One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 341 Golden City Vacation Chapter 5: Karana

Chapter 341 Golden City Vacation Chapter 5: Karana

on the street.

"What should we do now?" Usopp walked slowly with his hands behind his head, "I don't know if I should worry about Luffy Sauron and Encore who were taken away, or sympathize with kidnapping the three gods of death. Tezzolo..."

"Indeed, if the three of them were the ones who were taken away, it really doesn't make people feel nervous at all." Although Brook was worried, he wasn't that worried, because he knew very well the strength of Luffy and the others.

Franky wasn't too worried, "Then let's wait for them to come out by themselves?"

"How can we just wait?!" Nami suddenly became emotional, and turned around to stare at them with righteous indignation, "Our captain, deputy captain and a swordsman were taken away! What if we If you don't do it, where will Luffy's face as the Four Emperors be put away!"

"That's what I said, but why are you so excited?" Usopp was taken aback by her violent reaction.

"We're going to teach him a lesson!" Nami clenched her fists, and the blazing fire in her eyes was all about the golden Bailey. "That guy has to give out all his property to make up for it! All property!!"

"It really is you, I'm not surprised at all." Franky just thought that the money-loving navigator had changed his gender.

"But what Nami said is also reasonable," Robin said with a smile, "We can't let everyone think we are easy to bully~"

"But we also have gold powder in our body now, we have to find a way to get rid of it." Jinpei said calmly, "This city should be full of people controlled by Tezolo, and there should be information if we ask about it."

"Tezolo's entire property should be in the trillions, then we are the pirates of trillionaires hehehehe~~", Nami was already immersed in beautiful fantasies, but she suddenly caught a shoulder rubbing The wrist of the person passing by, "Stop!"

The stylishly dressed woman raised the corners of her lips as expected, tossed the pink wallet in her hand and said, "It seems that your skills haven't deteriorated, little thief cat."

"You're not bad, little fox." Nami took out a black wallet that she didn't know when she got it.

"When are you?!", startled, she immediately exchanged the wallet with Nami angrily.

"I seem to have seen you next to Tezolo," Franky thought she looked a little familiar, and then looked at her interaction with Nami and asked, "Do you know each other?"

"I'm Karina, and I used to be a thief partner with Nami, so it's a bad relationship~" Karina winked at Nami.

"That's not it," Nami snorted, "It's just that when I was a thief in Donghai, I often competed for treasures."

"What, you are too greedy!" Karina immediately complained angrily.

"What? You are the one who is greedy!" Nami immediately frowned.

"It's obviously you, a dissatisfied little thief!"

"You are also a greedy fox!"

Robin looked at the two who were about to fight, and said, "If you keep arguing, people will find out."

"Indeed, I came out without telling Tezzolo." Karina quickly lowered the brim of her hat and put on her sunglasses, "Then let's find a restaurant to talk?"

After choosing a slightly remote restaurant with few people and ordering a table, Karina explained her current identity to them, "I'm sorry I didn't show up at the casino, but I sneaked in as Tezolo's subordinates. Yes, there is no way to help."

"Sneak in?" Nami paused holding the knife and fork, and looked at her in surprise, "Are you eyeing Tezolo's treasure?"

"Treasure?" Usopp was a little interested, "Does that stinky guy still have a treasure?"

Nami nodded and explained, "It is said that 20% of the world's circulating pele is sleeping in this city, and people call this money Tezoro Treasure. For a thief, being able to steal it is supreme Glory. The famous phantom thieves and thieves in the world have tried to get it many times, but no one has succeeded so far."

Karina took out a pure gold key with a five-pointed star at the end and a left hand with an extended index finger at the head, "After I approached Tezolo, I finally made a backup key, this is the key to the huge vault at the top of the tower. I'm going to get the 5000 billion peli sleeping in that vault."

"5...5000 billion??", Usopp was shocked by this astronomical figure.

"Is this a lot of money?" Chopper didn't know much about some things in human society, and looked at Robin who was drinking calmly.

Robin thought for a while and replied, "This can probably buy a small country."

"Buy the country???" Chopper immediately had an idea of ​​the huge sum of money.

"Not only that, but Tezolo has been dedicating part of it to the Celestial Dragons, which is the so-called heavenly gold. Because with the power of money, the Celestial Dragons can be used freely." Karina took back the golden key and held on Yan continued, "I also saw the person responsible for collecting the heavenly gold this year. He is a very handsome chocolate-colored guy~"

[It must be that shark,], the members of the Straw Hat Pirates present were not surprised at all.

After thinking of something, Usopp couldn't help but whispered gossip to the former Shichibukai who was eating quietly next door, "Jinbei Jinbei, compared with that shark, who is richer?"

"A small witch sees a big witch, there is no comparison. For His Highness, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket." Jinbe continued to eat calmly.

Usopp was directly petrified, and 5000 trillion is just a drop in the bucket? ?

"What's the matter with you?" Karina looked at them with different expressions in doubt.

"I was just surprised by 5000 billion," Robin took a sip of red wine, and quietly changed the subject, "No wonder both the navy and the world government turned a blind eye to Tezolo."

"Yes, Tezolo's money has been flowing to the pirates in recent years. Because of this, that guy is known as the golden emperor who uses money to rule the underground world." Karina finished Tezolo After receiving the general information, he explained his real intention of coming, "So you want to join forces with me? As long as you steal the money, you can also redeem your partners."

Frankie was too lazy to take those messy detours, "Why is it so troublesome, just make a big fuss and grab it back?"

"You have also seen it before, the gold containing Tezolo's ability has eroded into our bodies. Once we are noticed, we will always rely on you to become a golden statue." Karina explained with a smile, "I remember your The vice-captain is a naturalist, even she can't resist Tezoro's ability."

[No, that Persian cat is definitely too lazy to do it. ], the members of the Straw Hat Pirates present flashed this idea at the same time.

"No, no, no." Sanji shook his head violently, clenched his fists and roared indignantly, "This is the first time Little Cutie asks for help! I want to rescue her unscathed!"

"That little guy was acting at the time," Usopp looked angrily at the blond cook who was burning with fighting spirit, "and you thought about saving Luffy and Zoro for a while?"

Sanji exhaled a smoke ring and replied calmly, "If cutie loses a hair, I'll take care of them."

"That's right, we're going to save Luffy and the others! Considering the gold in our bodies, we can only act secretly and use the rules here to win!" Nami was also inexplicably full of fighting spirit, "The goal is to take Tezolo's treasure Got it!!"

"The goal is to save Luffy, Encore, and Zoro, right?" Usopp angrily reconfirmed the navigator who had lost Qian Qian's eyes, "Are you sure this guy is trustworthy?"

"That can't be helped." After confirming the alliance, Nami began to calculate the share, "The goal is 5000 billion Baileys. After that, we will share [-]% and you will get [-]%~"

Karina immediately slapped the table and stood up, "Are you kidding! I prepared the key here!"

"Let's have more people here!", Nami didn't want to give in on the money matter, and before the two of them quarreled again, the sound of the dinner plate breaking was heard not far away.

Everyone subconsciously looked over and found that it was the children who sold flowers before.Working here, they accidentally knocked their dinner plates on one of Tezolo's men, and as a result, they were made things difficult by the bullying guys.

"Don't interfere, or it will only make it more difficult for them. The people who work in this city are Tezolo's slaves. If they don't earn money to redeem themselves, they will be like this for the rest of their lives." Karina whispered, Can't bear to look over there, "Tezolo is an awakened ability user, and all the gold on this ship is connected to him. We must also be careful when we act, and don't break too much gold."

"Whether he wakes up or not, it will all be over tomorrow." Sanji lit a cigarette again, and looked coldly at the golden table in front of him in the smoke, "Hurt and insult the little cute guy, all for I'm going to hell to reflect."

"So you think about the other two kidnapped partners..." Usopp was speechless.

"Smelly men just save themselves." Sanji was calm one second, and revealed his true colors the next second, "I want to save the little cutie from that golden bastard! Then I can kick that guy away!" Chlorella head, become the flower protector who usually carries the cutie in his arms, hehehehehehe!"

"Your target is a bit perverted!" Usopp immediately complained, "And isn't Encore's biggest protector, Luffy?"

"No one in this world can compete with Luffy~", Chopper obediently made up the knife, and obediently ate the pudding in front of him.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Sanji immediately bit his handkerchief and cried so hard that he couldn't help himself.

"You can consider trying to become the best man." Robin made up the knife again silently, smiling very dignifiedly, "But the candidates for the position of best man are also very strong."

"Aww @#!¥#@!@", the irritated blond cook had already started talking nonsense.

"Then I'm going to start writing songs suitable for weddings~~", the bone musician happily thought about the style of music that the captain and the deputy captain liked.

"Luffy and Xiaowa's little doll? Not bad," Jinbe was also full of anticipation, and in the next second there was a crying face with distorted expression, "Sanji, what's wrong with you?"

Franky also thought of a very good idea, "Then I can super..."

"Go to the super side!" The other partners looked at a certain perverted boatman in disgust.

"..." Karina looked enviously and helplessly at them who had completely forgotten the point, and then looked at Nami, who had already discussed the children's clothes with Robin, her expression softened because of her cheerful smile stand up.

Seeing you have a good time, that's good~

(End of this chapter)

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