One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 333 Word Union

Chapter 333
Origin of the Crusades.

This year's World Conference passed many issues, and one of the issues that caused a stir in the world was the disbandment of Shichibukai.

On the day when it was almost disbanded, the reward order of Shichibukai under the king was also issued to the whole world, and the Navy Headquarters even dispatched a large number of elites and warships to capture them.For example, Kebi, who has been promoted to the captain of the navy, was sent to capture the former Shichibukai-Pirate Queen Boa-Hancock.

But the navies and the world government seem to have forgotten one thing: the reason why those people are listed as the king's seven martial arts is precisely because they are strong enough!

If they become hunted again, it will only make them more dangerous.

One of the examples is the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk. When he was still in the Qiwu Sea, he spent most of his time teasing baboons, growing vegetables, and occasionally going out to sea in a coffin boat to chop down pirates. Boat.Now that he is listed as a wanted criminal by the navy, his knives will have more targets.

The navy seemed to want to capture Hawkeye by virtue of its superiority in numbers, and when it sent warships to surround his stronghold, Hawkeye received a contact from Crockdale.

Crockdale obviously knew the status quo and offered an olive branch to Hawkeye.It is suggested that the two of them form an organization that even the navy can't ignore. After all, Hawkeye was once known as a marine hunter, and since both he and Hawkeye don't trust others, it shouldn't be difficult to cooperate.

Hawkeye, who just hadn't decided on his next plan, agreed to the proposal after a brief thought, and decided to find that useful guy together.

And a certain guy who could be used, that is, the former Shichibukai Red Nose Bucky was also surrounded by dozens of warships at this time, and he, bathed in the holy light of his subordinates, only wanted to pack his bags and escape for his life.

Crockdale and Hawkeye wiped out the Navy ships before Bucky escaped.

However, the arrival of the two killing gods made Bucky's men think that they were here to rescue him!Even instantly believed that the former Shichibukai Hawkeye and the former Shichibukai Crockdale are Bucky's younger brothers!
Bucky owed Crockdale a large amount of money before, and seeing him coming scared his soul out of his body.Under the intimidation of the sand crocodile with a cigar in his mouth, Bucky, in order to pay back the money and save his life, signed the contract of sale without even thinking about it, and patted his chest to ensure that his current subordinates have all kinds of talents.No matter what talents Crockdale's new business needs, he can provide them for free, and he is even willing to take care of chores such as 'advertising design', 'printing', 'handling' and so on.

So, after a period of time, the Four Emperors 'Thousand Liang Daohua' Baki was born...

"So, the leaflet you ordered to be distributed is this one?" Crockdale held a leaflet on the gold hook in his left hand, and Bucky's mug shot took up almost a third of the leaflet.Crockdale, who was very polite, had an expression on his face that wanted to kill his whole family, but his words were very respectful, "You are always inside, so you are very conspicuous, President."

Hawkeye was sitting on the other end of the huge sofa. Although he didn't speak while holding his hands, there was a hint of displeasure on his expressionless face.

"No! No!! I really didn't intend to do this!!" Bucky, whose hair was being grabbed by his right hand, lay on the ground miserably, crying and shouting.He knew that his subordinates worshiped him so blindly that he thought he was omnipotent, even more so that he could punch the Admiral of the Navy and step on the Four Emperors, but Bucky didn't expect them to be blind enough to ignore him. Two Shichibukai.

What's even more amazing is that the Navy also believed that the relationship in the poster was headed by Bucky.What's more, in the impression of the Navy, Bucky is not only the mastermind of the escape from the city, but also the crew of the original One Piece, a pirate who is called a brother and brother with the red hair of the current Four Emperors, and is on par with him.In addition, Crockdale rescued Bucky from the navy's siege before, and the navy mistakenly thought that Crockdale was conquered by Bucky's popularity before saving him.And according to the Navy's wiretapping, the Cross Trade Union has launched a project to hunt sailors and has attracted funding from many secret organizations.

In the end, the Admiralty rearranged the bounties for the three of them based on various information.The former King Shichibukai Clarkdale has a reward of 19 billion.Hawkeye is not only the former king of Qibuhai, but also the strongest swordsman in the world, so the reward is 6 billion.

And Baki, who was promoted to the Four Emperors based on a poster, was offered a reward of 31 billion, which was higher than the bounty offered by the three supernova captains who worked hard to defeat the two Four Emperors.

Since then, the Four Emperors of the One Piece World have been officially updated. The new Four Emperors are: Red Hair Shanks, Black Beard Tiki, Straw Hat Boy Monkey-D-Luffy, and Thousand Lianghua Clown Bucky.

"Four Emperors~", Clarkdale became more and more angry as he thought about it, and the sharp golden hook kept moving in front of Bucky's neck, "You are really becoming more and more amazing, clown."

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry!!! In short, I'm sorry for you! I'll lick your shoes for you!!" Bucky, who was afraid of his own death, kept begging for mercy, and only hoped that the two masters would show their respect.

"you shut up."

"!!", Bucky fell silent for a moment.

"But thinking about it from another angle, it doesn't seem like a bad thing to just offer this guy up." Hawkeye put forward his own thoughts, "At least I don't want to be a Four Emperors, but I hope to live a stable life. "

"Are you serious?" Clarkdale frowned tightly, still unable to figure out what he meant.

"Just let this guy stand at the front desk. If you want him to disappear, let him disappear at any time. That's what it is." Hawkeye got up, put the black knife behind his back, and walked to the balcony where the union opened.

Clarkdale, who immediately understood, smiled happily, and threw the puppet emperor + scapegoat on the ground, "That's true~"

Thousands of people from all walks of life who had been summoned by the leaflets had already gathered, and after waiting for a long time, they saw the appearance of the three major figures of the commune.And just like the position in the leaflet, Hawkeye and Clarkdale stood at the two ends with blank faces.And Bucky, who was crying for no reason, stood in the middle with a kingly attitude, and officially introduced the cadres of the union with open hands, "Little ones!! We have established the Cross Union to welcome the coming new era! Let us introduce now The big cadres of the trade union!!"

"It's Master Clarkdale and Master Mihawk~!" The people who saw the real people became even more crazy, and their shouts deepened the worship of Bucky, the president of the Cross Union, "President Bucky, because of the new I was moved to tears by the arrival of the times!! We will also be moved to tears!!"


On the sunny and calm sea, the Thousand Sun is sailing in the direction of the record pointer.

The weather is very mild and the sea is also very mild, but the incident of unilateral preaching and violent beatings occurred on the Qianyang, which lasted for more than half an hour.

"Ahhh!!", the captain of the straw hat who was locked in the cage was bruised and swollen, pitifully constantly reflecting on his actions of jumping off the waterfall with the whole boat.

However, Nami, who unilaterally beat up the new Emperor, did not soften her heart at all. Recalling the thrill of falling down the waterfall, she couldn't help but punched Captain Straw Hat on the swollen face, yelling with her fangs, "You as a The captain is very incompetent!! You put the lives of the crew in danger! Even stupidity should have a limit!"

Seeing the captain being beaten so badly, Jinbe couldn't help but want to intercede for him, "Hahaha forget it, everyone is safe and sound. Just let him go."

"Don't spoil him, Jinbe!!" Nami, who got angry, didn't care so much, and the outburst of anger even made Jinbe tremble.

"Ba... Bawang color???" Jinbe shrank his short neck, expressing that she was too scary.

"Forget it, boss." Chopper passed by with the wood for repairing the ship, and said in the tone of a deer, "Don't get close to Nami who is angry."

Franky, who had repaired the ship, was already used to ignoring the beaten captain, and smiled triumphantly at the strength of the Thousand Sun, "You all have seen how strong the Thousand Sun is! Even if it falls from that height Come on, it's only a broken mast!"

"Jinbe," Usopp slipped over, patted the murloc on the shoulder like a big brother and said pretentiously, "There are two things you need to pay attention to on board, the first thing is not to mess with Nami. Don't touch her money and oranges, the real examples are there."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then the screams came from the straw hat captain who was beaten again.

"I understand," Jinbe tried his best to nod, and simply turned his back to the captain with a swollen nose, before continuing to ask, "Then what's the second thing?"

"Never, absolutely, must not say that Anke is short...ah!!!", as soon as the word 'short' was spoken, the long nose screamed and flew into the sea in a parabola in front of the plane.

"Usopp??" Jinbe shuddered again, and immediately meditated on the spot when he saw a person coming out of the aquarium out of the corner of his eye.

"There is only one turtle in the aquarium, it looks too lonely," An Ke leaned on the side of the boat, slightly sad, "It would be much better if there were a pair."

"Little cutie, I'll catch it for you right away!!!", before Haili's long nose could answer, the blond knight rushed over volunteered.

"Then you go down." The green algae-headed swordsman was very helpful and kicked him into the sea.

After falling into the sea with a bang, Sanji, who floated up from the sea, roared with murderous fangs on his face, "Green algae head, are you courting death?!"

"It was you who said you wanted to help Encore catch the turtle, I just helped you get down," Sauron stood by the side of the boat with his arms folded, gloating.

"You bastard..." Sanji gritted his teeth angrily, his legs in the sea jumped up suddenly after accumulating strength, grabbed Zoro's arm and pulled him into the sea, "Let's fight to the death! Chlorella head! ! There is only one person who can return to the ship today!!”

"It's exactly what I want! Just settle Wano Country's debt!" Zoro, who also broke out, unceremoniously drew his sword, and the next second, the two fought in the sea, causing huge waves.

With a speechless face, Usopp held a sea turtle in his left hand, and swam towards the Thousand Suns while despising the two people who were fighting back and forth, "You two fight slowly, the ship is about to leave."

Jinbe looked at the navigator who was beating up the captain, and at the deputy captain who threw the crew off the ship. After blinking in fear, he looked at the third woman on board. He didn't know what kind of time bomb she was.

Robin, who was reading the newspaper, noticed his gaze, just smiled gently and continued to read the newspaper quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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