmly said something that didn't match his expression and tone, and quietly turned another page of the book, "Those people outside are really annoying."

"Leave here soon," Ace bent down, stretched out his hands to cover her ears, and comforted her softly, "Concentrate on reading, okay?"

"En." Encore responded, his eyes still looking at the words on the ancient book.

"Want to be alone?"


Ace nodded understandingly, rubbed her head before leaving and closed the door.

After another half an hour, after Kidd impatiently threatened to blow them up, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates escaped from the enthusiastic crowd and returned to the Thousand Suns.

When the pirate ship is gradually leaving the shore, the people on the shore are still reluctantly saying goodbye:
"My dear benefactors!"

"The next time you pass by Wano Country, be sure to come in as a guest!"

"Wano Country will never forget your great kindness! The grace of saving the country will never be forgotten!"


"Bye bye~", Luffy jumped onto the ship's side, waving his hands to say goodbye to the people on the shore, "Everyone will have enough food in the future, and won't be hungry anymore, everyone, come on!"

"Brother Luffy! You must realize your dream!" Ayu waved a white epiphyllum in full bloom in his hand, and shouted with tears in his eyes, "I... I will go to sea with Ace after this, see you then !"

"I see, hurry up and go to sea!" Luffy also waved his hands with a bright smile, and after receiving affirmative nods from her and Ace, he laughed even more happily.

After the pirate ship was far away from people's sight, the three captains gathered on Kidd's ship and discussed their next course.

"Hey, hey?? I'm actually the Four Emperors hahahahaha!!!!" Captain Straw Hat, who only saw the newspaper now, held up the newspaper published three days ago, happily showing off to his friends not far away, " Look, everyone! I am the Four Emperors!"

Half of the companions on board cheered, while the other half wept bitterly, as usual, that there would be many pursuers in the future.

"Damn it, are our bounties the same?!" Kidd took the reward orders of the three of them, and looked at the same 30 billion above them through gritted teeth, "Both are 30 billion?? It's the rewards of BIGMOM and Kaido. Did the gold share to us??"

"It's expected that the four emperors are in charge of the straw hat, but the reward is a bit beyond my expectation." Luo stretched out his hand and withdrew his reward order, and the news reported in detail the whole process of the defeat of the two four emperors. He didn't expect Kidd and his bounty to be the same as Luffy.

It stands to reason that Luffy, who defeated Kaido alone, should have a higher bounty.

"Go back to your own boat later and be a fool again! If you waste any more time, I'll kill you before your seat is hot!" Kidd yelled, and took out three fingers. The record pointer on the disk came out, "After leaving this broken place, we went our separate ways, and it happened that the record pointer pointed to three directions! Northeast, east, and southeast! Choose one!"

Luo quickly analyzed the current position, "If I go northeast, I can get to the front."

"In the middle!/In the middle!!", two voices sounded at the same time, and then Kidd and Luffy stared at each other with gritted teeth.

"I choose Northeast, it seems that I have no problem here." Compared with the two rash guys, Luo looked very serious and reliable, and by the way he could complain about the two of them, "Choose it without thinking about it." Right in the middle, are you brats?"

"What did you say?!" At this time, the two older children whose combined mental age was less than three years old gave him a united front glance, and angrily decided to draw lots to choose the remaining two directions in the next second.

"Donghahahahaha!!" Kidd, who was rarely lucky, waved the small note in his hand arrogantly.

"Damn it! I actually lost the lottery! I am clearly the Four Emperors but I lost here!" Luffy, who didn't get the ideal course, screamed suddenly, completely forgetting that there is no safe course in the new world of.

"Don't mention the Four Emperors! Otherwise, you'll get out of your seat!" Kidd yelled with furry fangs, and pointed at the big-headed clown on a poster and said, " But the one who annoys me the most among the Four Emperors is this guy!! Why is this clown the rest??"

It was a promotional poster of the Cross Union. Two crossed knives divided into four grids. The top one was the oversized head portrait of Bucky with a red nose. On the left and right sides were the former Shichibukai Hawkeye and the former Shichibukai Clark. Dyer.The design of the entire poster makes it clear at a glance that Bucky is the leader of the Cross Guild, and the two outstanding former Shichibukai are his right-hand men.

After seeing it, Luffy directly expressed his first impression, "Isn't this Clarkdale and Hawkeye? Why does it look like Bucky's men?"

"If these two people really obey Bucky, then he should indeed be called the emperor...", Luo also couldn't figure out what was going on.

"That guy is an idiot! What happened?" Luffy frowned. He didn't believe that Bucky had the ability to take two Qiwukai as his subordinates, and one of them was even the world's number one swordsman.

"According to the introduction, this company called Cross Union seems to have offered a bounty to the Navy." Thinking about the scene, Kidd couldn't help laughing maliciously, "It should have left the scene on the hunted side. The Chinese navy is now also afraid of assassination from civilians. This is the current world. During the time we were squatting in this country, the world has undergone great changes. Now we have confirmed our respective courses. When we leave and The first step in the country begins, and we will start fighting each other!"

Luo just shrugged indifferently, then took out a stack of papers and left them on the ground, then got up and prepared to leave here.

"What is this? Trafalgar?" Kidd frowned at the rubbings on the ground, while Kira picked them up.

"You also have the right to own the rubbings of the main text of the road sign history. It's too boring to sneak away." Luo didn't care about having a few more competitors, which made it more interesting.

"Sure enough, does Kaido have this too hahaha?" Kira also knew about this, and couldn't help but said with a smile, "If we want to fight for the screaming ONE PIECE, we have to work hard to research this thing, Kidd."

Kidd looked over there, subconsciously said his information without thinking too much, "Are you going to find the burned man? There is too little relevant information..."

"Huh? Burn what?" Luffy tilted his head in confusion, while Luo just lowered his felt hat with a gloomy expression.

On the boat not far away, Robin, who was leaning against this side, frowned slightly.

"Oh huh~~", Kidd understood instantly, and said with a treacherous smile, "It seems that you don't know, that's exactly what I want hahahahaha!!"

"What are you doing! You should make it clear!"

After making a fuss for a while, Luo and Luffy returned to their respective boats, and Luo did not forget to remind, "The Straw Hat is in charge, when we meet again next time, our relationship will be completely hostile. Even if you are killed by me, don't complain."

"Of course," Luffy jumped back to his boat, smiled and waved back, "Thank you, Telaan!"

"Hmph." Luo just snorted softly and didn't say much.

After seeing that the three captains had reached a consensus, Nami took the map of Wano Country and pointed in the direction of Bai Wu, "Then let's go to Bai Wu's side. There is a regular seaport there, and it is said that elevators can be used. Put the boat down~"

Hearing these words, Brooke and Chopper, who thought they were going to walk the waterfall again, immediately wiped off the cold sweat of a false alarm, "That's great, I thought we were going to fall directly from the waterfall this time..."

"Hey~ Are you going to use the regular seaport over there? Is it because it's 'safe' over there hahahaha?" Kidd's gloating and sarcastic voice came from the pirate ship on the right again, "And low! You are a perfect match~"

"Safe?! All?!", a few simple words immediately made Luffy and Luo explode, and in the next second, there was a dialogue between the companions frantically dissuading their respective captains from the two pirate ships:
"Luffy? No no no no no! Just be safe! Don't fall into his trap!", Nami
"Captain? What does that expression mean? Let's go to the regular port!", Bepo
As a result, under the verbal confrontation of the three captains, the three pirate ships rushed straight towards the waterfall where they landed when they came, and flew out from above the waterfall at the same time amidst various screams, with the most thrilling The way left Wano country.


(End of this chapter)

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